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Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1969 at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to promote the interdisciplinary understanding of European history, politics, economy and societies. Its mission is to: Foster the study of and innovative research on Europe among Harvard faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students. Facilitate the training of new generations of scholars and experts in European studies. Serve as a forum for vibrant discussions on European history and contemporary affairs which nurture the exchange of ideas across disciplines, sectors, generations, and across the Atlantic.Visit Site
January 01, 2018
2018 Summit on the Future of Europe Back to Square One
By: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies -
November 06, 2017
Summit on the Future of Europe 2017 Europe and Transatlantic Relations in the Era of Populism
By: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies -
January 01, 2016
Poland at the Crossroads Between Authoritarianism and Democracy
By: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies -
September 23, 2015
Summary of the Proceedings of The Second Annual Summit on the Future of Europe Harvard University
By: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies -
January 05, 2010
Historical Poetics in Modern Greece: Reflections on Three Writers
By: Eleni Mahaira-Odoni -
January 05, 2010
Redistribution and the Political Economy of Education: An Analysis of Individual Preferences in OECD Countries
By: Marius R. Busemeyer -
January 05, 2010
The Historical Turn in Democratization Studies: A New Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond
By: Giovanni Capoccia, Daniel Ziblatt -
January 05, 2010
Judicial Interpretation or Judicial Activism?: the Legacy of Rationalism in the Studies of the European Court of Justice
By: Andreas Grimmel -
January 05, 2010
Portuguese Exceptionalism and the Return to Europe: the 25 April 1974 Coup and Democratization, 1974-2010
By: Paul Christopher Manuel -
January 05, 2010
The Non-Americanization of European Regulatory Styles: Data Privacy Regulation in France, Germany, Italy, and Britain
By: Francesca Bignami -
October 05, 2009
Justice in Times of Transition: Lessons from the Iberian Experience
By: Omar G. Encarnación -
September 05, 2009
Evaluating and Comparing the Innovative Performance of the United States and the European Union
By: Malgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn -
January 05, 2009
Italy: the uneasy co-existence of different social models
By: Marino Regini, Sabrina Colombo -
January 05, 2009
Europe's External Energy Policy and Turkey's Accession Process
By: Ali Tekin, Paul A. Williams -
January 05, 2009
The Politics of Adjustment and Coordination at the Regional Level: The Basque Country
By: Sebastian Royo -
February 05, 2008
When Can a Weak Process Generate Strong Results ? Entrepreneurial Alliances in the Bologna Process to Create a European Higher Education Area
By: Barbara G. Haskel -
January 05, 2008
Foreign Trade Specialization and International Competitiveness Of Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the EU 12
By: Bahri Yilmaz -
January 05, 2008
Hawk and handsaws: What can France learn from the "Nordic Model"?
By: Éloi Laurent, Jean-Paul Fitoussi -
January 05, 2008
Finance and the Macro-economy: The Politics of Regulatory Reform in Europe
By: Sofía Perez, Jonathan Westrup -
January 05, 2008
Ripples in a Rising Tide: Why Some EU Regions Receive More Structural Funds Than Others Do
By: Thilo Bodenstein, Achim Kemmerling -
January 05, 2008
Who Are the Catalans? Language, Identity and Assimilation in Contemporary Catalonia
By: Thomas Jeffrey Miley -
January 05, 2008
“Transnations” Among “Transnations”? The Debate on Transnational History in the United States and Germany
By: Kiran Klaus Patel -
January 05, 2008
Mobility of Labor and Services across the Baltic Sea after EU Enlargement: Trends and Consequences
By: Jon Erik Dølvik -
January 05, 2008
The Negotiated Nordic Labor Markets: From Bust to Boom
By: Jon Erik Dølvik -
January 05, 2008
"Transnations" Among "Transnations"? The Debate on Transnational History in the United States and Germany
By: Kiran Klaus Patel -
January 05, 2008
"French Suburbs" : A New Problem or a New Approach to Social Exclusion?
By: Sylvie Tissot -
January 05, 2008
Mobility of Labor and Services across the Baltic Sea after EU Enlargement: Trends and Consequences
By: Jon Erik Dølvik -
January 05, 2008
The Negotiated Nordic Labor Markets: From Bust to Boom
By: Jon Erik Dølvik -
January 05, 2008
The Nordic Path of Spain's Mediterranean Welfare
By: Luis Moreno -
January 05, 2008
Markets, Rights and Power: The Rise (and Fall?) of the Anglo-American Vision of World Order, 1975-2005
By: James Cronin -
June 05, 2007
Non-Working Time, Income Inequality and Quality of Life Comparisons: The Case of the U.S. vs. the Netherlands
By: Ellen Verbake, Thomas A. DiPrete -
January 05, 2007
The Politics of Antitrust and Merger Review in the European Union: Institutional Change and Decisions from Messina to 2004
By: Gabriel T. Swank, Tim Büthe -
January 05, 2007
Europeanization and the Retreat of the State
By: Volker Schneider, Frank M. Häge -
January 05, 2007
Venetian Colonialism in the Aegean: Sifnos in the Thirteenth Century
By: Eleni Mahaira-Odoni -
January 05, 2007
Socializing Capital, Capitalizing the Social: Contemporary Social Democracy and the Knowledge Economy
By: Jenny Andersson -
January 05, 2007
Political Elites in Federalized Countries: The Case of Spain (1980-2005)
By: Xavier Coller, Helder Ferreira do Vale, Chris Meissner -
January 05, 2007
Why the Devil Wears Prada: The Fashion Formation Process in a Simultaneous Disclosure Game Between Designers and Media
By: Evelyn Gick, Wolfgang Gick -
January 05, 2007
Criminal Justice and Democratic Systems: Inclusionary and Exclusionary Dynamics in the Institutional Structure of Late Modern Societies
By: Nicola Lacey -
January 05, 2007
Changing Views of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Democratic Spain (1978-2006)
By: Carmen López Alonso -
January 05, 2007
Uneven Power and the Pursuit of Peace: How Regional Power Transitions Motivate Integration
By: Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni -
January 05, 2007
Recalcitrance, Inefficiency, and Support for European Integration: Why Member States Do (Not) Comply with European Law
By: Tanja A. Börzel, Meike Dudziak, Tobias Hofmann, Carina Sprungk, Diana Panke -
January 05, 2007
Bringing the State Back Into the Varieties of Capitalism And Discourse Back Into the Explanation of Change
By: Vivien A. Schmidt -
January 05, 2007
Bridging Boundaries: The Equalization Strategies of Stigmatized Ethno-racial Groups Compared
By: Michèle Lamont, Christopher Bail -
January 05, 2007
The 1998 and 2007 Referenda on Abortion in Portugal: Roman Catholicism, Secularization and the Recovery of Traditional Communal Values
By: Paul Christopher Manuel, Maurya N. Tollefsen -
December 05, 2006
Markets As Conversations: Markets' Contribution To Civility, The Public Sphere And Civil Society At Large
By: Victor Pérez-Diaz -
November 05, 2006
The European Union as a "Green Normative Power"? EU Leadership in International Biotechnology Regulation
By: Robert Falkner -
October 05, 2006
Democratization in Postcommunist Europe: Illiberal Regimes and the Leverage of International Actors
By: Milada Anna Vachudova -
August 05, 2006
From Competition to Constitution: Races to Bottoms and the Rise of "Shadow" Social Europe
By: Éloi Laurent -
August 05, 2006
China as "Victim"? The Opium War That Wasn't
By: Harry G. Gelber -
May 05, 2006
Gender Equality Politics in the Changing European Union: The European Union Anti-Discrimination Directive and Sexual Harassment
By: Kathrin S. Zippel -
May 05, 2006
Natural Unemployment, the Role of Monetary Policy and Wage Bargaining: A Theoretical Perspective
By: Stefan Collignon -
May 05, 2006
The Socioeconomic Diversity of European Regions
By: JoãoOliveira Soares, Carlos M.F. Monteiro, Cristina del Campo -
February 05, 2006
Unbalanced Growth: Why Is Economic Sociology Stronger in Theory Than in Policies?
By: Carlo Trigilia -
February 05, 2006
Big Cuts, Little Time: Welfare State Retrenchment in Sweden
By: Carl Dahlström -
February 05, 2006
How European Integration Impacts on National Legislatures: The Europeanization of The German Bundestag
By: Annette Elisabeth Töller -
January 05, 2006
Institutional Change in Industrial Relations: Coordination and Common Knowledge in Ireland, Italy and Australia
By: Pepper D. Culpepper -
January 05, 2006
Skill formation in Britain and Germany: Recent developments in the context of traditional differences
By: Steffen Hillmert -
October 05, 2005
The Political Construction of Collective Insecurity: From Moral Panic to Blame Avoidance and Organized Irresponsibility
By: Daniel Béland -
September 05, 2005
Why Are German Employers Associations Declining? A Challenge to the Conventional Wisdom
By: Wolfgang Schroeder, Stephen J. Silvia -
July 05, 2005
The Politics of Budget Consolidation In Britain and Germany: The Impact of Blame-Avoidance Opportunities
By: Reimut Zohlnhöfer -
June 05, 2005
Endogenous OCA Theory: Using the Gravity Model to Test Mundell's Intuition
By: Hubert P. Janicki, Thierry Warin, Phanindra Wunnava -
June 05, 2005
Fiscal Perspectives in Europe: Convergence and Debt's Burden
By: Thierry Warin -
April 05, 2005
Campaigning in Poetry, Governing in Prose
By: David Coates -
April 05, 2005
Still Two Models of Capitalism? Economic Adjustment in Spain
By: Sebastián Royo -
April 05, 2005
The Politics of Institutional Learning and Creation: Bank Crises and Supervision in East Central Europe
By: Gerald A. McDermott -
March 05, 2005
Western Capital vs. the Russian State: Towards an Explanation of Recent Trends in Russia's Corporate Governance
By: Stanislav Markus -
March 05, 2005
EU Accession and a New Populist Center-Periphery Cleavage in Central and Eastern Europe
By: Cas Mudde -
March 05, 2005
The International Promotion of Political Norms in Eastern Europe: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis
By: Frank Schimmelfennig -
March 05, 2005
Selling off the "Family Silver": The Politics of Privatization in the OECD 1990-2000
By: Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Herbert Obinger -
March 05, 2005
The Spread of Neoliberalism: U.S. Economic Power and the Diffusion of Market-Oriented Tax Policy
By: Duane Swank -
February 05, 2005
Special Education and the Risk of Becoming Less Educated in Germany and the United States
By: Justin J.W. Powell -
February 05, 2005
The Challenges of EU Accession for Post-Communist Europe
By: David R. Cameron -
January 05, 2005
Is Europe Becoming the Most Dynamic Knowledge Economy in the World?
By: Daniele Archibugi, Alberto Coco -
December 05, 2004
Post-Communist Competition and State Development
By: Anna Grzymala-Busse -
December 05, 2004
The Language of Democracy: Vernacular Or Esperanto? A Comparison between the Multiculturalist and Cosmopolitan Perspectives
By: Daniele Archibugi -
December 05, 2004
All for All: Equality and Social Trust
By: Bo Rothstein, Eric M. Uslaner -
August 05, 2004
Democratic Contestation, Accountability, and Citizen Satisfaction at the Regional Level
By: Endre M. Tvinnereim -
July 05, 2004
The EMU Macroeconomic Policy Regime and the European Social Model
By: Andrew Martin -
May 05, 2004
Capital, Labor, and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East
By: Dorothee Bohle, Bela Greskovitz -
May 05, 2004
Lessons for Post-Communist Europe from the Iberian Integration into the EU after Sixteen Years
By: Sebastian Royo -
May 05, 2004
Explaining Labor Quiescence in Post-Communist Europe: Historical Legacies and Comparative Perspective
By: Stephen Crowley -
May 05, 2004
Why European Citizens Will Reject the EU Constitution
By: Claes H. de Vreese -
May 05, 2004
What Constitutions Can Do (But Courts Sometimes Don't):Property, Speech, and The Influence of Constitutional Norms on Private Law
By: Oliver Gerstenberg -
May 05, 2004
Learning and Change in Twentieth-Century British Economic Policy
By: Michael J. Oliver, Hugh Pemberton -
May 05, 2004
Party Competition in Post-Communist Europe: The Great Electoral Lottery
By: Abby Innes -
April 05, 2004
“Une Messe est Possible”: The Imbroglio of the Catholic Church in Contemporary Latin Europe
By: Paul Christopher Manuel, Margaret Mott -
April 05, 2004
The European Union: Democratic Legitimacy In A Regional State?
By: Vivien A. Schmidt -
April 05, 2004
The Age of Welfare: Patronage, Citizenship, and Generational Justice in Social Policy
By: Julia Lynch -
March 05, 2004
The “New World Order”: From Unilateralism to Cosmopolitanism
By: Jeffrey Herf, Jürgen Neyer -
January 05, 2004
European Anti-Americanism (and Anti-Semitism): Ever Present Though Always Denied
By: Andrei S. Markovits -
January 05, 2004
How Can International Organizations Shape National Welfare States? Evidence from Compliance with EU Directives
By: Katerina Linos -
January 05, 2004
Allons enfants de *quelle* patrie: Breton Nationalism and the French Impressionist Aesthetic
By: Paul-André Bempéchat -
October 05, 2003
Executive Leadership and the Role of “Veto Players” in the United States and Germany
By: Ludger Helms -
August 05, 2003
Voluntary associations and region building. A post-national perspective on Baltic history
By: Jörg Hackmann -
August 05, 2003
European Corporate Governance Reform and the German Party Paradox
By: Martin Höpner -
July 05, 2003
Elements for a Structural Constructivist Theory of Politics and of European Integration
By: Niilo Kauppi -
July 05, 2003
Hard and soft economic policy coordination under EMU: problems, paradoxes and prospects
By: Iain Begg -
July 05, 2003
Does the process really matter? Some reflections on the "legitimating effect" of the European Convention
By: Paul Magnette -
May 05, 2003
Portugese Ministers, 1851-1999: Social Background and Paths to Power
By: Pedro Tavares de Almeida, António Costa Pinto -
May 05, 2003
Ministerial Elites in Greece, 1843-2001: A Synthesis of Old Sources and New Data
By: Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, Dimitris Bourikos -
May 05, 2003
Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment: A Critical Assessment of the Cross-Country Evidence
By: Dean Baker, John Schmitt, Andrew Glyn -
December 05, 2002
Disentangling the Reform Gridlock: Higher Education in Germany
By: Helga A. Welsh -
December 05, 2002
National Interests, State Power, and EU Enlargement
By: Milada Anna Vachudova, Andrew Moravcsik -
November 05, 2002
Spain in the EU: fifteen years may not be enough
By: Miguel Sebastian -
November 05, 2002
Reconsidering Economic Relations and Political Citizenship in the New Iberia of the New Europe: Some Lessons from the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Accession of Portugal and Spain to the European Union
By: Paul Christoper Manual, Sebastián Royo -
November 05, 2002
Does the European Union Strengthen the State? Democracy, Executive Power and International Cooperation
By: William Phelan -
October 05, 2002
Temporary work agencies and equilibrium unemployment
By: Michael Neugart, Donald Storrie -
October 05, 2002
Ties That Bind? The Parapublic Underpinnings of Franco-German Relations as Construction of International Value
By: Ulrich Krotz -
October 05, 2002
Structure as Process:The Regularized Intergovernmentalism of Franco-German Bilateralism
By: Ulrich Krotz -
October 05, 2002
Germany, Multilateralism,and the Eastern Enlargement of the EU
By: Claus Hofhansel -
October 05, 2002
Redesigning the Spanish and Portuguese Welfare States: The Impact of Accession into the European Union
By: Ana Guillen, Santiago Alvarez, Pedro Adlao e Silva -
October 05, 2002
The Marian Apparitions in Fátima as Political Reality: Religion and Politics in Twentieth-Century Portugal
By: Paul Christopher Manuel -
October 05, 2002
Building the Dual Earner/Dual Carer Society: Policy Developments in Europe
By: Marcia Meyers, Janet Gornick -
October 05, 2002
On Democracy and the “Public Interest”: in the European Union
By: Andrew Moravcsik, Andrea Sangiovanni -
October 05, 2002
Defining a People: How Do International Rights Influence the Identity Formation of Minority Groups?
By: Reetta Toivanen -
September 05, 2002
Three Worlds of Working Time: Policy and Politics in Work-time Patterns of Industrialized Countries
By: Brian Burgoon, Phineas Baxandall -
August 05, 2002
Social Content of the International Sphere: Symbols and Meaning in Franco-German Relations
By: Ulrich Krotz -
May 05, 2002
National Role Conceptions and Foreign Policies:France and Germany Compared
By: Ulrich Krotz -
May 05, 2002
Economic Policy Coordination in EMU: Institutional and Political Requirements
By: Stefan Collignon -
May 05, 2002
European Monetary Union: between the stakeholder and the stockholder models of capitalism
By: Carlos A. Rozo -
May 05, 2002
The Spanish Experiment: A Social Democratic Party-Union Relationship in a Competitive Union Context
By: Javier Astudillo Ruiz -
March 05, 2002
Europeanization and the Retreat of the State
By: Volker Schneider, Frank M. Häge -
March 05, 2002
Continuity as the Path to Change: Institutional Innovation in the 1976 British Race Relations Act
By: Erik Bleich -
March 05, 2002
Continental welfare states in Europe confronted with the end-of-career inactivity trap: A major challenge to social protection in an aging society
By: Anne Marie Guillemard -
February 05, 2002
Historians as political trouble-shooters: Officially Commissioned Surveys of Holocaust Legacies in France and Switzerland
By: Regula Ludi, Jean-Marc Dreyfus -
November 05, 2001
The Role of the State in the Labour Market: Its Impact on Employment and Wages In Portugal as Compared with Spain
By: José Da Silva Lopes -
November 05, 2001
In Defense of the “Democratic Deficit”: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union
By: Andrew Moravcsik -
November 05, 2001
Fifteen Years On: Spanish Membership in the European Union Revisited
By: Charles Powell -
April 05, 2001
Social Citizenship and Institution Building:EU-Enlargement and the Restructuring of Welfare States in East Central Europe
By: Christiane Lemke -
January 05, 2001
On Incentives in Technology Policymaking: What the EU can learn from the U.S. developments
By: Wolfgang Gick -
January 05, 2001
Decentralized Cooperation and the Future of Regulatory Reform
By: Pepper D. Culpepper -
December 05, 2000
Creating Stability: National Preferences and the Origins of European Monetary System
By: Mark Aspinwall -
December 05, 2000
East-West Integration and the Changing German Production Regime: A Firm-Centered Approach
By: Katharina Bluhm -
September 05, 2000
“Social Democracy, Globalization and Governance: Why is there no European Left Program in the EU?”
By: Christopher S. Allen -
January 05, 2000
The Legal Construction of Membership: Nationality Law in Germany and the United States
By: Mathias Bös -
January 05, 2000
When Labour and Capital Collude: The Varieties of Welfare Capitalism and Early Retirement in Europe, Japan and the USA
By: Bernhard Ebbinghaus -
May 05, 1999
Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise
By: Philip Manow -
May 05, 1999
Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise
By: Philip Manow -
January 01, 1999
Coalition Formation and the Regime Divide in Central Europe
By: Anna Grzymała-Busse -
May 05, 1998
De Gaulle and Europe: Historical Revision and Social Science Theory
By: Andrew Moravcsik -
January 05, 1998
Charismatic Leadership and Democratization: A Weberian Perspective
By: Michael Bernhard -
January 01, 1997
Elite Circulation & Consolidation of Democracy in Poland
By: Jacek Wasilewski -
January 01, 1997
Unionists Against Unions: Towards Hierarchical Management in Postcommunist Poland
By: David Ost, Marc Weinstein -
January 01, 1996
Organizing Diversity: Evolutionary Theory, Network Analysis, & Postsocialist Transformations
By: Gernot Grabher, David Stark -
January 01, 1996
The Break-Up of Czechoslovakia: The Impact of Party Development on the Separation of the State
By: Abby Innes -
January 01, 1995
Social Rights Under State Socialism? Pensions & Housing in Hungarian Welfare State Development
By: Phineas Baxandall -
January 01, 1995
Restructuring in the Czech Republic- Beyond Ownership & Bankruptcy
By: Gerald A. McDermott, Aydin Hayri -
January 01, 1995
Governing Enterprises in Transition Economies: The Problem of Mixed Ownership in the Czech Republic
By: Raj M. Desai -
January 01, 1994
Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism
By: David Stark -
January 01, 1993
The Race for the Pax Germanica: Spain versus Central & Eastern Europe
By: Hans Slomp -
January 01, 1993
Between State & Market: Changing Agriculture in Postcommunist Poland
By: Krysztof Gorlach -
January 01, 1992
Ethnic Issues in Post-Communist Czechoslovakia
By: Sharon Wolchik -
January 01, 1990
Democratic Transitions: Puzzles & Surprises from West to East
By: Giuseppe di Palma -
January 01, 1990
Work, Worth, & Justice in a Socialist Mixed Economy
By: David Stark -
January 01, 1990
Stabilization & State Enterprise Adjustment: The Political Economy of State Firms After Five Months of Fiscal Discipline, Poland 1990
By: Janusz M. Dabrowski -
January 01, 1989
The Constitution of Critical Intellectuals: Polish Physicians, Peace Activists, & Democratic Civil Society
By: Michael D Kennedy