29701. Primer: Support Technologies for Human Rights Lawyers
- Publication Date:
- 02-2014
- Content Type:
- Policy Brief
- Institution:
- Open Society Foundations
- Abstract:
- This study looks at the place that technologies may have in helping human rights lawyers work most effectively. It looks at three classes of technologies: 1. Case and practice management tools, for managing the daytoday flow of information around a case, such as the exchange of documents, task management and dates. 2. EDiscovery tools for digitizing, organizing and reviewing collections of documents, data or other material that could be evidence in a case. 3. Investigation and case building tools for organizing and analyzing the facts of a case or group of cases, providing visual overviews on maps, network charts and timelines. The goal is to provide an understanding of the problems that the available tools target, a framework for thinking about how these technologies may fit into to your work, and a good understanding of the costs involved.
- Topic:
- Human Rights, Science and Technology, Law, Digital Policy, and Legal Sector
- Political Geography:
- Global Focus