The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
Following a new report, families of the 43 students criticized the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for failing to follow through on promises to finally solve the case.
Corruption, Crime, Government, Kidnapping, and Military
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
On Mexico’s Pacific coast, the government and businesses are trying to legalize a huge area of illegally-cultivated oil palm by reducing the size of an environmental reserve.
Environment, Government, Natural Resources, Business, Greenwashing, and Palm Oil
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
This study suggests who is leading the ecosystem of China's 5G industry through analysis of the association standard network. Our study finds that the Chinese government think tank is in the most important position in the related network. Our study also suggests that it is important to monitor association standards in China and strengthen the standard cooperation of companies, scholars, and institutes in the Korean ICT industry.
Government, Science and Technology, Think Tanks, and 5G
US Senator Ted Cruz recently called for Yemen’s Houthis to be added to the Foreign Terrorist Organization list—again. The Iran-backed Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, were designated as terrorists by the Trump administration on January 19, 2021, criminalizing support of the group, but the designation was removed by the Biden administration the following month.
Around the world, national terrorist group lists vary considerably, and change over time.
Last fall, the UK government announced it would add Hamas to its terrorist list. Other countries, such as the United States, have long designated Hamas a terrorist group, while others, like Russia, have not.
Why do some organizations end up on countries’ terrorist group lists? Why are some terrorist lists different than others?
Government, Terrorism, Non State Actors, Conflict, and Islamism
Government effectiveness has played an important role in tackling the crisis caused by
the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This paper discusses the different aspects of government
effectiveness in explaining the variation in the COVID-19 confirmed cases and death levels in Viet
Nam. We use the Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index in 2019
to measure the quality of government effectiveness at the local level. The findings show the
importance of health system capacity in the battle against COVID-19. We find that increased
government transparency is significantly associated with lower confirmed rates. For the impact of
the level of participation, we find that provinces that have higher quality of village head elections
or where people have more opportunities to participate tend to have lower infected cases,
especially where people participate in the formal and informal association and have voted in the
National Assembly election.
Abdoul-Akim Wandaogo, Fayçal Sawadogo, and Jesse Lastunen
Publication Date:
Content Type:
Working Paper
United Nations University
Developing countries need to raise sufficient tax revenue to finance development. Revenue
mobilization is often hampered by limited tax compliance, weak institutions, and technical problems with
tax collection. One solution to these challenges is person-to-government (P2G) mobile phone payments,
adopted in a number of developing countries since the early 2000s. This study assesses the causal effect of
P2G adoption on tax revenue using propensity score matching. According to the matching estimates,
countries that adopt P2G services experience a 1.2–1.3 percentage point boost in direct tax revenue as a
share of GDP. P2G adoption increases revenue from both corporate and personal income taxes, with larger
effects on the latter. The results remain robust to matching quality tests and alternative estimation methods,
including function control, two-stage least squares, and system generalized method of moments. The
average treatment effects are largest among lower-middle-income countries and countries characterized by
limited tax compliance and corruption control, and by low levels of urbanization and domestic credit to the
private sector. The findings suggest that developing countries, particularly those with poor institutions and
low levels of financial inclusion, should promote the adoption and use of mobile money services for tax
Development, Government, Finance, Economy, and Tax Systems
A new issue brief, Afghanistan: Where US-Iranian Interests May Yet Intersect, authored by Atlantic Council senior fellow Borzou Daragahi delves into the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and how the swift collapse of the US-backed government in Kabul last summer not only shocked the United States and its allies in the 20-year struggle in that country, but also Afghanistan’s influential neighbor, Iran.
As refugees continue to stream into Iran, the government in Tehran has still not recognized the Taliban regime and remains worried about a further deterioration in Afghanistan’s economy and social cohesion, as well as the growing presence of Sunni Jihadi militants. As Iran-Afghan relations evolve, will US concerns about Afghanistan’s fragile state provide a basis for tacit cooperation between Washington and Tehran, similar to what existed when the Taliban was last in power?
Government, Taliban, Geopolitics, Economy, and Strategic Interests
Political Geography:
Afghanistan, Iran, South Asia, and United States of America