Journal Issue:
Journal of Public and International Affairs (JPIA)
Volume: 15, Issue: 0
2004-05-31 Spring 2004- The Aral Sea Basin Crisis and Sustainable Water Resource Management in Central Asia
- Outsourcing Post-Conflict Operations: Designing a System for Contract Management and Oversight
- Too Good to be Legal? Network Centric Warfare and International Law
- Targeting the Leadership of Terrorist and Insurgents Movements: Historical Lessons for Contemporary Policy Makers
- Eastward Bound: The Strategy and Politics of Repositioning U.S. Military Bases in Europe
- Negotiating Survival: The Problem of Commitment in U.S.-North Korean Relations
- The Decolonization of Chechnya: Reviving the UN Trusteeship Council
- Litigation as a Tool for Development: The Environment, Human Rights, and the Case of Texaco in Ecuador.
- Corporate Crime in a Globalized Economy: An Examination of the Corporate Legal Conundrum and Positive Prospects for Peace