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1. The Granular Trade and Production Activities (GRANTPA) Database

2. Finland's partnerships as a NATO member: Prospects for defence cooperation in a multilateral framework

3. The Joint Expeditionary Force: Baltic Interests

4. Monitoring Progress on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

5. Technology will save the climate! Attitudes towards Norway’s climate policy in four social groups

6. Military Culture 2.0: The Female Cadet’s Approach, Feminine Competencies, and Pan-Critical Feminism - Drawing examples from American and Norwegian Special Forces

7. A Risk-Increasing Safety Strategy? Evaluating the traditional risk mitigating strategy in dealing with dumped ammunition and explosive remnants of war

8. Hydrogen and Energy Transition: Opportunities for Brazil

9. Protection of critical infrastructure in Norway – factors, actors and systems

10. Cyber Conscription: Experience and Best Practice from Selected Countries

11. What threatens NATO – and what members can do? The case of Norway and Poland

12. Governance, Social Policy, and Political Economy: Trends in Norway’s Partner Countries

13. Factsheet: Norwegian Progress Party

14. Small States, Different Approaches: Estonia and Norway on the UN Security Council

15. A Movement Between Parliamentary Politics and the Pathway to Violence and Terrorism: Germany’s Radical Right Narratives and Counter-narratives

16. Radical Right Narratives and Norwegian Counter-narratives in the Decade of Utøya and Bærum Solo-actor Attacks

17. Nordic cooperation amid pandemic travel restrictions

18. Covid-19 bends the rules on internal border controls: Yet another crisis undermining the Schengen acquis?

19. UN Security Council Elections for 2021-2022 and the Responsibility to Protect

20. Journal of Advanced Military Studies: Naval Integration and the Future of Naval Warfare

21. Common fears, common opportunities? Czechia and Norway in the changing international context

22. UN Treaty Body Promotes BDS at Urging of Norwegian NGO

23. Don’t be rude, don’t be docile! How to manage freedom of manoeuvre in tense bilateral diplomacy

24. The European Defence Fund and Norway

25. China’s role in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Considerations for Norway

26. Russian approaches to military technology. The Northern dimension

27. What do investors in electric vehicles technologies want?

28. The Geostrategic Arctic: Hard security in the High North

29. Journal of Advanced Military Studies: Great Power Competition

30. Intensifying Great Power Politics in the Arctic - Point of Consideration by the Kingdom of Denmark: From an analysis of assessments and strategies in Finland, Norway and Iceland

31. Military Offensive Cyber-Capabilities: Small-State Perspectives

32. The Arctic Railway and the Sámi: Reconciling national interests with indigenous rights

33. The "Moving Geography": Why are Scandinavian countries increasingly interested in the Middle East?

34. Can a Country Save Too Much? The Case of Norway

35. Melting Arctic: Implications for the Twenty-First Century

36. How the New Cold War travelled North (Part II) Interaction between Norway and Russia

37. After Crimea: The future of Nordic Defence Cooperation

38. Wielding influence in a new governance architecture: Norway, the G20 and the 2030 Agenda

39. Democratic Civilian Control over the Security Sector: Comparative Legal Documents

40. A Useful Pause in Arctic Drilling

41. How Should States Own? Heinisch v. Germany and the Emergence of Human Rights-Sensitive State Ownership Function

42. When the generation gap collides with military structure: The case of the Norwegian cyber officers

43. Cyber Defense: An International View

44. AUra's Openings

45. Staying on side: how to stop match-fixing

46. Arctic Security - An Equation with Multiple Unknowns

47. Her Excellency Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway

48. The Brazil-Norway Agreement with Performance-Based Payments for Forest Conservation: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons

49. Climate Policy Constraints and NGO Entrepreneurship: The Story of Norway's Leadership in REDD+ Financing

50. NORDEFCO and NATO: "Smart Defence" in the North?

51. After Westgate: opportunities and challenges in the war against Al-Shabaab

52. Reforming National Oil Companies: Nine Recommendations

53. Measuring the effectiveness of Norwegian peace facilitation

54. Human security twenty years on

55. Rudy B. Andeweg, Lieven De Winter and Patrick Dumont (eds.) Puzzles of Government Formation: Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases(New York: Routledge, 2011)

56. Arctic Bungle

57. The Norwegian Approach to Afghanistan: Civilian-Military Segregation

58. Norway and Turkey: Possibilities of Cooperation through the Eyes of Turkish Opinion-Makers

59. Implementation of the Santiago Principles for Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Progress Report

60. Surviving a Cold War

61. Norway's Choices

62. Russia assumes and exploits the chairmanship of the G20

63. Military capabilities in the Arctic

64. September 11, 1683: Myth of a Christian Europe and the Massacre in Norway

65. The structure and dynamics of cut flower export markets from Kenya and Ethiopia

66. A case study of Norway's beef trade from developing countries

67. Capable Companies or Changing Markets? Explaining the Export Performance of Firms in the Defence Industry

68. Public procurement and organized crime – illustrated with examples from Bulgaria, Italy and Norway

69. Revival of the Civic Spirit: Contradictions in Somali-American Citizenship

70. A Stocktaking of Norwegian Engagement in Security Sector Reform

71. "Sanctioning Iran: The View from the United Arab Emirates"

72. Yemen: Fragile lives in hungry times

73. Options in Dealing with Iran's Nuclear Program

74. Global Cyber Deterrence Views from China, the U.S., Russia, India, and Norway

75. The International Criminal Court in Africa: challenges and opportunities

76. Defence R&D: Lessons from NATO Allies

77. Baltic, Arctic and Atlantic Surveillance: Nordic Maritime Cooperation Comes In Out of the Cold

78. The Negotiated Nordic Labor Markets: From Bust to Boom

79. Norway's Wealth Fund Answers to Voters

80. Technological Regimes, Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and Firm Level Productivity Growth

81. Between Boy Scouts and Paramilitary Storm Troops: The Young Communist League of Nepal

82. Economic Survey of Norway, 2007

83. Some Assembly Required: Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement

84. Decision-making under Pressure: The Negotiation of the Biometric Passports Regulation in the Council

85. The State, the People and the Armed Forces - a Genealogical Outline of the Legitimacy of the Armed Forces in Norway

86. The State, the People and the Armed Forces – a Genealogical Outline of the Legitimacy of the Armed Forces in Norway

87. An Index of Donor Performance

88. The Costs and Benefits of Front-loading and Predictability of Immunization

89. Sri Lanka: The Failure of the Peace Process

90. La participación en Operaciones de Paz de la ONU y el control civil de las fuerzas armadas: los casos de Argentina y Uruguays

91. GSP in the "spaghetti bowl"; of trade preferences

92. Norway's Trade with Developing Countries

93. The Norwegian Import Regime for Agriculture

94. GSP in the 'spaghetti bowl' of trade preferences

95. Norway's Fredskorpset Youth Program: Study of Selected Exchange Projects

96. Economic Survey of Norway, 2005

97. The Inferior Performance of State Owned Enterprises: Is it due to Ownership or Market Structure?

98. Economic Survey of Norway, 2004

99. A Roadmap for Revived Palestinian Reform?

100. Study of selected Fredskorpset exchange projects