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1451. Investor-State Arbitration Between Developed Democratic Countries

1452. International Regulatory Cooperation on the Resolution of Financial Institutions: Where Does India Stand?

1453. The 2015 Survey of Progress in International Economic Governance

1454. Momentum Not to Be Wasted: Aid Coordination in Post-Revolutionary Ukraine

1455. Developing Emerging Leaders: The Bush School and the Legacy of the 41st President

1456. Strategic Insights: Fragile States Cannot Be Fixed With State-Building

1457. Peacebuilding and Institution-building

1458. Rethinking energy security: An inter-paradigmatic debate

1459. Humanitarianism and the Global Favela: Urban Violence and Humanitarian Action in Rio de Janeiro | Travail humanitaire et favela globale : la violence urbaine et l’action humanitaire à Rio de Janeiro

1460. Human Rights in Minefields: Extractive Economies, Environmental Conflicts, and Social Justice in the Global South

1461. Baku Dialogues

1462. How can developing cities provide better water to their residents?

1463. A more comprehensive picture of local public spending in global health and education

1464. Saudi Arabia: The New Power Structure

1465. The Chinese People's Liberation Army 'Post-modern' Navy

1466. The Frackers

1467. TSG IntelBrief: Turkey and Syria: A Troubled History

1468. Financial Inclusion and Global Regulatory Standards: An Empirical Study across Developing

1469. On the Nature of the Internet

1470. Internationalization of the Renminbi: Developments, Problems and Influences

1471. The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: Backgrounds, Developments and Preliminary Assessment of Initial Impacts

1472. SMARTer Indicators for Decent Work in a Post-2015 Development Agenda: A Discussion and a Proposal

1473. Innovation and Action in Funding Girls\' Education

1474. Agriculture and rural development for inclusive growth and food security in Morocco

1475. Using the Internet to promote services exports by small- and medium-sized enterprises

1476. Investing in Early Childhood Development: What is Being Spent, And What Does it Cost?

1477. Guarantees, Subsidies, or Paying for Success? Choosing the Right Instruments to Catalyze Private Investment in Developing Countries

1478. Democratization and Other Civil War Legacies in Central America

1479. Venezuela: Unnatural Disaster

1480. Guarantees, Subsidies, or Paying for Success? Choosing the Right Instrument to Catalyze Private Investment in Developing Countries

1481. Govern LIke Us: U.S. Expectations of Poor Countries

1482. Voices of the Arab Spring: Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions

1483. Boko Haram and Escalating Regional Terror

1484. His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

1485. How China Can Help Lead a Global Transition to Clean Energy

1486. Philanthropy, Welfare Capitalism or Radically Different Global Economic Model: What Would It Take to End Global Poverty within a Generation Based on Historical Growth Patterns?

1487. Growth in an uncertain global environment: The outlook for Latin America

1488. Curbing Violence in Nigeria (III): Revisiting the Niger Delta

1489. Hard Aid: Foreign Aid in the Pursuit of Short-term Security and Political Goals

1490. Kurdistan’s Politicized Society Confronts a Sultanistic System

1491. Japanese Investment in the United States: Superior Performance, Increasing Integration

1492. Do Public Development Banks Hurt Growth? Evidence from Brazil

1493. The post-2015 agenda and the evolution of the World Bank Group

1494. Driving sustainable development through better infrastructure: Key elements of a transformation program

1495. Today's challenges for girls' education

1496. Happiness and health in China: The paradox of progress

1497. Aid procurement and the development of local industry: A question for Africa

1498. Accessibility and effectiveness of donor disclosure policies when disclosure clouds transparency

1499. Foreign Policy for an Urban World: Global Governance and the Rise of Cities

1500. His Excellency Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia