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53091. Future Prospects for the U.S. Defense Budget and Their Implications for Our Asian Alliance Commitments

53092. Sankin Kotai: Institutionalized Trust as the Foundation for Economic Development in the Tokugawa Era

53093. U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines: Toward a New Accommodation of Mutual Responsibility

53094. China's Foreign Economic Relations

53095. Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad? A Comparative Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in Non-Europe

53096. Coping with US - Mexican Interdependence: The NAFTA Response

53097. The Politics of NAFTA: Presidential use of Side Payments

53098. Taking the State Back Out? Comparing French Responses to Globalization in Agriculture and Shipping

53099. Canadian Environmental Movement and Free Trade

53100. Old Wine in New Bottle? The Summit of the Americas in Theoretical Perspective