
Search Results

251. Beijing Moderates Criticisms Selectively

252. Strategic Dynamism: 50th Anniversary of Relations and New Security Ties

253. Taiwan and China—Steady As She Goes

254. China’s New Foreign Policy Moderation—Mixed Regional Implications

255. Weathering the Crisis

256. Ties Stabilize While Negative Undercurrents Deepen

257. The Children of War

258. The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Financing Energy Transition in South America

259. Constraining Iran’s Nuclear Potential in the Absence of the JCPOA

260. Credit Rating Agencies versus the ‘Pink Tide’: Lessons from the Experiences of Brazil and Argentina

261. Dynamics and Mechanisms of Reproduction of the Ideology of Consumerism by Transnational Data Firms

262. America First: Foreign Aid in the Trump Administration

263. The Politics of Inclusion in Peace Negotiations

264. Understanding Muslim Countries’ Support for China’s Actions in Xinjiang: A Qualitative-Comparative Analysis

265. Metaphoricizing Modernity

266. Exchange on Nick Onuf’s ‘Metaphoricizing Modernity,’ Part I—Dangerous Beginnings, Peripheral (Re)Beginnings: A Reconfiguration of Nick Onuf’s Constructivism

267. Exchange on Nick Onuf’s ‘Metaphoricizing Modernity,’ Part II–Provincializing Metaphors, Reading (with) Onuf from Latin America

268. Exchange on Nick Onuf’s ‘Metaphoricizing Modernity,’ Part III–Reconfiguration of Modernity and/as Metaphor(s)

269. Chinese Double Effect on Brazilian Foreign Policy (2003-2018)

270. Operation Car Wash beyond Borders: The Making of a Transnational Policing Field

271. Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy and the Brazilian Bourgeoisie

272. The Chain of Harm: Designing Evidence-based, Locally Led Information Integrity Programming

273. Operationalizing the Chain of Harm: Co-design Workshop Guidance

274. Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Elections

275. Unequal Burdens: Corruption’s Impacts on People with Intersectional Identities in Lebanon

276. Understanding and Interrupting Authoritarian Collaboration

277. Trust and Remuneration for Elected Representatives

278. The Return of the State and Its Alla Turca Version

279. The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle

280. Mitigating the Political Cost of Financial Crisis with Blame Avoidance Discourse: The Case of Turkey

281. The Socio-Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Syrian Refugees in Turkey

282. The Impact of Different Basic Trust Types During Critical Situations: The Case of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

283. Between State Capitalism and Economic State Craft: China INC.

284. Contemporary China in Anglo-American and Chinese Perspectives: Making Sense of a Rising China

285. Great Powers, Climate Change, and Global Environmental Responsibilities

286. Post-Post-Kemalizm: Türkiye Çalışmalarında Yeni Arayışlar

287. Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy

288. How the People’s Science Movement Is Bringing Joy and Equality to Education in Karnataka, India

289. Interrupted Emancipation: Women and Work in East Germany

290. The Political Organisation of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement (MST)

291. The New Cold War Is Sending Tremors through Northeast Asia

292. The Congolese Fight for Their Own Wealth

293. How Latin America Can Delink from Imperialism

294. To Confront Rising Neofascism, the Latin American Left Must Rediscover Itself

295. The Telugu People’s Struggle for Land and Dreams

296. Hyper-Imperialism: A Dangerous Decadent New Stage

297. Ensuring protection in humanitarian emergencies: A framework for Australia

298. The Aras Corridor: Azerbaijan's Rationale Behind the Deal with Iran

299. The Concept of "Putinism" and its Impact on the "Normalization" of Georgian-Russian Relations

300. The End of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: Causes and Expected Consequences