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1. When the Exception Overtakes the Rule: COVID-19, Security Exemption Clauses, and International Investment Agreements

2. Remedying a Legal Black Hole: The Future of Human Rights Jurisdiction in the Mediterranean Sea

3. A Right to Come Within State Jurisdiction Under Non-Refoulement? Interpreting Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights in Good Faith Within the Context of Extraterritorial Migration Control

4. Containing the Containment: Using Art. 16 ASR to Overcome Accountability Gaps in Delegated Migration Control

5. Nigerien Law 2015-36: How a New Narrative in the Fight Against Smugglers Affects the Right to Leave a Country

6. Dogmatik and International Criminal Law: Approximations in the Realm of ‘Language’ and ‘Grammar’

7. The Settlement of EEZ Fisheries Access Disputes under UNCLOS: Limitations to Jurisdiction and Compulsory Conciliation

8. Compulsory Settlement of EEZ Fisheries Enforcement Disputes under UNCLOS: “Swallowing the Rule” or “Balancing the Equation”?

9. An Unlikely Duo? Regionalism and Jus Cogens in International Law

10. Dynamic Belt and Road Initiative and the Global South’s Approach to Sustainability

11. Is the International Law Commission Taking Regionalism Seriously (Enough)?

12. Interpretation and Application of the ECHR: Between Universalism and Regionalism

13. Military Intervention on Request in Jus Ad Bellum and Jus In Bello and the question of recognition of governments

14. Missed Communications and Miscommunications: International Courts, the Fragmentation of International Law and Judicial Dialogue

15. Of Dark Clouds and  eir Silver Linings: Crisis as Opportunity in the Economic and Social Rigths Jurisprundence of the European Court of Human Rights

16. The Challenges of Redressing Violations of Economic and Social Rights in the Aftermath of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis

17. The Soft Touch of International Financial Regulation: Status, Flaws and Future

18. The Evolution of the Prohibition of Genocide: From Natural Law Enthusiasm to Lackadaisical Judicial Perfunctoriness – And Back Again?

19. Perspectives for a New International Crime Against the Environment: International Criminal Responsibility for Environmental Degradation under the Rome Statute

20. The European Court of Human Rights Through the Looking Glass of Gender: An Evaluation

21. Enhancing the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts – the Draft Principles of the International Law Commission and Beyond

22. Reflections on the Legality of Attacks Against the Natural Environment by Way of Reprisals

23. Protecting Protected Areas in Bello: Learning From Institutional Design and Conflict Resilience in the Greater Virunga and Kidepo Landscapes

24. Through the Looking Glass: Corporate Actors and Environmental Harm Beyond the ILC

25. Business, Armed Conflict, and Protection of the Environment: What Avenues for Corporate Accountability?

26. Enhancing Environmental Protection During Occupation Through Human Rights

27. The Martens Clause and Environmental Protection in Relation to Armed Conflicts

28. Precaution in International Environmental Law and Precautions in the Law of Armed Conflict

29. Avoiding the Legal Black Hole: Re-evaluating the Applicability of the European Convention on Human Rights to the United Kingdom’s Targeted Killing Policy

30. Advancing the Rule of Law Through Executive Measures: The Case of MINUSCA

31. An Analysis of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Light of its Form as a Framework Agreement

32. Reconciling the Irreconcilable? – The Extraterritorial Application of the ECHR and its Interaction With IHL

33. The Perils of Judicial Restraint: How Judicial Activism Can Help Evolve the International Court of Justice

34. Access to Fisheries in the United Kingdom’s Territorial Sea after its Withdrawal from the European Union: A European and International Law Perspective

35. Evaluating the Zero Draft on a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights: What Does it Regulate and how Likely is its Adoption by States/

36. Constitutionalism and the Mechanics of Global Law Transfers

37. The Legal Dimensions of Rule of Law Promotion in EU Foreign Policy: EU Treaty Imperatives and Rule of Law Conditionality in the Foreign Trade and Development Nexus

38. The Dawn of Article 18 ECHR: A Safeguard Against European Rule of Law Backsliding?

39. The Law Behind Rule of Law Promotion in Fragile States: The Case of Afghanistan

40. International Investment Law and the Rule of Law

41. Universal Jurisdiction in Absentia Before Domestic Courts Prosecuting International Crimes: A Suitable Weapon to Fight Impunity?

42. The International Responsibility of Non-State Armed Groups: In Search of the Applicable Rules

43. Modification of Renewable Energy Support Schemes Under the Energy Charter Treaty: Eiser and Charanne in the Context of Climate Change

44. Exercising or Evading International Public Authority? The Many Faces of Environmental Post-Treaty Rules

45. Pandemic Declarations of the World Health Organization as an Exercise of International Public Authority: The Possible Legal Answers to Frictions Between Legitimacies

46. vSoft Authority against Hard Cases of Racially Discriminating Speech: Why the CERD Committee Needs a Margin of Appreciation Doctrine

47. The UN Declaration on the Rule of Law and the Application of the Rule of Law to the UN: A Reconstruction From an International Public Authority Perspective

48. Towards a New International Law of the Atmosphere?

49. The EU Commission and the Fragmentation of International Law: Speaking European in a Foreign Land

50. The Use of Scholarship by the WTO Appellate Body

51. The Evolution of Arms Control Instruments and the Potential of the Arms Trade Treaty

52. Combating Illegal Fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone – Flag State Obligations in the Context of the Primary Responsibility of the Coastal State

53. Between Evolution and Stagnation – Immunities in a Globalized World

54. The ‘Bonn Powers’ of the High Representative in Bosnia Herzegovina: Tracing a Legal Figment

55. Determining the Relationship Between International and Domestic Laws Within an Internationalized Court: An Example From the Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers’ Jurisdiction Over International and Domestic Crimes

56. Complete Edition

57. Editorial

58. "By What Right?": The Contributions of the Peninsular School for Peace to the Basis of the International Law of Indigenous Peoples

59. Romanticization Versus Integration?: Indigenous Justice in Rule of Law Reconstruction and Transitional Justice Discourse

60. Protection and Realization of Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights at the National and International Level

61. A Step Further on Traditional Peoples Human Rights: Unveiling the Key-Factor for the Protection of Communal Property

62. Indigenous Peoples' Rights and the Extractive Industry: Jurisprudence From the Inter-American System of Human Rights

63. Pascua Lama, Human Rights, and Indigenous Peoples: A Chilean Case Through the Lens of International Law

64. "We Will Remain Idle No More": The Shortcomings of Canada's 'Duty to Consult' Indigenous Peoples

65. Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Drug Control Regime: The Case of Traditional Coca Leaf Chewing

66. Editorial

67. Non-Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council and the Promotion of the International Rule of Law

68. "All's Well That Ends Well" or "Much Ado About Nothing"?: A Commentary on the Arms Trade Treaty

69. The Lubanga Case of the International Criminal Court: A Critical Analysis of the Trial Chamber's Findings on Issues of Active Use, Age, and Gravity

70. Americanization of the BIT Universe: The Influence of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (FCN) Treaties on Modern Investment Treaty Law

71. The Possible Future of Promoting and Protecting European Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa

72. Editorial

73. The Status and Future of International Law after the Libya Intervention

74. The Responsibility to Protect and the Role of Regional Organizations: An Appraisal of the African Union's Interventions

75. The Continuing Functions of Article 98 of the Rome Statute

76. Sovereign Debt Crises as Threats to the Peace: Restructuring under Chapter VII of the UN Charter?

77. Have Measures Adopted by States to Cope With the Global Financial Crisis Been in Accordance With Their Obligations Under International Investment Law?

78. Human Rights and International Investment Law: Investment Protection as Human Right?

79. European Asylum Law and the ECHR: An Uneasy Coexistence

80. Re-thinking the Role of Indigenous Peoples in International Law: New Developments in International Environmental Law and Development Cooperation

81. They Entered without any Rumor. Human Rights in the Belgian Legal Periodicals

82. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and its Impact on Labor Law: a Plea for a Proportionality-Test "Light"

83. Kosovo's Chances of UN Membership: A Prognosis

84. Editorial

85. Precursors to International Constitutionalism: The Development of the German Constitutional Approach to International Law Introduction

86. German Federalist Thinking and International Law

87. Alfred Verdross as a Founding Father of International Constitutionalism?

88. Making it Whole: Hersch Lauterpacht's Rabbinical Approach to International Law

89. Francis Lieber on Public War

90. Legalization of International Politics: On the (Im)Possibility of a Constitutionalization of International Law from a Kantian Point of View

91. Why Global Constitutionalism Does not Live up to its Promises

92. The Relationship Between Constitutionalism and Pluralism

93. Overcoming Dichotomies: A Functional Approach to the Constitutional Paradigm in Public International Law

94. Constitutionalism as a Cipher: On the Convergence of Constitutionalist and Pluralist Approaches to the Globalization of Law

95. The System Theory of Niklas Luhmann and the Constitutionalization of the World Society

96. The Constitutional Function of Contemporary International Tribunals, or Kelsen's Visions Vindicated

97. The Legal Status of the Holy See

98. Protecting in Libya on Behalf of the International Community

99. The Use of Combat Drones in Current Conflicts – A Legal Issue or a Political Problem?

100. Completing the ICTY Project Without Sacrificing its Main Goals. Security Council Resolution 1966 – A Good Decision?