
Search Results

53601. Regional Policy in the Process of Integration

53602. Private Governance and Democracy in International Finance

53603. State Power and the Asian Crisis

53604. Coming to Terms with Globalisation: Non State Actors and Agenda for Justice and Governance in the Next Century

53605. International Institutions, Globalisation and Democray: Assessing the Challenges

53606. Social and Economic Policies to Prevent Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

53607. The Tobin Tax: How to Make it Real. Towards a Socially Responsible and Democratic System of Global Governance

53608. Dealing with the Past: The Case of Estonia

53609. Coming Home or Moving Home? "Westernising" Narratives in Finnish Foreign Policy and the Re-interpretation of Past Identities

53610. The EU and the prospects of Common Defence

53611. Blazing New Trails: Villagers' Committee Elections in P. R. China

53612. Crisis management the Finnish way – A state of the art report on practice and research

53613. The Korean Peninsula: Is Kim Dae-jung's Pursuit of a Korean Confederation Realistic?

53614. Acoustic Weapons—A Prospective Assessment: Sources, Propagation, and Effects of Strong Sound

53615. The Criterion of Citizenship for Minorities: The Example of Estonia

53616. Bilateral Agreements in Central and Eastern Europe: A New Inter-State Framework for Minority Protection?

53617. The Albanian Aromanians' Awakening: Identity Politics and Conflicts in Post-Communist Albania

53618. Europe and Its Neighbors

53619. Thinking About the Future: Economic Aspects

53620. AIDS and Developing Countries: Democratizing Access to Essential Medicines

53621. Bombs Away: A Call for the Unconditional Ending of the Bombing Campaign

53622. European Political Considerations on Operations Beyond Europe

53623. The Persian Gulf

53624. Emerging European Power Projection Capabilities

53625. US Perceptions of NATO Deployments Beyond Europe and of European Capabilities

53626. Cooption and Repression in the Soviet Union

53627. Sustainable Use of Biodiversity — What We Can Learn from Ecotourism in Developing Countries

53628. Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Latin America

53629. Indonesia in Transition

53630. Security Multilateralism in Asia: Views from the United States and Japan

53631. Germany: Migration Policies for the 21st Century

53632. Security and Development in the Lens of Complexity Theory: The Baltic and Russia, A.D. 1000 to 2000

53633. Explaining Political Corruption: An Institutional-Choice Approach

53634. Popes, Kings and Endogenous Institutions: The Concordat of Worms and the Origins of Sovereignty

53635. Neorealism's Logic and Evidence: When is a Theory Falsified?

53636. Interests, Schminterests: Precision in Descriptions of and Assumptions About State Motivations

53637. Civic and Ethnic Allegiances: Competing Visions of Nationalist Discourse in the Horn of Africa

53638. 'Rogue' States and International Relations

53639. Contested State and Competitive State: Managing the Economy in A Democratic Taiwan

53640. Domestic Politics and International Relations in Trade Policymaking: The United States and Japan and the Gatt Uruguay Round Agriculture Negotiations

53641. The Political Economy of Energy Taxes, OECD 1973-1995: The Role of Political Institutions, Public Opinion and Ideology (A Pre-Test)

53642. Research on the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes: A Review of the State of the Art

53643. Conflict-Cooperation for Interstate and Intrastate Interactions: An Expansion of the Goldstein Scale

53644. Unveiling Human Rights: A Postcolonial Feminist Analysis of Women, Veiling, Human Rights and Western Geopolitical Discourse

53645. Ideas Toolkit: The Role of Culture in the Transboundary Air Pollution Issue in Northeast Asia

53646. Observations on The Township People's Congress Elections in Chongqing January 5-15, 1999 and Cooperative Activities with the Ministry of Civil Affairs August 1, 1998-January 15, 1999

53647. Some Reflections on Three Mile Island

53648. Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Tactical Battlefield Communications

53649. Buck Rogers or Rock Throwers?

53650. Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Through 2015