
Search Results

54151. Entrepreneurial Response to Economic Liberalization and Integration: An Inquiry about Recent Events in Uruguay Aimed at Developing Better Hypotheses about Economic Behavior

54152. Guidelines for Industrial Reconversion and Restructuring (with Application to Uruguay)

54153. Economic Integration in the Asian Pacific: Issues and Prospects

54154. The Political Underpinnings of Economic Liberalization in Chile

54155. Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism

54156. Defense Conversion and the Future of the National Nuclear Weapons Laboratories

54157. Report of the Commission on Radio and Television Policy: Volume 5, Number 1

54158. Resolving Intra-National Conflicts: A Strengthened Role for Intergovernmental Organizations

54159. The Year of the Woman? Candidates, Voters, and the 1992 Elections

54160. The "Market-Friendly Approach to Development" vs. an "Industrial Policy"

54161. A Sign of the Times: Television and Electoral Politics in Argentina, 1983-1989

54162. Economic Policy Elites and Democratic Consolidation

54163. On the State, Democratization, and Some Conceptual Problems (A Latin American View with Glances at Some Post-Communist Countries)

54164. The Rational Basis of Wage Determination in Regimes of High Inflation

54165. Contesting Authenticity: Battles over the Representation of History in Morelos, Mexico

54166. Modernization and Postmodernization: Theoretical Comments on India

54167. The State, Markets, and Development: A Rapporteurs' Report

54168. Venezuela: The Life and Times of the Party System

54169. Privatization: The Role of Domestic Business

54170. From Democracy to Democracy: Continuities and Changes of Electoral Choices and the Party System in Chile

54171. Juan Linz, Presidentialism, and Democracy: A Critical Appraisal

54172. The Race for the Pax Germanica: Spain versus Central & Eastern Europe

54173. Between State & Market: Changing Agriculture in Postcommunist Poland

54174. Why Do Some Legislators Go To Court? - Congress and the Lawsuit against President Reagan for Noncompliance with the War Powers Resolution

54175. Conference for Global Development Cooperation

54176. Report of The Commission on Radio and Television Policy:Volume 4, Number 1

54177. The International Observation of the U.S. Elections

54178. The Carter Administration and Latin America: A Test of Principle

54179. Investigating Abuses and Introducing Safeguards in the Democratization Process

54180. The International Negotiation Network: A New Method of Approaching Some Very Old Problems

54181. Resolving Intra-National Conflicts: A Strengthened Role for Non-Governmental Actors

54182. The Dual Agenda of African American Organizations since the New Deal: Social Welfare Policies and Civil Rights

54183. Ethnic Issues in Post-Communist Czechoslovakia

54184. Report of The Commission on Television Policy:Volume 3, Number 1

54185. Frustrations of Regional Peacekeeping: The OAU in Chad, 1977-1982

54186. Toward Defensive Restructuring in the Middle East

54187. Realism and Regionalism: American Power and German and Japanese Institutional Strategies During and After the Cold War

54188. Observing Nicaragua's Elections, 1989-1990

54189. Democratic Transitions: Puzzles & Surprises from West to East

54190. Work, Worth, & Justice in a Socialist Mixed Economy

54191. Stabilization & State Enterprise Adjustment: The Political Economy of State Firms After Five Months of Fiscal Discipline, Poland 1990

54192. Perestroika without Glasnost in Africa

54193. The Constitution of Critical Intellectuals: Polish Physicians, Peace Activists, & Democratic Civil Society

54194. Common Sense on Competitiveness

54195. Myth, Reality, and the Future in Southern Africa: Challenges for a New Administration

54196. The Sometimes You Win and Sometimes You Lose Hypothesis: Some Comments on the Use of Models in Force Comparisons