Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this video, Dr Jonathan Kennedy (Queen Mary University of London) and Dr Talya Greene (University of Haifa) discuss COVID-19 in the context of mental health. They highlight the groups at particular risk of experiencing trauma as a result of the pandemic, and note the possible long term consequences and challenges, including the entrenchment of existing societal inequalities.
Security, Trauma, Mental Health, Public Health, Pandemic, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this video, Dr Andreas Papamichail (Queen Mary University of London) speaks to Dr Abdulkarim Ekzayez (King’s College London), Dr Weeam Hammoudeh (Birzeit University) and Dr Nassim El Achi (American University of Beirut) about the current situation with respect to the coronavirus pandemic in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, and how the political situation in the three countries is affecting the response to the outbreak.
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this video, Leonardo Martinez-Diaz, Global Director, Sustainable Finance Center of the World Resources Institute discusses policies and measures that can fight against both COVID-19 and the climate emergency.
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this episode, Dr Simukai Chigudu (University of Oxford) and Professor Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London) discuss COVID-19 and Africa. They highlight that Africa is not a blank canvas in which the pandemic will play out in a uniform fashion and also question why the word ‘catastrophe’ is often used when discussing COVID-19 in relation to the African continent.
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this video, Professor Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London) and Dr Annie Wilkinson (Institute of Development Studies) consider how simple COVID-19 prevention methods in slums and informal settlements are often difficult or impossible to administer. They also highlight how a lack of available data can impact the effectiveness of strategies for responding to the pandemic.
Security, Poverty, Inequality, Public Health, Pandemic, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
Conflicts exacerbate inequalities that have already been brought to light by COVID-19. In this video, Dr Andreas Papamichail (Queen Mary University of London) discusses how weakened health systems will hinder the response to the virus, the increased risks faced by vulnerable populations, and how the dynamics of conflict can become wrapped up in responses to the pandemic.
Security, Inequality, Conflict, Pandemic, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this episode, Professor Sophie Harman (QMUL) discusses lessons that can be learned from the Ebola response in relation to COVID-19 with Daniel Kettor (Rainbo Initiative). He highlights, from his experiences of Ebola in Sierra Leone, that social behaviours towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic will be crucial in ending transmission.
Security, Ebola, Public Health, Pandemic, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
n this video, Professor Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London) and Dr. Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield) discuss the response of the United Nations Security Council to COVID-19. They note that thus far, tensions between the USA and China have resulted in a deadlock among the P5 (China, France, Russia, USA, UK) and have prevented the agreement and adoption of a Security Council resolution.
Security, International Cooperation, United Nations, Public Health, Pandemic, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
In this video, Dr. Toby Greene (QMUL) discusses the impact of Coronavirus on the actions of radical right politicians and political parties. He also asks whether anti-globalist thinking will be strengthened or weakened in light of the global health pandemic.
Security, Globalization, Public Health, Pandemic, Radical Right, and COVID-19
Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
n this video, Professor Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London) and Professor Sara E. Davies (Griffith University) discuss Donald Trump's response to the Coronavirus pandemic. They note that, whilst Trump has been criticised for his actions with regard to the USA's initial response, this has not differed vastly from that of other countries, such as Indonesia and Brazil.
Security, Leadership, Public Health, Pandemic, and COVID-19