Publishing Institution:

Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales

The CERI, founded in 1952, within the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP), is France's foremost center for research on the international political system. As a joint FNSP-CNRS research unit, the CERI is made up of some sixty researchers and about fifteen support staff who handle financial management, documentation, publications and communication. The CERI's mission is to bring together area studies specialists and international relations experts. It analyzes the contemporary political world, with a strong emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach: its research fellows include not only political scientists but also economists, sociologists, historians and anthropologists. The CERI has a twofold objective: to contribute to an in-depth understanding of political societies abroad and the dynamics of the world system; to provide expert analysis on today's major international issues. Its topics of study are issues central to international relations research, including: globalization, forms of regional integration - particularly the building of the European Union - new forms of conflict, democratization, migrations, nationalism and other political identities. Its relations with the international scientific community are essential to the CERI's research activity: hosting foreign scholars, participating in international programs, attending major world conferences. The Russia Papers are published by the Center for International Studies and Research (CERI) at Sciences Po University in Paris. The Editor is Marie Mendras. The series offers original analyses on Russia in the fields of internal politics, economic affairs, demographic and social issues, culture and identity, and foreign policy. In a comparative and regional perspective, The Russia Papers are open to studies on other former Soviet republics.
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