
Search Results

53651. War in The Balkans: Consequences of the Kosovo Conflict and Future Options for Kosovo and the Region

53652. Republika Srpska - Poplasen, Brcko and Kosovo: Three Crises and Out?

53653. Macedonia Update: Challenges and Choices for the New Government

53654. Unifying The Kosovar Factions: The Way Forward

53655. Kosovo: The Road To Peace Critical Implementation Issues And a "Who's Who" of Key Players

53656. Sidelining Slobodan: Getting rid of Europe's last dictator

53657. Breaking The Mould: Electoral Reform In Bosnia And Herzegovina

53658. Brcko: A Comprehensive Solution

53659. Macedonia:"New Faces In Skopje"

53660. The State Of Albania

53661. Too Little Too Late: Implementation of the Sarajevo Declaration

53662. Regional Burden-Sharing for Humanitarian Action

53663. Underwriting Humanitarian Assistance

53664. The Globalization of Services: What Has Happened? What Are the Implications?

53665. Hazards and Precautions: Tales of International Finance

53666. Does Talk Matter After All? Inflation Targeting And Central Bank Behavior

53667. Modeling Korean Unification

53668. Sovereign Liquidity Crisis: The Strategic Case For A Payments Standstill

53669. Panama Canal Transition: The Final Implementation

53670. Beyond Kosovo: A Regional Approach to the Balkans

53671. Building an Asia-Pacific Security Community: The Role of Nuclear Weapons

53672. An Appropriate Role for Nuclear Power in Meeting Global Energy Needs

53673. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

53674. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

53675. Environmental Quality and Regional Conflict

53676. From Civil War to Civil Society: The Transition from War to Peace in Guatemala and Liberia

53677. Developing a Methodology for Conflict Prevention: The Case of Estonia

53678. Transparency Project

53679. The Geopolitics of Energy Development in the Caspian Region: Regional Cooperation or Conflict?

53680. The Cox Committee Report: An Assessment

53681. The U.S. Military and Civil Infrastructure Protection: Restrictions and Discretion under the Posse Comitatus Act

53682. The Nonproliferation Regime under Siege

53683. Commercialization of Russian Technology in Cooperation with American Companies

53684. Climate Change and the Transformation of World Energy Supply

53685. A Cross-Regional Analysis of Civil Society and Democratic Development

53686. The Competitive Advantage of Hollywood Industry

53687. Hollywood and Europe: A Case of Trade in Cultural Industries, the 1993 GATT Dispute

53688. Evaluating the Post-Cold War Policy of the United States

53689. Islam In Economic Organizations

53690. The American Economy: Sustaining Growth with Opportunity

53691. India and Pakistan’s Fissile Material and Nuclear Weapons Inventory, end of 1998

53692. Peacekeeping and Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia: Broader Implications of the Regional Case

53693. Conflict Prevention in the Baltic States: The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

53694. The Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Minority Language Policies: Case Studies on Wales, Ireland and the Basque Country

53695. Language Policy in Multilingual Switzerland - Overview and Recent Developments

53696. Israel's National Security and the Myth of Exceptionalism

53697. The United States and South Korean Democratization

53698. Defining Moment: The Threat and Use of Force in American Foreign Policy

53699. The Escalation of U.S. Immigration Control in the Post-NAFTA Era

53700. Coalition Formation and the Regime Divide in Central Europe