Publishing Institution:

The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)

Founded in 1967, the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) is dedicated to the scholarly study of U.S. foreign relations history, broadly defined. As such, it promotes the study, advancement and dissemination of a knowledge of American Foreign Relations through the sponsorship of research, annual meetings, and publications. It recognizes excellence in scholarship through its annual and biannual prizes. SHAFR advocates for the preservation, declassification, and availability of government documents as well as the support of archives through its membership in the National Coalition for History and the work of its Historical Documentation Committee. It advances professional development and connects scholars globally across disciplinary and professional divides. SHAFR organizes an annual conference, sponsors topical gatherings, funds research through its fellowship and grant programs, and publishes the journal Diplomatic History and Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review. Passport is edited by Andrew L. Johns of Brigham Young University and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. Passport publishes reviews, historiographical essays, articles on pedagogical issues relating to the teaching of U.S. foreign relations, and research notes, and it explores other issues of interest to SHAFR members.
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