
Search Results

54001. Controversies on the Universality of Human Rights and the Conditionality of Aid

54002. Patent Protection, Biotechnology and Globalisation: The TRIPS Agreement and its Implications for the Developing Countries

54003. Party Discipline in the Brazilian Constitutional Congress

54004. Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over? An Empirical Assessment

54005. Is the Third Wave of Democratization Over? The Imperative of Consolidation

54006. Indigenous Politics and Democracy: Contesting Citizenship in Latin America

54007. Macro Comparisons without the Pitfalls: A Protocol for Comparative Research

54008. The New National Security Environment and its Impact on the Civilic-Military Relations in Bulgaria

54009. NATO Enlargement: Two Looks from Outside

54010. Latin America and the Second Clinton Administration

54011. Time to End the Certification Circus

54012. Brazil: The Twisted Path to Reform

54013. Arms Sales: An Old Issue Revisited

54014. Mexico’s Midterm Elections: A Major Turning Point?

54015. Argentina: Another Round at the Polls

54016. Who’s Afraid of Big Bad Brazil?

54017. Elite Circulation & Consolidation of Democracy in Poland

54018. Unionists Against Unions: Towards Hierarchical Management in Postcommunist Poland

54019. Military Doctrine and Political Participation: Toward a Sociology of Strategy

54020. Participatión Ciudadana y Retos Ambientalistas Frente a los Riesgos de la Globalización y del TLCAN

54021. Neo-conservatism: Some Theoretical and Terminological Clarifications

54022. The Democratic Control Of Armed Forces

54023. Cutting Losses: Reflections On Appropriate Timing

54024. Palestinian Refugees and the Peace Process

54025. Energy and Security in Northeast Asia

54026. Symposium on UN Global Conferences

54027. Theoretical Confidence Level Problems with Confidence Intervals for the Spectrum of a Time Series

54028. Money, Politics, and the Post-War Business Cycle

54029. The Accumulation of Human Capital: Alternative Methods and Why They Matter

54030. Hazards in Implementing a Monetary Conditions Index

54031. Regime Switching in the Dynamic Relationship between the Federal Funds Rate and Innovations in Nonborrowed Reserves

54032. Broad Money Demand and Financial Liberalization in Greece

54033. American-Ukrainian Nuclear Relations

54034. Caribbean Security on the Eve of the 21st Century

54035. Defiant Again: Indigenous Poeples and Latin American Security

54036. Clausewitzian Friction and Future War

54037. The Major Powers in Northeast Asian Security

54038. Mobilizing U.S. Industry in World War II: Myth and Reality

54039. Trouble in Paradise? Europe in the 21st Century

54040. Khomeini's Incorporation of Iranian Military

54041. The New Great Game in Muslim Central Asia

54042. Armed Conflict in Georgia: A Case in Humanitarian Action and Peacekeeping

54043. Imagining a Free Cuba: Carlos Manuuel de Cespedes and José Martí

54044. The Policies of Mercy: UN Coordination in Afghanistan, Mozambique, and Rwanda

54045. Responses to the Quest for Nationhood, 1986-1996

54046. War and Humanitarian Action in Chechnya

54047. Global Cooperation in Science, Engineering, and Medicine

54048. Caribbean Basin Economic Development and the Section 936 Tax Credit

54049. Intellectual Property, Trade, and Economic Development: A Road Map for the FTAA Negotiations

54050. The Politics of Free Trade in the Western Hemisphere