
Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ)

Transatlantic Policy Quarterly (TPQ)
Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) is an Istanbul-based journal aiming to foster original thinking and constructive policy debates on Turkey and the broader global context. The journal has been published on a quarterly basis since 2002. TPQ focuses on Turkey's broader neighborhood with a global outlook and bridges research with policy-making. TPQ has an 19-year track record of providing its global audience with balanced, inter-disciplinary, and independent coverage. TPQ engages decision makers, opinion leaders, practitioners, the business community, international investors, and members of the media and academia. A list of some of the well-known individuals who have contributed articles or interviews to TPQ can be seen on this page: Articles range from 2000 to 3500 words, analytical in style and ideally geared at constructive policy recommendations. All the content, articles and information can be accessed on TPQ's website.
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