
Search Results

54051. America's New Deal with Europe: NATO Primacy and Double Expansion

54052. Teenage Childbearing and Personal Responsibility: An Alternative View

54053. Turkey-The Return of the Reluctant Generals?

54054. Full Faith and Credit for Same-Sex Marriages?

54055. Party Discipline in the Brazilian Constitutional Congress

54056. Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over? An Empirical Assessment

54057. Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over? The Imperative of Consolidation

54058. Indigenous Politics and Democracy: Contesting Citizenship in Latin America

54059. Macro Comparisons without the Pitfalls: A Protocol for Comparative Research

54060. The New National Security Environment and its Impact on the Civilic-Military Relations in Bulgaria

54061. NATO Enlargement: Two Looks from Outside

54062. After Hebron: Prospects for the Peace Process

54063. Saudi Arabia in the 1990s: Stability and Foreign Policy

54064. Demarcating an Israeli-Palestinian Border: Geographic Considerations

54065. Turkey Between Secularism and Islamism

54066. The Northeast Asian Security Setting

54067. Changing U.S.-Korean Security Relations

54068. The Viability of U.S. Security Strategy Toward the Korean Peninsula

54069. North Korea and the United Nations

54070. North Korea's Approaches to the United States and Japan

54071. Japan's Policy Toward the Two Koreas in the Post-Cold War Era

54072. U.S. Policies Toward the Two Koreas

54073. Chinese and U.S. Relations with South Korea: Compatibilities and Conflicts

54074. China's Post-Cold War Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula

54075. Soviet and Russian Relations with the Two Koreas

54076. Unification Policies and Strategies of North and South Korea

54077. The Dark Side of Social Capital

54078. Health Challenges for the 21st Century

54079. As Mexico Imploded: Action and Inaction in the United States

54080. Trading Places: The Caribbean Faces Europe and the Americas in the Twenty-first Century

54081. Possibilities and Realities of Cuba's Integration into the Caribbean: Perceptions of Cuban Entrepreneurs

54082. Trade Policy Options for Chile: A Quantitative Evaluation

54083. Privatization and Regulation: Lessons from Argentina and Chile

54084. Private Investment as a Financing Source for Microcredit

54085. Latin America and the Second Clinton Administration

54086. Time to End the Certification Circus

54087. Brazil: The Twisted Path to Reform

54088. Arms Sales: An Old Issue Revisited

54089. Mexico’s Midterm Elections: A Major Turning Point?

54090. Argentina: Another Round at the Polls

54091. Who’s Afraid of Big Bad Brazil?

54092. Elite Circulation & Consolidation of Democracy in Poland

54093. Unionists Against Unions: Towards Hierarchical Management in Postcommunist Poland

54094. Controversies on the Universality of Human Rights and the Conditionality of Aid

54095. Patent Protection, Biotechnology and Globalisation: The TRIPS Agreement and its Implications for the Developing Countries

54096. International Conferences: Considerations on the Evolution of the French and American Industrial Societies

54097. Co-Sponsored Projects: Transformation of German Party System

54098. Co-Sponsored Projects: Germany's Role In Shaping the New Europe: Architect, Model and Bridge

54099. Discourse Analysis as Foreign Policy Theory

54100. Supranational Governance: The Institutionalization of the European Union