
Search Results

54081. Confidence and Security in the Balkans: The Role of Transparency in Defence Budgeting

54082. Organizing Diversity: Evolutionary Theory, Network Analysis, & Postsocialist Transformations

54083. The Break-Up of Czechoslovakia: The Impact of Party Development on the Separation of the State

54084. The Development of America’s post-Cold War Military Posture: A Critical Appraisal

54085. Gross Human Rights Violations in 1994

54086. The Honecker Trial: The East German Past and the German Future

54087. The Political Economy of Distributional Equity in Comparative Perspective

54088. German Capitalism: Does It Exist? Can It Survive?

54089. Poverty in Latin America: Issues and New Responses-A Rapporteurs' Report

54090. The Political Economy of Regional Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin, with Special Reference to APEC-A Rapporteurs' Report

54091. Ethnicity and Development: The Caribbean and Oceania

54092. Another Institutionalization: Latin America and Elsewhere

54093. Building Aspects of Democracy before Democracy: Electoral Practices in Nineteenth-Century Chile

54094. Ethnicity and Elections in The Caribbean: A Radical Realignment of Power in Trinidad and the Threat of Communal Strife

54095. Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: Some Political Reflections

54096. The Ecuadorean participation in the Andean pact: Macroeconomic and Sectoral Impact

54097. Changes in the International Distribution of Income

54098. Disaggregating Political Regime: Conceptual Issues in the Study of Democratization

54099. Church-State Reciprocity in Contemporary Brazil: The Convening of the International Eucharistic Congress of 1955 in Rio de Janeiro

54100. Democracy 'with Adjectives': Conceptual Innovations in Comparative Research