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1. A Discussion with Omar Shakir: Gaza, Genocide, and International Law

2. Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine with Professor Noura Erakat

3. Karabakh and Azerbaijani Statecraf

4. China’s Responsibility, and Ours: The Persecution and Neglect of Stateless North Korean Children

5. The Children of War

6. Ukraine, Gaza, and the International Order

7. Examining the Gap Between EU Fundamental Values in Theory and Practice: A Case Study of Macedonia’s Journey Toward EU Accession

8. The Challenges of Normalizing Relations Between Belgrade and Pristina: Implications of the “Agreement on the Path to Normalization”

9. When the Exception Overtakes the Rule: COVID-19, Security Exemption Clauses, and International Investment Agreements

10. A Right to Come Within State Jurisdiction Under Non-Refoulement? Interpreting Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights in Good Faith Within the Context of Extraterritorial Migration Control

11. Containing the Containment: Using Art. 16 ASR to Overcome Accountability Gaps in Delegated Migration Control

12. Nigerien Law 2015-36: How a New Narrative in the Fight Against Smugglers Affects the Right to Leave a Country

13. Prosecuting Russia’s Crime of Aggression: A critical reflection

14. Taiwan’s International Legal Standing: Navigating the Fragile Status Quo

15. The Politics behind the EU-Rwanda Deal(s) and its Consequences

16. The Practice, Promise and Peril of EU Lawfare

17. Finding Law in the History of Global Violence: An Interview with Lauren Benton

18. Political and Economic Dimensions of the Dominance of Selected Asian Recycling Yards in the World

19. The Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice: Are States Resorting to Advisory Proceedings as a “Soft” Litigation Strategy?

20. Is There Hope for Gaza Under International Law?

21. Genocide on the Docket at the Hague

22. Resistance and Change in Form and Content of International Law: A Third World Perspective on Commodity Form Theory of International Law

23. Israel and the ICJ: Comparing International Court Cases During the Gaza War

24. R2P Monitor, Issue 67, 1 December 2023

25. R2P Monitor, Issue 66, 1 September 2023

26. A Framework for Action for the Responsibility to Protect: A Resource for States

27. R2P Monitor, Issue 65, 1 June 2023

28. R2P Monitor, Issue 64, 1 March 2023

29. Future-proofing EU security and defence cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

30. Playing the Long Game in the South China Sea

31. Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse

32. Punishing Atrocities and Fair Trials: From Nuremberg to Global Terrorism w/Prof. Jonathan Hafetz

33. 2023 Kaldor Centre Conference Report: Learning from the future: Foresight for the next decade of forced migration

34. Asylum Capacity Development: Building New and Strengthening Existing Systems

35. Toxic Ticking Time-Bomb in the Baltic Sea and Threats to Poland’s Security

36. Syria returns to the Arab League

37. Climate Protection Litigation on the Rise

38. Violating the Temple Mount’s Legal Status? Where is the Violation?

39. Judging Putin


41. International Law and Palestine featuring George Bisharat

42. The Trajectory of International Relations Dissertations in Turkish Academia Between 2000 and 2020

43. Dogmatik and International Criminal Law: Approximations in the Realm of ‘Language’ and ‘Grammar’

44. The Settlement of EEZ Fisheries Access Disputes under UNCLOS: Limitations to Jurisdiction and Compulsory Conciliation

45. Compulsory Settlement of EEZ Fisheries Enforcement Disputes under UNCLOS: “Swallowing the Rule” or “Balancing the Equation”?

46. The Many Facets of EEZ Fisheries Disputes and their Resolution under UNCLOS

47. Pursuing justice for international crimes in Ukraine: A patchwork of multi-level and long-running efforts

48. Cities as global actors: Bringing governance closer to the people

49. The EU’s Magnitsky Act Obsolete in the Face of Russia’s Crimes in Ukraine?

50. Recovering the History of Interwar International Environmental Law: An Interview with Omer Aloni

51. The EU and Gaza 2023: Terrorism is fought with Counter-terrorism, not Wars against Civilians

52. How to hold the Islamic Republic of Iran accountable in European courts

53. International Negotiations Handbook: Success Through Preparation, Strategy and Planning

54. Interview with Lex Takkenberg

55. Gearing Up the Fight Against Impunity: Dedicated Investigative and Prosecutorial Capacities

56. International Law and Order Enforcement: Police Assistance Programs and Politics in US-Brazil Relations

57. Customary International Law Requiring States to Grant Nationality to Stateless Children Born in Their Territory

58. R2P Monitor, Issue 63, 1 December 2022

59. R2P Monitor, Issue 62, 1 September 2022

60. R2P Monitor, Issue 61, 1 June 2022

61. R2P Monitor, Issue 60, 1 March 2022

62. Israeli Raids on Palestinian Civil Society Organizations — The Costs of International Inaction

63. Israeli Apartheid and the West’s Dwindling Moral Credibility

64. Russia, Ukraine and international Law

65. Scylla and Charybdis: The Self-Determination of Peoples Versus the Territorial Integrity of States

66. Extradition in the Criminal Procedural Legislation of Ukraine:" Compliance With The European Standards

67. Radical Islamism: Trajectories of Human Rights Violations and Abuses in Africa

68. Recent UN Votes on Ukraine: What Needs to be Done to Maintain International Unity (Part I)

69. Towards Sustainable Peace and Cooperation

70. An Unlikely Duo? Regionalism and Jus Cogens in International Law

71. Dynamic Belt and Road Initiative and the Global South’s Approach to Sustainability

72. Is the International Law Commission Taking Regionalism Seriously (Enough)?

73. Interpretation and Application of the ECHR: Between Universalism and Regionalism

74. Military Intervention on Request in Jus Ad Bellum and Jus In Bello and the question of recognition of governments

75. Missed Communications and Miscommunications: International Courts, the Fragmentation of International Law and Judicial Dialogue

76. International Society and Its Institutions in Refugee Protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the Solidarism/Pluralism Debate in English School

77. The Overseen Factors Impacting the Afghan Peace Process

78. Great Expectations and a Missed Opportunity. The Special Tribunal For Lebanon and the Objectives of the United Nations Security Council. A Critical Perspective/Grandes expectativas y una oportunidad perdida. El tribunal especial para el Líbano y los objetivos del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas. Una mirada crítica

79. The Impact of Common Law on the Volume of Legal Services: An International Study

80. The Emotional Backdrop of Legal Discourses in South China Sea Disputes

81. Integrated Space Situational Awareness Systems: SDA and SSA – Advantages and Limitations

82. Back to democracy: Europe, Hamas, and the Palestinian elections

83. Human Rights Investigations in Ethiopia and Paths Forward for Justice

84. The ICC and Palestine: Breakthrough and End of the Road?

85. Escalating Disputes:Moroccan call to grant Algerian tribes the right to self-determination

86. Advancing a Rules-based Maritime Order in the Indo-Pacific

87. Assisting Uzbekistan's parliament with specific issues pertaining to Uzbekistan's WTO accession process

88. Refouling Rohingyas: The Supreme Court of India's Uneasy Engagement with International Law

89. The Role of the Judiciary in Recognizing and Implementing International Law: A Comparative Analysis with Special Reference to Sri Lanka

90. The Leadership Requirement of the Crime of Aggression Under the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court

91. Enforcement of the European Union Law Before the Albanian Constitutional Court and the High Court

92. The Evolution of the Prohibition of Genocide: From Natural Law Enthusiasm to Lackadaisical Judicial Perfunctoriness – And Back Again?

93. Perspectives for a New International Crime Against the Environment: International Criminal Responsibility for Environmental Degradation under the Rome Statute

94. The Responsibility to Protect: A Background Briefing

95. R2P Monitor, Issue 56, 15 March 2021

96. R2P Monitor, Issue 57, 1 June 2021

97. R2P Monitor, Issue 58, 1 September 2021

98. R2P Monitor, Issue 59, 1 December 2021

99. Reinforcing the Global Norm Against Chemical Weapons Use

100. Moral Imperatives and Legal Realities: The Perennial Conundrum of Humanitarian Intervention