Publishing Institution:
World Politics Review
World Politics Review provides uncompromising analysis of critical global trends to give policymakers, analysts, academics and readers with a deep interest in international affairs the context they need to have the confidence they want. Written by a network of leading experts and on-the-ground influencers, our substantive content gives you access to comprehensive and detailed perspectives that are as valuable as they are rare. Though strictly nonpartisan with regard to political party affiliation or allegiance, WPR can be broadly described as liberal internationalist, combining a reality-based approach that recognizes the need for all the tools and instruments of statecraft, with a preference for diplomacy and multilateralism in support of a rules- and norms-based global order. While WPR is a for-profit, privately owned company, it is also a mission-based organization, committed to integrity, quality, and the principles of an intellectually honest press whose exclusive purpose is to inform readers.Visit Site