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1. Recycling Regime, Environment, and Exclusion of Electronic Scrap Workers in Delhi

2. Empire Salon | William Smith | Oct 14 2020

3. Military Implications of PLA Aircraft Incursions in Taiwan’s Airspace 2024

4. Dreams Deferred in Xi’s New Year’s Speech

5. Untangling the Transatlantic Knot: Germany, France, and the United States

6. China: From Systemic Rival to Systemic Threat

7. Reflections on WTO Reform: Lecture series by Ignacio Garcia Bercero

8. Lift the Sanctions: The Principal Danger in Syria Today is Instability

9. Shipment of a Controlled Vacuum Furnace to North Korea via Multiple States: An HS Code Case Study

10. New Information on Shenyang Machine Tool Company’s Illicit Sales to North Korea and Russia

11. Assad’s Fall Is an Opportunity for a U.S. Win Over China

12. In Syria, America Should Be Ruthlessly Focused on the Islamic State

13. PMF Non-Deployment to Save Assad: Sudani’s View Contradicted by Iran

14. Gaza Ceasefire: Implications for Israel, Hamas, and U.S. Policy

15. Navigating the Challenges of Environmentalism in an Increasingly Authoritarian Iraq

16. Online Narratives and Manipulations: Tunisian and Regional Panorama

17. Strengthening Peace and Security in West Africa: A Conversation with Anthony Antem

18. UNRWA Funding is Burdened with Conditionality

19. UNRWA After October 7: Building a Comprehensive Response Framework for Palestinian Refugees

20. Navigating the Politics of Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

21. Bridging Local and Global Assistance for Palestinian Refugees in Egypt

22. Death or Detention: Israel’s Attacks on Journalism Follow a Lethal Pattern

23. The Gendering of Sudan’s Brutal War

24. Time to Renew an Old Promise? A Brief History of Global South Solidarity with Palestine

25. Children’s “Right to Play” In Gaza

26. In Targeting UNRWA, Israel Aims to Destroy the Right of Return

27. Grounding Women’s Land Rights: Towards equity and climate justice

28. Leaving No One Behind: A green bargain for people and planet

29. Climate Change Adaptation Issues for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Cities

30. Emerging Challenges and Opportu-Nities in Humanitarian Assistance in Mozambique: A Case Study from Cabo Delgados

31. Situation Analysis of the Chissano Government: Domestic Transitions and Economic Pragmatism in Mozam-Bique (1986–2004)

32. The Evolution of Un Peace Operations from a Human Security Perspective: The Dilemma in the Issue of Western Sahara

33. Contemporary Terrorism: A Theoretical Perspective

34. Asia’s Growing Global Influence: A Study of India’s Africa Policy

35. China’s Digital Silk Road: Outlines and Implications for Europe

36. Monitoring Report | Public consultation in Albania: The illusion of inclusion

37. State Goals, Private Tools: Digital Sovereignty and Surveillance Along the Belt and Road

38. The Shapeshifting Evolution of Chinese Technology Acquisition

39. The Power Vertical: Centralization in the PRC’s State Security System

40. The Art of War: PRC Weaponizes Culture to Galvanize the People

41. Xi Jinping’s Quantitative Easing Unlikely to Save Economy

42. Understanding the PRC’s Selective Use of Military Hotlines

43. Beijing’s Soft Power Push with African Nations

44. Kubernetes: A Dilemma in the Geopolitical Tech Race

45. Kursk Incursion Draws Delayed Response From Beijing

46. Economic and Technological Zones: Economic Strategy in the Tibet Autonomous Region

47. PRC Advances New International Order In Astana

48. Cognitive Domain Operations Against Vietnam Hint at Broader Ambitions

49. PRC Transfer of Military and Dual-Use Technology: the Case of the International Conference on Defence Technology

50. New Textbook Reveals Xi Jinping’s Doctrine of Han-centric Nation-Building

51. Foreign Fixations at the Heart of Chinese-style Modernization

52. Planned Obsolescence: The Strategic Support Force In Memoriam (2015-2024)

53. Xi Signals Firm Strategy but Flexible Tactics at China’s Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference

54. Foreign Intelligence Hackers and Their Place in the PRC Intelligence Community

55. National Defense Mobilization: Toward A Clear Division of Labor between the PLA and Civilian Bureaucracies

56. Implications of Article 23 Legislation on the Future of Hong Kong

57. Civil Society Defense Initiatives

58. PLA Personnel Shakeups And Their Implications

59. Perakende Sektöründe Denkleştirme Uygulaması ve Çalışan Tercihleri Açısından İncelenmesi

60. Marka Deneyimi Yaratma Sürecinde Hikâye Anlatıcılığının Rolü

61. “Leonardo Da Vinci: Yapay Zekâ Işığın Bilgeliği / Cern’den Nasa’ya İnsanlık Ve Metaverse” Dijital Sergisinin Beden Teması Bağlamında İncelenmesi

62. Emin Alper'in Kurak Günler Filmine Bakhtinyen Bir Yaklaşım

63. Kök Ailenin Evlilikte Partner Seçimine Etkisi

64. AURUM Journal of Social Sciences (Volume 9, Number 1) - Full Issue

65. AI Policy in EU Illiberal Democracies: The Experience in Hungary and Poland

66. Perils of the U.S. Defense Budget: Silver Lining or Dark Abyss?

67. Prospects for EU-Türkiye Foreign Policy Cooperation at a Time of Geopolitical Turbulence

68. Japan’s Approach to the Global South

69. Refugees and Return: Resolving Ukraine's Human Capital Crisis

70. Rebuild, Decarbonize, and Integrate: Ukraine, the EU, and the Road to a Net-Zero Energy Sector

71. Rethinking Industrial Policy for Central and Eastern Europe

72. Democratic Russian Civil Society Outside Russia? A Window of Opportunity for Support

73. Next-Generation Perspectives on Taiwan: Insights from the 2024 Taiwan-US Policy Program

74. The End of Russia’s “Unipolar Moment” in the South Caucasus

75. Disinformation in the City: Response Playbook

76. Protecting Undersea Infrastructure in the North American Arctic

77. Time Is Almost Up

78. TikTok Tactics: 2024 US Candidates Dance Around Security Risks

79. Pivotal Powers 2024: Innovative Engagement Strategies for Global Governance, Security, and Artificial Intelligence

80. Is the G7 still relevant?

81. Teaching Difficult Histories: Key Principles For Democracy

82. Strengthening the Representation of Women in Diplomacy: Challenges and Policy Solutions

83. International Order Strategies: Past and Present

84. The Decline and Rise of Hegemonic Narratives: From Globalisation and the 'Asia-Pacific' to Geopolitics and the 'Indo-Pacific'

85. Crisis and adaptation of the Islamic State in Khorasan

86. Advice from an Old School Diplomat to the Chat/GPT Generation

87. CPR for the Turkish Economy: The 2001 Financial Crisis and its Aftermath

88. Soviet vs. Post-Soviet Russian Disinformation

89. Russian Propaganda Efforts: Historical Continuities Accompany Technological Changes

90. The Christmas Gift that Keeps Giving

91. Satchmo, the Duke, and the Count: Representing America at its Best Despite Having Experienced its Worst

92. A New Face, But an Old Tactic: History Offers Clues on Stopping Russia’s African Advance

93. The Modest Geopolitical Case for Pakistan

94. Tough Love and the Diplomacy of Foreign Assistance

95. Diplomacy and the Mysteries of the How: The ‘Craft’ in Statecraft

96. Has NATO Enlargement Enhanced US National Security?

97. Europe and NATO: Mountains Ahead

98. Ukraine’s Long Path toward NATO

99. NATO Bolsters Its Eastern Flank

100. NATO at 75: Success Through Adaptation