54111. Caribbean Security on the Eve of the 21st Century
- Author:
- Ivelaw L. Griffith
- Publication Date:
- 10-1996
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Abstract:
- This study assesses the Caribbean security landscape on the eve of the fast-approaching new century with a view to considering what the future portends in the security arena. Engaging in even guarded prospection during this period of history is particularly difficult, but also exciting, partly because of dramatic changes that the world began undergoing during the 1980s. These changes make scholars and statesmen approach the new century with a combined sense of expectancy and apprehension. The expectancy stems from the anticipated benefits of the end of the Cold War, among other things; the apprehension is driven by them may unknowns that tile dynamics of changing international relations hold for the future. This is true for the Caribbean as it is for other regions of the world, and it holds true for security as it does for other issue areas.
- Topic:
- Security, Defense Policy, and International Law
- Political Geography:
- Caribbean