
Search Results

53871. The Konjic Conundrum: Why Minorities have Failed to Return to Model Open City

53872. A Tale of Two Cities: Return of Displaced Persons to Jajce and Travnik

53873. Inventory of a Windfall: Milosevic's Gains from the Kosovo Dialogue

53874. Minority Return or Mass Relocation?

53875. Again, the Visible Hand: Slobodan Milosevic's Manipulation of the Kosovo Dispute

53876. Rebuilding a Multi-Ethnic Sarajevo: The need for Minority Returns

53877. A Hollow Promise? Return of Bosnian Serb Displaced Persons to Drvar

53878. Third Party Arms Transfers: Requirements for the 21st Century

53879. Trade Patterns, FDI, and Industrial Restructuring of Central and Eastern Europe

53880. Coming to Terms with a Larger Europe: Options for Economic Integration