Publishing Institution:
Arab Transformations Project, University of Aberdeen
The Arab Transformations Project is an international research consortium which has conducted extensive research focusing on Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. Its aim is to understand and evaluate political, social, and economic transformations before and after the Arab Uprisings of 2010-2011.
Funded by the European Commission, the survey dataset and collated secondary data gathered between 2000-2015 makes it possible to look comparatively at trends in attitudes, values, and behaviour across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). *NOTE FROM CIAO: This institution no longer publishes original research.*
Visit Site
June 01, 2017
What Drives Migration from the Middle East? Why People Want to Leave Arab States
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2017
What do 'The People' (Still) Want? Conceptions of Democracy. Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 1
April 01, 2017
Perceptions of the EU in MENA Public Opinion. Arab Transformations Policy Brief 2
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2017
Socio-economic Inequality and the Failure of Development Strategies for the Middle East. Arab Transformations Policy Brief 3
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2017
Against the Tide: Why Gender Attitudes Remain Profoundly Conservative in Arab Countries: Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 5
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2017
The Integrity of States: Corruption in the EU's Southern Neighbourhood. Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 6
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2017
Iraq After ISIS: Continued Conflict or Rebuilding Beyond Ethno-Sectarian Identity? Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 7
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott, Munqith Dagher
March 01, 2017
Political and Social Change in Egypt: Preludes to the January Uprising
Andrea Teti
January 01, 2017
MENA Population’s Perceptions of Key Challenges, International Context and the Role of the European Union
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott, Paolo Maggiolini, Valeria Talbot
January 01, 2017
Gender Equality and MENA Women’s Empowerment in the Aftermath of the 2011 Uprisings
Pamela Abbott
January 01, 2017
EU Policy Impact and Public Perception in the Mena Region
Pamela Abbott, Andrea Teti
December 01, 2016
ArabTrans Project Framework Paper
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
December 01, 2016
The Political, Social and Economic Drivers of the 2011 Egyptian Uprising
Pamela Abbott, Andrea Teti
April 01, 2016
The Relative Importance of Religion and Region in Explaining Differences in Political Economic and Social Attitudes in Iraq in 2014: Findings from the Arab Transformations Public Opinion Survey
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott
April 01, 2016
The EU’s Policy Response to the Uprisings
Andrea Teti
April 01, 2016
After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU’s Response
Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott