
Search Results

53851. Coming to Terms with a Larger Europe: Options for Economic Integration

53852. The External Sector, the State and Development in Eastern Europe

53853. De Gaulle and Europe: Historical Revision and Social Science Theory

53854. Charismatic Leadership and Democratization: A Weberian Perspective

53856. Collective Management of International Financial Crises

53857. International Financial Markets as Sources of Crises or Discipline

53858. Disposing of Weapons-Grade Plutonium

53859. The Strategy and Tactics of Hizb'allah's Current 'Lebanonization Process'

53860. The Role of Ideology in Terrorists' Target Selection

53861. Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe

53862. Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad?: A Comparative Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in Non-Europe

53863. European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbfeindschaft or Engrenage?

53864. Theoretical Explanations of Trade Competitiveness and a North American Application

53865. Agriculture and Supranationalism: A Comparative Study on North American and West European Policy-Making Experiences

53866. The Role of the Private Sector in the Evolution of US Technology Policy

53867. Dispute Settlement, Domestic Institutions and Political Integration in North America: A Comparative Study

53868. European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbreindschaft or Engrenage?

53869. Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe and North America

53870. Banking Sector Development in Kazakhstan

53871. Democracy in External Policymaking

53872. Strategic Images: Perceptions of Russia in the USA and of America in Russia

53873. EWI Baltic Initiative Fund

53874. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 5: September 9, 1998

53875. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 4: August 31, 1998

53876. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 3: August 27, 1998

53877. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 2: August 25, 1998

53878. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 1: August 20, 1998

53879. Modelling a Multi-Ethnic Society

53880. Subregional Relations in the Southern Tier: Prospects for Development

53881. Deposit Insurance Funds: An Instrument of Banking Stability and Issues of Authority, Information and Effectiveness

53882. Subregional Cooperation and the European Union

53883. Globalisation: Challenges and Opportunities

53884. Rival Views Of Postcommunist Market Society

53885. Building a Composite Polity: Popular Contention in the European Union

53886. Efficiency of the Welfare State

53887. Conflict in Kosovo: Failure of Prevention? An Analytical Documentation, 1992-1998.

53888. Global Banking

53889. How Will the European Union Meet the 21st Century

53890. Muddling Through? A Strategic Checklist for the United States in the Post-Cold War World

53891. Prospects for Europe and the Atlantic Alliance at Century's End

53892. Security Issues for Russia in the New International Context

53893. Conflict Management and European Security: The Problem of Collective Solidarity

53894. New Security Challenge or Old? Russia's Catch—22

53895. Ideas, Culture and Political Analysis Workshop

53896. Networks in International Capacity Building: Cases from Sub-Saharan Africa

53897. Emissions and Development in the United States: International Implications

53898. The Future of the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy

53899. The Regulation of Political Conflict: A Game Theoretic Analysis

53900. Rise and Fall: East–West Synchronicity and Indic Exceptionalism Reexamined