
Search Results

53901. Coping with US - Mexican Interdependence: The NAFTA Response

53902. The Politics of NAFTA: Presidential use of Side Payments

53903. Taking the State Back Out? Comparing French Responses to Globalization in Agriculture and Shipping

53904. Canadian Environmental Movement and Free Trade

53905. Old Wine in New Bottle? The Summit of the Americas in Theoretical Perspective

53906. Interest Groups in American Politics: Conceptual Elements and Key Literature

53907. Environmentalism, Free Trade and Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective: An Unholy Developmental Trinity?

53908. Assessing the Rules - Power Debate in Farm Trade: A Case Study of the Canadian-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

53909. Frameworks for Security and Integration in Europe: Region-Building in South-Eastern Europe

53910. Private Equity Investment in Hungary: the Competitive Edge as a Force for Innovation

53911. Post-totalitarian Legacies, Civil Society, and Democracy in Post-Communist Poland, 1989-1993

53912. Political Economy in Security Studies After the Cold War

53913. Open Regionalism: Lessons from Latin America for East Asia

53914. Liberals, Radicals, and Women's Citizenship in Chile, 1872-1930

53915. APEC beyond Economics: The Politics of APEC

53916. An ASEAN Perspective on APEC

53917. Forever in the Shadow of Churchill?: Britain and the Memory of World War Two at the End of the Twentieth Century

53918. Global Trends 2010

53919. Report on Applying Military and Security Assets

53920. A Treaty on Global Climate Change: Problems and Prospects

53921. Conflict in Time and Space

53922. The Origins of Hungary's 1989 Electoral Law

53923. 100 Companies Receiving The Largest Dollar Volume Of Prime Contract Awards—Fiscal Year 1996

53926. Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1992

53927. U.S. Multinational Companies: Operations in 1995

53928. The International Investment Position of the United States in 1996

53929. Modern U.S. Civil-Military Relations: Wielding the Terrible Swift Sword

53930. Turkey: Thwarted Ambition

53931. NATO and Humanitarian Action in the Kosovo Crisis

53932. Human Development: The World After Copehagen

53933. Humanitarian Action and Politics: The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh

53935. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53936. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53937. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53938. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53939. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53940. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53941. Responses to Prediction and the Middle East Peace Process

53942. After Hebron: Prospects for the Peace Process

53943. Saudi Arabia in the 1990s: Stability and Foreign Policy

53944. Demarcating an Israeli-Palestinian Border: Geographic Considerations

53945. Turkey Between Secularism and Islamism

53946. The Northeast Asian Security Setting

53947. Changing U.S.-Korean Security Relations

53948. The Viability of U.S. Security Strategy Toward the Korean Peninsula

53949. North Korea and the United Nations

53950. North Korea's Approaches to the United States and Japan