
Search Results

53841. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: June 1998

53842. The Yen, the Yuan, and the Asian Currency Crisis Changing Fortune between Japan and China

53843. Variation of Clinical Judgment in Cases of Hysterectomy in R.O.C, Japan, England, and the United States

53844. Japan's China Perceptions and its Policies in the Alliance with the United States

53845. Chinese Military Modernization and Asian Security

53846. The Origins and Evolution of the Korean-American Alliance: A Japanese Perspective

53847. East Asian Urbanization: Patterns, Problems, and Prospects

53848. China's Post-Deng Military Leadership: New Faces, New Trends

53849. The Korean Currency Crisis: What Can We Learn From It?

53850. Benefits and Burdens: The Politically Dominated Economics of U.S. Alliances with Japan and Korea