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1. RBPI and the Study of IR: Fostering a Multifaceted Platform for Global Dialogue, Debate and Academic Cooperation

2. Domestic regimes and national preferences as factors of regionalism’s crisis. The case of Guatemala’s regional integration policy

3. Spatiotemporal enabling/disabling factors of local agency in peacebuilding processes. Analysis from present time history and critical peace geography

4. “The thing with sexual exploitation”: gender representations and the Brazilian military in an UN peace mission

5. Regionalism and the Agenda 2030: Inequality and Decent Work in Mexico

6. Mercosur and Environment: progress in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda

7. Regionalism Beyond Land Borders: Strengthening regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean through blue economy policies

8. South Africa as a Leading Regional Power in Africa? An Analysis of the Implementation of the African Union, Auda-Nepad and Agenda 2063

9. EU-LAC inter-regionalism as a driver to achieve the environmental Sustainable Development Goals

10. Bottom-up regionality and the Sustainable Development Goals: civil society organizations shaping 2030 Agenda implementation in Latin America

11. Why can ASEAN Promote Sustainable Development Cooperation?

12. US Hegemony in Latin America: Think Tanks and the Formation of Consensus about the Chinese Presence

13. How does IR study children? A Brazilian perspective from the field

14. Deep fires and the British strategic posture: does the war in Ukraine validate it?

15. Regional Governance in Latin America: The More the Merrier?

16. The Realist debate in the context of the War in Ukraine: balancing dynamics, international change and strategic calculus

17. Impact of economic sanctions on net commodity-producing and net commodity-consuming countries

18. The impacts on the change of training architecture for UN Peacekeeping Operations in Brazil

19. Towards a Pax Cubana: revolution, socialism and development in Havana’s Cold War foreign policy

20. Subnational policies and migration in the USA: post-national citizenship or sovereignty?

21. From emergency to structure: ways to fight Covid-19 via international cooperation in health from Brazil

22. International development cooperation as a global governance policy

23. Back to sovereignty? Policy space in investor-State dispute settlement

24. International Law and Order Enforcement: Police Assistance Programs and Politics in US-Brazil Relations

25. “Brazilian Foreign Policy, Multilateral Institutions and Power Relations: an Interview with Ambassador Rubens Ricupero”

26. “One Single Agriculture”: Dismantling Policies and Silencing Peasant Family Farmers in Brazilian Foreign Policy (2016-2022)

27. When only China wants to play: Institutional turmoil and Chinese investment in Brazil

28. Marriage of convenience, love at first sight? A brief manual for teaching international relations in Brazil and beyond

29. BRICS and Global Health Diplomacy in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Situating BRICS’ diplomacy within the prevailing global health governance context

30. Borders and transit countries: the re-territorialization of Middle East pipelines

31. South America at the core of Brazilian foreign policy during Bolsonaro’s administration (2019-2022)

32. The institutionalized Buen Vivir: a new hegemonic political paradigm for Ecuador

33. Artificial Intelligence and International System Structure

34. Mobilizing Resources and Signaling Intentions: a Neoclassical Realist Analysis of Japan’s Domestic and International Instrumentalization of the Senkaku Islands Dispute and China’s Maritime Assertiveness

35. The challenge to US hegemony and the “Gilpin Dilemma”

36. The Copenhagen School in South America: the (de)securitization of UNASUR (2008-2017)

37. The demise of the INF Treaty: a path dependence analysis

38. Paving the way to the Security Council: NGOs’ activism on women’s and children’s issues

39. Corporate influence and the global pandemic – reflections from the mining sector

40. Promoting health diplomacy in the fight against COVID-19: the case of Vietnam

41. The Chinese South-South development cooperation: an assessment of its structural transformation

42. Development finance with Chinese characteristics: financing the Belt and Road Initiative

43. Patterns of Official Development Assistance in Tajikistan: effects on growth and poverty reduction

44. Enlarging the donor base: an analysis of the World Food Programme’s reform process and the Brazilian bridge diplomacy

45. From poverty reduction to global challenges, a new horizon for international development cooperation?

46. The changing nature and architecture of U.S. democracy assistance

47. Epistemic hegemony: the Western straitjacket and post-colonial scars in academic publishing

48. National interests and the impact of student mobility: the case of Canada and Brazil

49. Exploring Brazilian foreign policy towards women: dimensions, outcomes, actors and influences

50. Compliance in “exceptional” trade disputes: a set-theoretical approach