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54152. Guidelines for Industrial Reconversion and Restructuring (with Application to Uruguay)
- Author:
- Hugh Schwartz
- Publication Date:
- 04-1994
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This paper seeks to contribute to a more informed public discussion of the issues involved in industrial reconversion and industrial restructuring in developing countries, and makes special reference to recent efforts along those lines in Uruguay. It lists ten questions that might be raised and, after consideration of them, offers a series of recommendations and a conclusion that maintains that restructuring is a process involving social interaction, and thus that it can benefit by incorporating into the economic analysis elements from other behavioral social sciences. The discussion emphasizes the importance of often overlooked microeconomic policies in achieving reconversion/restructuring, reviews alternative concepts of restructuring, outlines the current debate on the determinants of dynamic competitive advantage and the techniques of gauging international competitiveness, and considers policies beyond trade liberalization to promote increased industrial productivity and industrial competitiveness.
- Topic:
- Labor Issues, Trade Liberalization, Trade, Economic Development, Industry, and Competition
- Political Geography:
- South America and Uruguay
54153. Economic Integration in the Asian Pacific: Issues and Prospects
- Author:
- Kwan S. Kim
- Publication Date:
- 05-1994
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This paper examines the scope, broad principles, and characteristics of Pacific Asia's economic relationships and cooperation at the regional level. The author addresses the broad issue of whether Asian efforts for regional cooperation and integration have been compatible with similar arrangements elsewhere or with an open multilateral trading system at the global level. The paper also assesses the changing dynamics of regional integration and its future prospects and explores the possibilities and implications of Asian integration for the United States and the rest of the world.
- Topic:
- Development, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, and Economic Integration
- Political Geography:
- Asia-Pacific and United States of America
54154. The Political Underpinnings of Economic Liberalization in Chile
- Author:
- Timothy R. Scully
- Publication Date:
- 07-1994
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- The contemporary consensus over economic policy-making in Chile and the democratic government's capacity to effectively implement these policies are powerfully shaped by a combination of institutional legacies from Chile's democratic past and certain institutional holdovers from the Pinochet regime. This paper reviews briefly the performance of the Chilean economy under the Concertation government headed by Patricio Aylwin. It then argues that Chile's democratic government has been uniquely endowed with a capacity to successfully sustain economic liberalization, in part because of the reappearance of a well-institutionalized party system, in part because of certain nondemocratic limits built into the democratic game during the Pinochet regime. Over the medium term, however, these limits may pose a threat to the consensual style of politics that has come to characterize the post-Pinochet political arena in Chile, and ultimately may threaten democratic political stability if left unaddressed.
- Topic:
- Economics, Governance, Democracy, and Liberalization
- Political Geography:
- South America and Chile
54155. Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism
- Author:
- David Stark
- Publication Date:
- 01-1994
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- In contrast to the problematic of transition, this paper sees social change not as the passage from one order to another but as rearrangement in the patterns of how a multiplicity of social orders are interwoven. From that perspective we see organizational innovation not as replacement but as recombination. The findings of field research in Hungarian firms. data on ownership of the largest Hungarian enterprises, and interviews with key policy makers in government. banking. and industry indicate the emergence of new property forms that are neither statist nor private, in which the properties of private and public are dissolved. interwoven. and recombined. Recombinant property is a form of organizational hedging, or portfolio management. in which actors are responding to extraordinary uncertainty in the organizational environment. For enterprise actors the question is not simply, "Will I survive the market test?" but also, under what conditions is proof of worth on market principles neither sufficient nor necessary to survive. Recombinant property is an attempt to have resources in more than one organizational form-or similarly-to produce hybrid organizational forms that can be justified or assessed by more than one standard of measure. The clash of competing organizational principles that characterizes post-socialist societies produces new organizational forms; and this organizational diversity can form a basis for greater adaptability. At the same time, however, this multiplicity of ordering principles creates problems of accountability. Accompanying the decentralized reorganization oj assets is a centralization of liabilities. Both processes blur the boundaries between public and private. On the one hand, privatization produces the criss-crossing lines of recombinant property; on the other, debt consolidation transforms private debt into public liabilities. Whereas in the state socialist economy paternalism was based on the state's attempts at the centralized management of assets, in the first years of the post-socialist economy paternalism is based on the state's attempts at the centralized management of liabilities.
- Topic:
- Capitalism, Property, Social Change, and Post-Communism
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Eastern Europe, and Hungary
54156. Defense Conversion and the Future of the National Nuclear Weapons Laboratories
- Author:
- Judith Reppy and Joseph Pilat
- Publication Date:
- 10-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Judith Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
- Abstract:
- The primary mission of the nuclear weapons laboratories during the Cold War was research, development and testing of nuclear weapons, and that mission largely shaped the laboratories. It is, therefore, difficult to disassociate the future of the laboratories from the future of the nuclear weapons mission. That mission, and the longer term role of nuclear weapons, are changing, and these changes will affect the laboratories and will open opportunities for new directions, including defense conversion. The scope and nature of those opportunities will be defined in the first instance by the evolving nuclear mission.
- Topic:
- Defense Policy, Industrial Policy, and Nuclear Weapons
- Political Geography:
- United States
54157. Report of the Commission on Radio and Television Policy: Volume 5, Number 1
- Publication Date:
- 11-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- Changing economic relations are among the most important issues in the future of telecommunications throughout the world. Everywhere, governments and private companies are attentive to profound changes introduced by the processes of privatization, democratization, and development and implementation of new technologies. The future is already upon us, with great speed and often unexpected consequences.
- Topic:
- Ethnic Conflict and International Cooperation
- Political Geography:
- Russia, United States, Europe, and Asia
54158. Resolving Intra-National Conflicts: A Strengthened Role for Intergovernmental Organizations
- Author:
- Jimmy Carter
- Publication Date:
- 02-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- On the following pages, the reader will find a comprehensive summary of the 1993 International Negotiation Network (INN) Consultation, "Resolving Intra-National Conflicts: A Strengthened Role for Intergovernmental Organizations."
- Topic:
- Conflict Resolution, International Cooperation, and United Nations
- Political Geography:
- Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia
54159. The Year of the Woman? Candidates, Voters, and the 1992 Elections
- Author:
- Michael X. Delli Carpini and Ester Fuchs
- Publication Date:
- 03-1993
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Political Science Quarterly
- Institution:
- Academy of Political Science
- Abstract:
- MICHAEL X. DELLI CARPINI and ESTER FUCHS give a brief overview of why women had been excluded from voting and office holding. They then examine the recent successes by women in the political process, culminating in the election of forty-seven women in the U.S. House of Representatives and five new women senators.
- Topic:
- Elections, Women, Voting, and Political Participation
- Political Geography:
- North America and United States of America
54160. The "Market-Friendly Approach to Development" vs. an "Industrial Policy"
- Author:
- Ajit Singh
- Publication Date:
- 02-1993
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Institute for Development and Peace
- Abstract:
- As Mr. Barber Conable observes in his Foreword, the World Development Report 1991 "synthesises and interprets the lessons of forty years of development experience" (p. iii). In view of the World Bank's leading role in development financing for poor countries around the globe over much of this period, this is clearly an important document. The Report is necessarily being taken very seriously in policy making circles throughout the developing world. It is therefore essential that there should be a full analysis of its intellectual approach and the evidence underlying its conclusions.
- Topic:
- Development, Industrial Policy, Markets, and World Bank
- Political Geography:
- Global Focus
54161. A Sign of the Times: Television and Electoral Politics in Argentina, 1983-1989
- Author:
- Silvio Waisbord
- Publication Date:
- 01-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This paper examines the use of television as a political campaign tool in the 1983-1989 elections in Argentina. Campaigns were conducted against the background of a national television system that was subject to both commercial and political pressures. Initially, politicians' lack of experience in exploiting the medium led to a scramble for air time right before the election. Within a few years, television became the dominant form of political communication. Political candidates soon developed more sophisticated approaches to television campaigning, but failed to reach a deeper understanding of how television could facilitate the interaction between political parties and citizens in a democracy.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Elections, Media, Political Parties, and Political Behavior
- Political Geography:
- Argentina and South America
54162. Economic Policy Elites and Democratic Consolidation
- Author:
- Verónica Montecinos
- Publication Date:
- 05-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- After being the last to join the wave of democratic transitions in the 1980s, Chile is posing intriguing questions for those interested in understanding the present phase of democratic consolidation, not least because of the country's economic accomplishments. This paper suggests that the future of Chile's distinctive transition may be nearer the democratic pole than other "hybrid" democratic-authoritarian regimes that emerged in Latin America in the past decade. The performance of technocratic roles may result in less authoritarian styles of policy-making, due to a unique pattern of interaction between economic and political elites, aided by favorable economic conditions and the legacy of Chile's democratic traditions.
- Topic:
- Development, Democracy, Economic Growth, and Elites
- Political Geography:
- South America and Chile
54163. On the State, Democratization, and Some Conceptual Problems (A Latin American View with Glances at Some Post-Communist Countries)
- Author:
- Guillermo O'Donnell
- Publication Date:
- 04-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- The article argues that for proper understanding of many processes of democratization, current conceptions of the state must be revised, especially with reference to its legal dimension. On this basis several contrasts are drawn between representative, consolidated democracies and the democratic (i.e., polyarchical) forms that are emerging in most newly democratized countries, East and South. From this perspective, various phenomena not presently theorized (except as deviations from a presumed modal pattern of democratization) are discussed. Concepts such as delegative democracy, low intensity citizenship, and a state that combines strong democratic and authoritarian features are introduced for the purpose of that discussion.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Authoritarianism, State, and Post-Communism
- Political Geography:
- Latin America
54164. The Rational Basis of Wage Determination in Regimes of High Inflation
- Author:
- Edward J. Amadeo
- Publication Date:
- 05-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- In this paper we address the logic of wage determination in a regime of high and accelerating inflation, and the rational basis of 'overindexation' of wages. We discuss the incentives and costs of wage overindexation to the workers, and the determination of the 'optimal' level of wage adjustment. We argue that the degree of overindexation is likely to increase as negotiations become more centralized at the industry level. However, at near-national levels of wage negotiation, the incentives to overindex become much smaller. We also argue that increasing uncertainty over the future path of inflation tends to increase the degree of indexation of wages.
- Topic:
- Development, Labor Issues, Economic Growth, Inflation, and Wages
- Political Geography:
- South America
54165. Contesting Authenticity: Battles over the Representation of History in Morelos, Mexico
- Author:
- JoAnn Martin
- Publication Date:
- 06-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- The Mexican state's use of revolutionary history to invoke nationalistic sentiments nurtures a lively tradition of storytelling. Ironically, Buena Vista's storytellers criticize the inauthenticity of official representations of the past even as they draw on the images and ideals of 'official' history to weave their own tales. This paper explores the power of storytelling to create an aura of authenticity in a setting where the boundary between true and false, pure and impure, is contested.
- Topic:
- Development, History, Representation, and Storytelling
- Political Geography:
- Latin America, North America, and Mexico
54166. Modernization and Postmodernization: Theoretical Comments on India
- Author:
- Fred Dallmayr
- Publication Date:
- 06-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This paper offers a discussion of development theory, with special attention to its relevance in the context of India. Three successive models of development are distinguished in the paper: empirical (structural-functional) development theory; philosophical modernization theory (deriving from Enlightenment teachings); and 'postmodernization' theory, emphasizing cultural resistance to global standardization. In its first section, the paper reviews (once again) the developmental model articulated during the postwar years by social scientists under the aegis of the SSRC. As the author shows, this model gave rise to numerous challenges and rejoinders on both theoretical and political grounds, rejoinders that often, however, bypassed one of the model's central features: its narrowly empiricist outlook. It was chiefly this feature that motivated a new wave of (postempiricist) theorizing which-under the banners of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and critical theory-raised the developmental debate to a philosophical and quasi-transcendental level. This move intensified existing controversies by making modernization and modernity itself central topics of critical inquiry, thus triggering a confrontation between defenders of modernity and of 'postmodernity.' Throughout the presentation, room is given to arguments of Indian philosophers and social theorists, to counteract the conceit of a Western monopoly of the development debate. This focus on Indian thinkers forms the heart of the paper's concluding section which illustrates a loosely postmodern view of development by referring to a strand of argumentation stretching from Gandhi to Ashis Nandy and others.
- Topic:
- Development, Economic Growth, and Modernization
- Political Geography:
- South Asia and India
54167. The State, Markets, and Development: A Rapporteurs' Report
- Author:
- Enrique Dussel Peters and Matthew A. Verghis
- Publication Date:
- 06-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This report summarizes the papers and discussions from a conference held at the Kellogg Institute on "The State, Markets and Development." The first section addresses theoretical issues while the second presents the case studies discussed at the conference.
- Topic:
- Development, Markets, Economic Growth, and State
- Political Geography:
- Asia, South America, Central America, and Caribbean
54168. Venezuela: The Life and Times of the Party System
- Author:
- Miriam Kornblith and Daniel H. Levine
- Publication Date:
- 06-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- Political parties have been at the center of modern Venezuelan democracy from the beginning. Strong, highly disciplined, and nationally organized parties have dominated political organization and action in the modern period. Parties have penetrated and controlled organized social life and effectively monopolized resources and channels of political action. Beginning in the 1980s, the political parties and the party system as a whole have experienced mounting criticism and challenge. In a time of growing economic, social, and political crisis, efforts have nonetheless been made to loosen national control and open new channels for citizen participation with the aim of 'democratizing Venezuelan democracy.' The ability of the parties to implement these reforms, and to reform themselves in the process, is central to the survival of effective democracy in Venezuela.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Governance, Economic Growth, and Political Parties
- Political Geography:
- South America and Venezuela
54169. Privatization: The Role of Domestic Business
- Author:
- Ernst Bartell
- Publication Date:
- 06-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- A close examination of the links between privatization programs and domestic business, both in theory and in practice, suggests that the relationships are not nearly so vigorous, uniform, or predictable as conventional promotional arguments imply. It will be argued here that the nature of the relationships between privatization programs and the behavior of domestic business depends upon the goals, methods, and financing of specific national privatization programs as well as on the economic and social characteristics of the private sector in a given country and its macro- and microeconomic policy regime. Privatization programs in themselves are likely to be a secondary and transitory influence on the aggregate behavior of national business with somewhat differing effects and responses within individual sectors of those economies with relatively diverse domestic business communities. As a result, privatization programs are likely to be less important to the incorporation of domestic business into a market-driven development process than other components of economic restructuring and liberalization. These conclusions will be examined briefly in light of the historical record of privatization in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil and of interview data with business leaders in Brazil and Chile before and after the installation of their current democratic governments.
- Topic:
- Development, Privatization, Business, and Economic Growth
- Political Geography:
- Brazil, Argentina, South America, Central America, Caribbean, Mexico, and Chile
54170. From Democracy to Democracy: Continuities and Changes of Electoral Choices and the Party System in Chile
- Author:
- Timothy R. Scully and J. Samuel Valenzuela
- Publication Date:
- 07-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- After almost seventeen years of authoritarian rule with no regular national elections, Chileans have once again expressed themselves in the polls. The central question addressed in this paper is the extent to which there are continuities in the current elections with the past choices of the voters. This question is examined by comparing current vote totals by party and by tendency with those of the past, and by correlating the votes in the elections of 1969, 1970, and 1973 with the 1988 plebiscite and the 1989 presidential and parliamentary elections. The results show that there is a remarkable consistency of electoral choices in the country, which is still divided into left, center, and right tendencies. And yet there have been changes. New party labels have emerged, and the party system is currently much more centripetal than it was in the past, given a significant degree of consensus among the main political forces over the value of democracy as well as over fundamental socioeconomic policies. Whether these changes will prove to be long lasting in the face of renewed electoral competition over the next years is still an open question.
- Topic:
- Authoritarianism, Democracy, Voting Behavior, and Political Behavior
- Political Geography:
- South America and Chile
54171. Juan Linz, Presidentialism, and Democracy: A Critical Appraisal
- Author:
- Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Shugart
- Publication Date:
- 07-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies
- Abstract:
- This paper briefly reviews and critically assesses Juan Linz's arguments about the perils of presidentialism. We largely agree with Linz that presidentialism as it is normally practiced is less likely than parliamentarism to sustain democratic government. Nevertheless, we introduce a number of caveats into the argument. Although we agree with most aspects of Linz's four major criticisms of presidentialism, we disagree with one of them: we argue that presidentialism is less oriented towards winner-takes-all results than Westminster parliamentary systems. We also claim that presidentialism has some advantages that partially offset its drawbacks. These advantages can be maximized by paying careful attention to differences among presidential systems; we build a case for presidencies with weak legislative powers. Presidentialism also appears to be more viable with parties that are at least moderately disciplined, and it is especially problematic with highly fragmented multiparty systems and with congressional elections that occur more frequently than presidential elections. Finally, we argue that switching from presidentialism to parliamentarism could exacerbate problems of governability in countries with very undisciplined parties. All of these points suggest that even if Linz is largely correct in his argument that parliamentary government is more conducive to stable democracy, a great deal rests on what kind of parliamentarism and what kind of presidentialism are implemented.
- Topic:
- Government, Governance, Democracy, and Presidential Elections
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Asia, and South America
54172. The Race for the Pax Germanica: Spain versus Central & Eastern Europe
- Author:
- Hans Slomp
- Publication Date:
- 01-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- Most Central and Eastern European countries are experimenting with forms of tripartism, i.e., trade union/employer/government contacts at all-industry level. This form of bargaining and consultation is patterned after the tripartite councils in Northern Europe. Spain has also had a number of tripartite agreements in the early 1980s, and its transition toward democracy is sometimes compared to that in (Central and) Eastern Europe. In this paper, Spanish and Eastern European labor relations are compared on the basis of the basic features of Northern European labor relations, in which tripartism has a longer tradition: the nature of the labor movement, the pacification of the enterprise by a shift of conflict to the branch level, and the depoliticization of labor relations. Eastern Europe's trade union density and trade union structure seem to be better adapted to tripartism than the Spanish labor movement. The major hindrance to a system of branch bargaining is the absence of employers organizations. It could be overcome to some extent by regional collective bargaining, with the local government as an active participant.
- Topic:
- Industry, Trade Unions, Democratic Transitions, Labor Movement, and Tripartism
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Spain, and Central Europe
54173. Between State & Market: Changing Agriculture in Postcommunist Poland
- Author:
- Krysztof Gorlach
- Publication Date:
- 01-1993
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- The paper deals with the problems of changes in Polish agriculture under current conditions. These conditions include the legacy of the communist period (agrarian structure as well as patterns of activity among farmers), the new pro-market agricultural policy, and the need for privatization of former large state farms. However, the transformation of the largest part of Polish agriculture, that is, about two million relatively small family farms, seems to be the key problem now. The author tries to analyze some stimulants and barriers to the process of change, as well as some options for the future. These options include: the so-called "farmerization path," the "fossilization solution," and the "third way."
- Topic:
- Agriculture, Markets, Privatization, and Post-Communism
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Eastern Europe, and Poland
54174. Why Do Some Legislators Go To Court? - Congress and the Lawsuit against President Reagan for Noncompliance with the War Powers Resolution
- Author:
- Jesus Velasco
- Publication Date:
- 01-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
- Abstract:
- During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the U.S. Congress became very concerned about the increasing role played by the President in foreign affairs. On November 7, 1973, and as a mechanism to diminish the power achieved by the Chief Executive in international matters, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution (WPR) over Richard Nixon's veto. The basic aim of the law was to prevent the President from unilaterally introducing the armed forces abroad without congressional authorization. In so doing, Congress sought "to fulfill the intent of the framers of the American Constitution."
- Topic:
- Conflict Resolution, International Relations, and Government
- Political Geography:
- United States
54175. Conference for Global Development Cooperation
- Author:
- Jimmy Carter
- Publication Date:
- 12-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The Conference for Global Development Cooperation, convened by former President Jimmy Carter and United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, was held at The Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia on December 4 and 5, 1992.
- Topic:
- Economics, Government, International Cooperation, International Political Economy, and Third World
- Political Geography:
- United Nations and Georgia
54176. Report of The Commission on Radio and Television Policy:Volume 4, Number 1
- Publication Date:
- 11-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The meeting in Alma Ata of the Commission on Radio and Television Policy marked a new and important stage in the collaboration between the United States and the former Soviet Union. I was proud to serve as co-chairman, together with Eduard Sagalaev. The Commission now has been enlarged to include the major television stations of newly independent republics of the former Soviet Union and the head of an organization of independent stations. It is a unique body.
- Topic:
- Ethnic Conflict and International Cooperation
- Political Geography:
- Russia, United States, Europe, and Asia
54177. The International Observation of the U.S. Elections
- Publication Date:
- 11-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- Robert Pastor, Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Program at The Carter Center and Executive Secretary of the Council, opened the conference with a reference to Mexican Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz who once said, "A nation without free elections is a nation without a voice, without eyes, and without ears." Pastor noted that the right to free and fair elections is a universal right enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Organization of American States. In the spirit of honoring that right, the Council was formed in 1986 to lend support and assistance to the democratization movement in the Americas.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Government, and Politics
- Political Geography:
- United States, United Nations, and Latin America
54178. The Carter Administration and Latin America: A Test of Principle
- Author:
- Robert Pastor
- Publication Date:
- 07-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- Within a single year, two events unprecedented in the history of the United States shook the nation's confidence in itself as the moral leader of the Free World. In August 1974, the president resigned under a pall of scandal, and eight months later, the United States suffered the humiliation of military defeat as it watched the U.S. ambassador to Vietnam fold the American flag under his arm and flee his post by helicopter.
- Topic:
- International Relations, Foreign Policy, and Human Rights
- Political Geography:
- United States, Vietnam, South America, Latin America, Central America, Caribbean, and North America
54179. Investigating Abuses and Introducing Safeguards in the Democratization Process
- Author:
- The Conference Center
- Publication Date:
- 07-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- In the two years that have elapsed since The Carter Center hosted "Investigating Abuses and Introducing Human Rights Safeguards in the Democratization Process," the issues we discussed then have become even more pivotal as our views of governance and the rights of individuals and of state sovereignty itself are being fundamentally transformed. It was our view that, although the Center did not previously publish the seminar proceedings, making them available at this time would serve to further inform those who are working in this field by providing insightful observations by many human rights activists, journalists, and academicians who were involved directly in political transitions in their own countries and by others who studied these events from the outside.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Government, Human Rights, and International Cooperation
54180. The International Negotiation Network: A New Method of Approaching Some Very Old Problems
- Author:
- Dayle E. Spencer and William J. Spencer
- Publication Date:
- 11-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- For several years The Carter Center of Emory University's (CCEU) Conflict Resolution Program has been engaged in developing an International Negotiation Network (INN) to alleviate the tremendous suffering resulting from intranational conflicts. Our efforts have led to the convening of direct negotiation between warring parties engaged in prolonged conflicts. We have been involved in activities advancing free elections and elections monitoring where such efforts have helped to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power in previously conflict-burdened countries. We have been involved in quiet, back-channel linkages of disputing parties and resources available to them. Some of our efforts have received widespread media coverage. However, the vast majority of our work has not been widely known.
- Topic:
- Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
- Political Geography:
- Africa
54181. Resolving Intra-National Conflicts: A Strengthened Role for Non-Governmental Actors
- Publication Date:
- 01-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- This report is a summary of the inaugural consultation of the International Negotiation Network (INN), held at The Carter Center of Emory University CCEU), in Atlanta, Georgia, January 14-17, 1992. The consultation brought together over 200 invited guests from 40 countries and more than 150 organizations or governments. It was made possible through the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and shaped in part by that foundation's president, David Hamburg, who has served as one of the INN's advisors.
- Topic:
- Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, and Sovereignty
- Political Geography:
- Africa, New York, Europe, Asia, and Georgia
54182. The Dual Agenda of African American Organizations since the New Deal: Social Welfare Policies and Civil Rights
- Author:
- Dona Cooper Hamilton and Charles V. Hamilton
- Publication Date:
- 09-1992
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Political Science Quarterly
- Institution:
- Academy of Political Science
- Abstract:
- DONA COOPER HAMILTON and CHARLES V. HAMILTON examine some major social welfare policies that have concerned black organizations since the New Deal. They show that the organizations, contrary to popular analyses, have always pursued two agendas: to overcome racial segregation and discrimination but also to secure universal social welfare policies.
- Topic:
- Minorities, History, Discrimination, Civil Rights, Welfare, and African Americans
- Political Geography:
- North America and United States of America
54183. Ethnic Issues in Post-Communist Czechoslovakia
- Author:
- Sharon Wolchik
- Publication Date:
- 01-1992
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- This paper examines the increase in the political salience of ethnicity in the postcommunist period in Czechoslovakia. as in several other postcommunist states, ethnic issues dominated the political agenda in the first two years after the collapse of the communist system and led to the negotiated breakup of the federation. Differences regarding reform led to a series of political crises in 1990 and 1992. Symbolic issues also contributed to the conflict. Political leaders played an important role in increasing the political salience of ethnicity during this period. Their ability to channel the dissatisfaction and uncertainty that accompanied the economic and political changes underway to mobilize support for ethnic aims reflect the fact that Czechs and Slovaks differ in their attitudes toward many important economic and political issues. These differences, in turn, reflect the influence of each people's history, levels of economic development, the legacy of the communist period, and the distinct ways in which the transition to the market affects each region.
- Topic:
- Politics, Economy, Ethnicity, Post-Soviet Space, and Post-Communism
- Political Geography:
- Eastern Europe and Czechoslovakia
54184. Report of The Commission on Television Policy:Volume 3, Number 1
- Publication Date:
- 11-1991
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The first meeting of the Commission on Television Policy culminated a project that began with basic research on the impact of television on the electoral process in many countries. From this research, a Working Group developed a document presenting a wide range of options and trade-offs in broadcast practice and rules worldwide. With this reference document, Commissioners from the United States and the independent states from the territory of the former Soviet Union began their discussions at The Carter Center on November 15 and 16, 1991.
- Topic:
- Ethnic Conflict and International Cooperation
- Political Geography:
- Russia, United States, Europe, and Asia
54185. Frustrations of Regional Peacekeeping: The OAU in Chad, 1977-1982
- Author:
- Sam G. Amoo
- Publication Date:
- 02-1991
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The conflict in Chad is a microcosm of the widespread instability in Africa. Since its independence in 1960, peace, security, and stability have eluded Chad just as they have been scarce in most of Africa. Since 1960, 18 full-fledged civil wars have been fought in Africa. Eleven genocides and politicides occurred in Africa between 1960 and the late 1980s, compared with 24 elsewhere in the world. During the decade of the 1980s alone, it is estimated that conflict and violence claimed over 3 million lives. At the beginning of 1990, 43 percent of the global population of refugees were African, most of them fleeing from political violence. The mediation and resolution of conflicts should indeed be the primary preoccupation of the continent's leadership.
- Topic:
- Security, Development, Peace Studies, and Population
- Political Geography:
- Africa
54186. Toward Defensive Restructuring in the Middle East
- Author:
- Carl Conetta, Charles Knight, and Lutz Unterseher
- Publication Date:
- 02-1991
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Project on Defense Alternatives
- Abstract:
- Examines the character of force structure and military conflict in the Middle East and outlines a nonoffensive defense posture for nations in the region. It also draws the implications of such a posture for arms transfers and arms control policy. An appendix reviews the pertinent lessons of the 1990-91 Gulf War.
- Topic:
- Defense Policy, Arms Control and Proliferation, Military Affairs, Conflict, and Gulf War
- Political Geography:
- Middle East and United States of America
54187. Realism and Regionalism: American Power and German and Japanese Institutional Strategies During and After the Cold War
- Author:
- Joseph M. Grieco
- Publication Date:
- 04-1990
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Institute of European Studies (IES), UC Berkeley
- Abstract:
- Germany's foreign economic policy places enormous weight on formal European institutions. In contrast, Japan has not had an institutionalist orientation in regard to its East Asian neighbors. This paper addresses the question of why Germany and Japan differ so greatly on this issue of regional economi. institutions. It suggests that the differences observed in German and Japanese interests in regard to such arrangements constitute a puzzle if they are examined from the perspective of liberal ideas about the functional bases of international collaboration, or from the viewpoint of realist propositions about hegemony and cooperation and about the impact of polarity on state preferences. The paper also puts forward a realist-inspired analysis (focusing on American power in the post-Cold War era as well as American national strategy in the early years of that conflict) that might help account for the strong German bias in favor of regional economic institutions and the equally pronounced Japanese aversion to date for such arrangements.
- Topic:
- Foreign Policy, Cold War, and International Organization
- Political Geography:
- United States, Japan, America, Europe, Israel, East Asia, Asia, and Germany
54188. Observing Nicaragua's Elections, 1989-1990
- Publication Date:
- 05-1990
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- During the entire electoral process, the political system in Nicaragua gradually opened so that by election day, the major political parties acknowledged that they had an adequate opportunity to explain their positions to the Nicaraguan people. The Council of Freely-Elected Heads of Government shared the conclusion of the parties: the Nicaraguan people were free to vote their preferences in a fair election, and the official results reflected the collective will of the nation.
- Topic:
- Security, Democratization, Government, Peace Studies, and Politics
- Political Geography:
- Latin America and Central America
54189. Democratic Transitions: Puzzles & Surprises from West to East
- Author:
- Giuseppe di Palma
- Publication Date:
- 01-1990
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- Recent communist crises in Eastern Europe seem to have caught many analysts by surprise. They also show features that set them apart from contemporary crises of right-wing dictatorships. The paper analyzes the reasons for the surprise in the light of theories of communism and of civil society under communism developed since the death of Stalin. It also examines and tries to account for the special features of the crises: their sudden acceleration •. the regimes' loss of a will to rule, the mobilization of large popular strata. Explanations focus on the goal-oriented nature of communist regimes as an alternative to the Western order. It makes the issue of self-identity and self justification crucial to these regimes-more crucial than for right-wing dictatorships. Therefore, the announcement by the Soviet hegemon itself that the goal has failed removes those tenuous shreds of self-justification to which the regimes desperately cling. This also makes possible and explains mass mobilization and the revival of civil society as a cathartic exercise. The paper concludes with an analysis of the prospects for democratization in Eastern Europe in the light of recent transitions in Southern Europe and Latin America. Democracy may develop-theoretical pessimism notwithstanding--as a matter of calculus and through an accelerated process of learning.
- Topic:
- Politics, Dictatorship, Identity, Post-Communism, and Democratic Transitions
- Political Geography:
- Europe and Eastern Europe
54190. Work, Worth, & Justice in a Socialist Mixed Economy
- Author:
- David Stark
- Publication Date:
- 01-1990
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- A French translation of this essay appears as "La valeur du travail et sa retribution en Hongrie," in Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, no. 85, November 1990, pp. 3-19. An earlier version of this paper was presented in a seminar of the Group de Sociologie Politique et Morale, November 1986. It benefitted from conversations with Pierre Bourdieu and from lengthy discussions with Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thevenot while their book, Les economies de la grandeur (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1987), was in progress. My thanks especially to Monique Djokic Stark for her helpful criticisms and suggestions.
- Topic:
- Justice, Socialism, Work, and Mixed Economy
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Eastern Europe, and Hungary
54191. Stabilization & State Enterprise Adjustment: The Political Economy of State Firms After Five Months of Fiscal Discipline, Poland 1990
- Author:
- Janusz M. Dabrowski
- Publication Date:
- 01-1990
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- This report describes the behavior of Polish state firms after six months of fiscal stabilization. On the one hand, it is shown that state firms are attempting to adapt to fiscal constraints and the fall in domestic demand caused by the Mazowiecki government's stabilization plan. On the other hand, it tries to demonstrate that the continued confusion of both property rights and managerial authority impede the formulation and implementation of strategic adjustment plans at the firm level. The report also challenges a number of the governing stereotypes concerning managerial, union, and Employee Council behavior during the process of firm adjustment. In the final section, a proposal for the partial, indirect give-away of state assets is sketched. It is argued that the commercialization of state enterprises, and their partial assignment to publicly held investment associations presents the possibility of both clarifying managerial authority and more clearly introducing external market pressures into the strategic calculation of firms.
- Topic:
- Political Economy, Investment, Fiscal Policy, and Stabilization
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Eastern Europe, and Poland
54192. Perestroika without Glasnost in Africa
- Publication Date:
- 02-1989
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The aim of the inaugural seminar of the Governance in Africa Program (G.A.P.) was to bring together a diverse group of scholars to reflect on some of the central issues which confront the continent. The program takes its acronym from the increasing gap between the democratic and developmental aspirations expressed during the anti-colonial struggle and the monopolization of power and the deepening economic predicament today.
- Topic:
- Democratization, Government, and International Cooperation
- Political Geography:
- Africa
54193. The Constitution of Critical Intellectuals: Polish Physicians, Peace Activists, & Democratic Civil Society
- Author:
- Michael D Kennedy
- Publication Date:
- 01-1989
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
- Abstract:
- The post-communist system in Eastern Europe will be distinguished by the quality of its civil society. The market will cast civil society's construction in one mold, but a democratic civil society will depend on the constitution of critical intellectuals, or the making of individuals with the inclination and capacity to understand their personal situation to reflect a public condition, and to understand the public condition as constituted through potentially transformed power relations. In order to illuminate this general process, this paper rethinks the distinction of intellectuals and considers two important cases of the making of critical intellectuals in pre-transition Poland. Physicians in 1980-81 and peace activists in 1985-88 illustrate how instabilities create opportunities for new groups of people to become critical intellectuals and how critical intellectual work can create new possibilities for social transformation. By illuminating these processes, this paper hopes to contribute to the expansion of critical intellectuality in and about Eastern Europe.
- Topic:
- Civil Society, Activism, Post-Communism, Democratic Transitions, and Intellectuals
- Political Geography:
- Europe and Eastern Europe
54194. Common Sense on Competitiveness
- Author:
- Jimmy Carter
- Publication Date:
- 04-1988
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- The United States faces a competitiveness crisis. The indicators are abundant. An alarming number of American students and workers do not seem to have the skills needed to succeed in the more demanding jobs of the modern economy. Many American inventions never make it from drawing board to marketplace, or arrive too late - long after aggressive foreign firms have captured customer loyalty. Some American products have been improperly designed or priced too high to compete with top-quality foreign imports. Partly as a result, not enough American companies have penetrated foreign markets with U.S. goods and services.
- Topic:
- Economics, Government, and Industrial Policy
- Political Geography:
- United States
54195. Myth, Reality, and the Future in Southern Africa: Challenges for a New Administration
- Author:
- The Carter Center
- Publication Date:
- 03-1988
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- The Carter Center
- Abstract:
- When one examines all the foreign policy issues likely to face the next U.S. administration, southern Africa, while inherently difficult, may be the most promising of all in terms of actually influencing positive developments and obtaining measurable results in a short time span. Current policies have begun to capitalize on a tentative movement among nations in the region to address certain situations which are prohibiting stabilization. However, with the existence of an international consensus concerning the illegality of the occupation of Namibia and the dehumanization of the policy of apartheid more could be done to advance a multilateral approach toward southern Africa. In short, a real opportunity to bring peace to a troubled region is being missed. Part of the problem is lack of accurate information and understanding of what is happening in the region. Advocacy and passion have often clouded or distorted reality.
- Topic:
- Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy
- Political Geography:
- Africa and United States
54196. The Sometimes You Win and Sometimes You Lose Hypothesis: Some Comments on the Use of Models in Force Comparisons
- Author:
- Charles Knight
- Publication Date:
- 03-1988
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Project on Defense Alternatives
- Abstract:
- In this previously unpublished paper from 1988, the author reviews various models for simulating war along the Central Front in Germany and their relevance for finding a stable conventional force balance in Europe (and elsewhere.) Force structures that tend to produce stable outcomes in battlefield simulations are likely to have more deterrent value in the real world.
- Topic:
- Defense Policy, War, and Military Affairs
- Political Geography:
- Europe and Germany