
Search Results

53801. Sierra Leone: Tracing The Genesis Of A Controversy

53802. Algeria In Crisis

53803. The Basel Convention

53804. The U.K. and Japan

53805. Iraq Under Sanctions

53806. Pipeline Gas In Northeast Asia

53807. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: December 1998

53808. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: November 1998

53809. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: October 1998

53810. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: September 1998

53811. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: August 1998

53812. Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: June 1998

53813. The Yen, the Yuan, and the Asian Currency Crisis Changing Fortune between Japan and China

53814. Variation of Clinical Judgment in Cases of Hysterectomy in R.O.C, Japan, England, and the United States

53815. Japan's China Perceptions and its Policies in the Alliance with the United States

53816. Chinese Military Modernization and Asian Security

53817. The Origins and Evolution of the Korean-American Alliance: A Japanese Perspective

53818. East Asian Urbanization: Patterns, Problems, and Prospects

53819. China's Post-Deng Military Leadership: New Faces, New Trends

53820. The Korean Currency Crisis: What Can We Learn From It?

53821. Benefits and Burdens: The Politically Dominated Economics of U.S. Alliances with Japan and Korea

53822. The Costs and Benefits of Korean Unification

53823. China's Accession to and Implementation of International Environmental Accords 1978 - 95

53824. Integration on the Basis of Strength: China's Impact on East Asian Security

53825. Energy and Security in East Asia

53826. The Japan-America Security Alliance: Prospects for the Twenty-First Century

53827. The Emerging EU Tax Policy


53829. To Build A Peace: Recommendations For The Madrid Peace Implementation Council Meeting

53830. Change in the Offing: The Shifting Political Scene in Croatia

53831. Breaking the Logjam: Refugee Returns to Croatia

53832. Sandzak: Calm For Now

53833. Intermediate Sovereignty As A Basis For Resolving The Kosovo Crisis

53834. 1998 Elections In Macedonia

53835. Doing Democracy A Disservice: 1998 Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

53836. Whither Bosnia?

53837. Kosovo's Long Hot Summer: Briefing on military, humanitarian and political developments in Kosovo

53838. Impunity In Drvar

53839. Changing Course?: Implications of the divide in Bosnian Croat politics

53840. The Albanian Question In Macedonia: Implications of the Kosovo Conflict for Inter-Ethnic Relations in Macedonia

53841. A View from Tirana: The Albanian Dimension of Kosovo Crisis

53842. The Konjic Conundrum: Why Minorities have Failed to Return to Model Open City

53843. A Tale of Two Cities: Return of Displaced Persons to Jajce and Travnik

53844. Inventory of a Windfall: Milosevic's Gains from the Kosovo Dialogue

53845. Minority Return or Mass Relocation?

53846. Again, the Visible Hand: Slobodan Milosevic's Manipulation of the Kosovo Dispute

53847. Rebuilding a Multi-Ethnic Sarajevo: The need for Minority Returns

53848. A Hollow Promise? Return of Bosnian Serb Displaced Persons to Drvar

53849. Third Party Arms Transfers: Requirements for the 21st Century

53850. Trade Patterns, FDI, and Industrial Restructuring of Central and Eastern Europe