Publishing Institution:
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
CIDE is a unique academic institution. A center of advanced knowledge located in Mexico City, CIDE is engaged in world class research and teaching in the social sciences. The Center fosters a community of learning, with a group of diverse and talented people that believe that knowledge can truly make a difference in the way we think and act upon the great economic, social and political issues of our times. CIDE is a non-profit, public organization. Independent intellectually and self-governing in all aspects of its academic life, premised on the idea of knowledge as one of society's most critical and empowering public goods. In a country where for long decades the distinction between "public" and "governmental" was porous and unclear, CIDE stands at the vanguard of a definition of "public" that goes beyond government. It embraces the idea of bringing a common "public good" to Mexican society as a while through its unique characteristics and capabilities.Visit Site
December 05, 2005
Las bases internas de la política exterior: realidades y retos de la apertura económica y la democracia
By: Guadalupe González González -
November 05, 2005
México ante América Latina: Mirando de reojo a Estados Unidos
By: Guadalupe González González -
November 05, 2005
¿Integración por la puerta trasera? La incursión del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas en materia tributaria
By: Antonio Cubero, Loreno Ruano -
August 05, 2005
La participación en Operaciones de Paz de la ONU y el control civil de las fuerzas armadas: los casos de Argentina y Uruguays
By: Arturo C. Sotomayor -
August 05, 2005
Tendencias y patrones de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo económico
By: Arturo C. Sotomayor -
June 05, 2005
La política internacional de las entidades federativas mexicanas
By: Fabiola Lopez Farfan, Jorge A. Schiavon -
June 05, 2005
Getting to “No”: Defending Against Demands in NAFTA Energy Negotiations
By: Antonio Ortiz Mena L.N. -
June 05, 2005
What Role for Learning? The Diffusion of Privatisation in the OECD and Latin American Countries
By: Covadonga Meseguer -
June 05, 2005
Opinión pública y política exterior en México y Estados Unidos: un estudio comparado
By: Guadalupe Gonzalez (ed), Susan Minushikin (ed), Robert Y. Shapiro (ed), Catherine Hug -
June 05, 2005
Opinión pública y política exterior en México
By: Guadalupe Gonzalez (ed), Susan Minushikin (ed), Robert Y. Shapiro (ed) -
June 05, 2005
Comparing Mexican and American Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
By: Guadalupe Gonzalez (ed), Susan Minushikin (ed), Robert Y. Shapiro (ed), Catherine Hug -
June 05, 2005
Mexican Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
By: Guadalupe Gonzalez (ed), Susan Minushikin (ed), Robert Y. Shapiro (ed) -
June 05, 2005
U.S. Military Concepts of War and their Impact on Foreign Interventions
By: Charles W. Parker III -
June 05, 2005
La participación uruguaya en las operaciones de paz de la ONU: los beneficios económicos y sus costos políticos
By: Arutro C. Sotomayor -
April 05, 2005
The U.S. National Security Strategy and the Global War on Terror “Force Multiplier”
By: Charles W. Parker III -
April 05, 2005
International Investor Influence in the 1994-1995 Mexican Peso Crisis
By: Charles W. Parker III -
April 05, 2005
What is New in the Study of Policy Diffusion? A Critical Review
By: Fabricio Gilardi, Convadonga Meseguer -
April 05, 2005
The Consolidation of Democracy vs. the Price of Olive Oil: The Story of Why the CAP Delayed Spain's Entry to the EC
By: Lorena Ruano -
January 05, 2005
How to Negotiate Over Trade: A Summary of New Research for Developing Countries
By: John S. Odell, Antonio Ortiz Mena L.N. -
December 05, 2004
The Political Economy of Regionalism: Current Theorizing and Preliminary Observations on the G-3 FTA
By: Antonio Ortiz Mena López Negrete -
November 05, 2004
Policy Learning, Policy Diffusion and the Making of a New Order
By: Covadonga Meseguer -
November 05, 2004
Civil-Military Relations and Security Institutions in the Southern Cone: The Sources of Argentine-Brazilian Nuclear Cooperation
By: Arturo Sotomayor -
September 05, 2004
Elementos de una aproximación interpretativa a las ciencias sociales
By: Farid Kahhat -
September 05, 2004
Las relaciones económicas internacionales de México hacia el siglo XXI: retos y oportunidades. Reporte.
By: Antonio Ortiz Mena L.N., Ninfa Fuentes -
August 05, 2004
Las condicionantes internas de la política exterior de Brasil y México
By: Jorge A. Schiavon, Octavio Amorim Neto -
August 05, 2004
La política exterior de las entidades federativas: un estudio comparado
By: Jorge A. Schiavon -
May 05, 2004
The Central-Local Division of Power in the Americas and the Renewed Mexican Federalism (Old Institutions, New Political Realities)
By: Jorge A. Schiavon -
May 05, 2004
Reforma estructural e integración regional en las Américas.
By: Jorge A. Schiavon, Ninfa Fuentes -
May 05, 2004
El Islamismo como teoría política y de relaciones internacionales.
By: José Alberto Moreno -
December 05, 2003
Balance of Power, Democracy and Foreign Policy in South America's Southern Cone
By: Farid Kahhat -
November 05, 2003
Straight as a Rule:Heteronormativity, Gendercide, and the Non-Combatant Male
By: Adam Jones -
September 05, 2003
Los estudios de seguridad tras el fin de la Guerra Fría.
By: Farid Kahhat -
April 05, 2003
Materiales para la Docencia: El Marco Conceptual B á sico de la Disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales
By: Arturo Borja Tamayo -
March 05, 2003
Legal Integration in North America: Domestic and Multilateral Comparisons
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
March 05, 2003
Banking Reform and Development in the Middle East and Africa
By: Catherine Boone, Henry Clement -
March 05, 2003
Mexico and the WTO: A Regional Player in Multilateral Trade Negotiations
By: Antonio Ortiz Mena -
March 05, 2003
The Institutional Structure of Financial and Monetary Integration the Americas
By: Antonio Ortiz Mena, Susan Minushkin -
March 05, 2003
Bankers into Brokers: The Structural Transformation and Opening of Mexico's Financial Markets
By: Susan Minushkin -
March 05, 2003
Economic Conditions, Democracy and the IMF
By: Susan Minushkin -
February 05, 2003
Policy Reform in the Mexican Telecommunications Sector
By: Miguel Ángel Valverde -
February 05, 2003
Take the State Back Out? Comparing French Responses to Globalization in Agriculture and Shipping
By: Mark Aspinwall, Imtiaz Hussain -
February 05, 2003
Clientelism in Flux: Democratization and Interest Intermediation in Contemporary Mexico
By: Blanca Heredia Rubio -
February 05, 2003
The Institutional Setting of the NAFTA Debate in the United States
By: Miguel Ángel Valverde -
February 05, 2003
Gender and Genocide in Ruanda
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
Liberalizaci ó n Commercial y Reforma Burocr á tica en El Área de Tratados Comerciales Internacionales en México.
By: Jorge A. Schiavon, Antonio Ortiz Mena -
February 05, 2003
¿ Hacia Dónde va la Pol ìtica Exterior Japonesa? El Rearme y el Sistema de Partidos
By: Isami Romero -
February 05, 2003
The Death of Barricade: Politics and Professionalism in the Post Sandinista Press
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
Los Balcanes: Entre el Pasado y el Presente. Una Introducción Históica a los Estudios Balcánicos
By: Slobodan Pajovic -
February 05, 2003
Towards a Comparative Model of Press Functioning
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
The World in their Minds. Geopolitical Thought and Inter-State Conflict in South America's Southern Cone
By: Farid Kahhat -
February 05, 2003
Foreign Policy Strategies in a Globalized World: The Case of Mexico
By: Guadalupe González -
February 05, 2003
Genocide in Kosovo
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
Gendercide and Genocide
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
Kosovo: Orders of Magnitude
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2003
The New Federalism, Internationalization and Political Change in Mexico: A Theoretical Analysis of the Metalclad Case
By: Arturo Borja -
February 05, 2003
The Interpretation of Meaning in Social Sciences
By: Farid Kahhat -
February 05, 2003
Mexico and Drug Trafficking: The Sovereignty Dilemma
By: Jorge Chabat -
November 05, 2002
Paramilitarism, Death Squads, and Government in Latin America
By: Adam Jones -
October 05, 2002
Bicameralismo en América Latina
By: Jorge Schiavon -
October 05, 2002
International Relations and Comparative Politics: Cooperation or Conflict?
By: Jorge Schiavon -
October 05, 2002
The Combat of Drug Trafficking in Mexico under Salinas: The Limits of Tolerance
By: Jorge Chabat -
October 05, 2002
Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver
By: Jorge Chabat -
October 05, 2002
Structure and Choice in Foreign Policy Analysis
By: Peter Trubowitz -
July 05, 2001
The Politics of Trade in North America: Comparing Models and Industries
By: Arturo Borja Tamayo, Philippe Faucher, Scott Morgenstern, Daniel Nielson -
July 05, 2001
Government - Financial Sector Relations and the New Financial Structure in Mexico
By: Charles W. Parker III, Susan Minushikin -
July 05, 2001
Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention: Incorporating the Gender Variable
By: Adam Jones -
July 05, 2001
The Russian Press in the Post-Soviet Era: A Case Study of Izvestia
By: Adam Jones -
February 05, 2001
Political Science, International Relations, and AIDs in Africa
By: Catherine Boone, Jake Batsell -
January 05, 2001
Caminando por la Historia Intelectual de Seymour Martin Lipset
By: Jesús Velasco -
January 05, 2001
Sobre Contagios y Remedios: La Heterodoxia Económica del New Deal, La Políca Exterior de Roosevelt y su Impacto sobre la Administracón Cerdenista
By: Joge Schiavon -
January 05, 2001
The Bush Administration and the Future of Transatlantic Relations
By: Peter Trubowitz -
January 05, 2000
El TLCAN y la Inversióon Extranjera Directa: El Nuevo Escenario
By: Arturo Borja -
January 05, 2000
Coexistence, Consensus, Competition, Conflict: Interservice Contestation
By: Varun Sahni -
January 05, 2000
Pruebas Nucleares en el Sur de Asia: Las Razones y las Repercusiones
By: Varun Sahni -
January 05, 2000
Three and a Half Centuries of the Westphalian State System
By: Varun Sahni -
January 05, 2000
Drug Trafficking in US-Mexican Relations: The Politics of Simulation
By: Jorge Chabat -
January 05, 2000
International Explanations for Stock Market Opening
By: Susan Minushkin -
January 05, 2000
A Theoretical and Statistical Assessment of the Structural Reform in Latin America
By: Jorge A. Schiavon -
January 05, 2000
Brazil, India and South Africa: Three Pathways to Regional (In)security
By: Varun Sahni -
January 05, 1999
Technological Change in the Telecommunications Industry
By: Judith Mariscal -
January 05, 1999
Coping with US-Mexican Interdependence: The NAFTA Response
By: Miguel Ángel Valverde -
January 05, 1998
Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad?: A Comparative Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in Non-Europe
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbfeindschaft or Engrenage?
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
Theoretical Explanations of Trade Competitiveness and a North American Application
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
Agriculture and Supranationalism: A Comparative Study on North American and West European Policy-Making Experiences
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
The Role of the Private Sector in the Evolution of US Technology Policy
By: Judith Mariscal, John B. Horrigan -
January 05, 1998
Dispute Settlement, Domestic Institutions and Political Integration in North America: A Comparative Study
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbreindschaft or Engrenage?
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1998
Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe and North America
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1997
Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad? A Comparative Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in Non-Europe
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1997
Coping with US - Mexican Interdependence: The NAFTA Response
By: Miquel Ángel Valverde -
January 05, 1997
The Politics of NAFTA: Presidential use of Side Payments
By: Miquel Ángel Valverde -
January 05, 1997
Taking the State Back Out? Comparing French Responses to Globalization in Agriculture and Shipping
By: Mark Aspinwall, Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1997
Canadian Environmental Movement and Free Trade
By: Sofía Gallardo -
January 05, 1997
Old Wine in New Bottle? The Summit of the Americas in Theoretical Perspective
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1997
Interest Groups in American Politics: Conceptual Elements and Key Literature
By: Miguel Angel Valverde -
January 05, 1997
Environmentalism, Free Trade and Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective: An Unholy Developmental Trinity?
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1997
Assessing the Rules - Power Debate in Farm Trade: A Case Study of the Canadian-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1996
Participatión Ciudadana y Retos Ambientalistas Frente a los Riesgos de la Globalización y del TLCAN
By: Sofía Gallardo C. -
January 05, 1996
Neo-conservatism: Some Theoretical and Terminological Clarifications
By: Jesus Velasco -
March 05, 1995
National Laws, NAFTA Panels and Multilateral Provisions: Sovereignty or Supranational Rules at Bay
By: Imtiaz Hussain -
January 05, 1992
Why Do Some Legislators Go To Court? - Congress and the Lawsuit against President Reagan for Noncompliance with the War Powers Resolution
By: Jesus Velasco