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2. Mexico in a Mirror
- Author:
- Publication Date:
- 12-2018
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI)
- Abstract:
- The Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI), through its Energy Work Group, presents an analysis and a set of recommendations to guarantee the continuity of the Energy Reform, implemented in 2013. The Energy Work Group (GTE in Spanish) is a COMEXI-driven initiative that emerged in response to the need of addressing the challenges the energy sector has brought about for Mexico in the last years; it seeks to seize the chance to turn the country into a driver of development for all Mexicans. To this end, several experts, key players and leaders of energy companies in our country have joined forces to compile the best international practices in the field to have a positive impact on the strengthening of the energy market. Throughout its existence, the GTE has issued several recommendations concerning the instrumentation, implementation and effective date of the Energy Reform. These recommendations can be consulted on COMEXI’s official website. Also, many of them have been encompassed in the laws passed for the energy-market opening in Mexico. Hence, in this new release, we wish to contribute to guaranteeing the permanence of the Reform in the light of the unforeseeable circumstances we are currently undergoing, from the political ups and downs in Mexico to the renegotiation and future of NAFTA. This proposal summarizes some of the different alternatives Mexico could adopt to achieve this objective. Furthermore, it compares success stories in other regions of the world to shed light on the ups and downs of other country’s experiences and traces clear routes towards implementation. GTE will continue combining forces to contribute to the sector’s development and to consolid
- Topic:
- International Affairs
- Political Geography:
- Mexico and Global Focus
3. Perspectiva de ciberseguridad en México
- Author:
- Publication Date:
- 07-2018
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI)
- Abstract:
- La ciberseguridad es un tema que aparece cada día con mayor frecuencia en nuestros medios y permea una amplia gama de campos. Los ciberataques que enfrentamos cada vez con mayor frecuencia pueden afectar desde la integridad de infraestructura crítica como los sistemas bancarios del país; a la incidencia de robos de identidades personales y otros delitos; y hasta contribuir a la cada vez más tenue credibilidad de datos e información general que compromete nuestra capacidad de discernir objetivamente en momentos en que tomamos decisiones importantes. Es un tema que afecta, incluso, a la seguridad emocional de los niños en un entorno social que se ha trasladado a lo digital. En resumen, afecta de alguna forma a todos los sectores sociales
- Topic:
- International Affairs
- Political Geography:
- Mexico and Global Focus
4. Journal of Public and International Affairs 2018
- Author:
- Andi Zhou, Sam Kanson-Benanav, Collin Smith, Yi Xu, Amn Nasir, Sameer Anwar, Saim Rashid, Muqueet Shahzad, Lauren Eades, William O'Connell, Caper Gooden, Paige KW Gasser, Laurie Georges, Seleeke Flingai, and Erika Parks
- Publication Date:
- 05-2018
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Journal of Public and International Affairs (JPIA)
- Institution:
- School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA), Princeton University
- Abstract:
- These are critical times for those who work to further the public interest. Across the globe, divisions and distrust erode the clarity required to tackle the great challenges of our day. Those who advocate for truth find themselves under attack from those who fear what they might lose if the status quo is changed. There is exceptional need today for powerful voices speaking on behalf of sound policy. The 10 articles in this 29th edition of the Journal of Public and International Affairs all reflect a dogged determination among young policy professionals around the world to press ahead in spite of the headwinds. These pages contain fresh ideas on electrifying rural Myanmar, reforming the U.S. banking system, strengthening the Jordanian labor market, and preventing recidivism among convicted sex offenders in Texas, to name just a few. The JPIA was born from the conviction that graduate students have a unique and invaluable voice in key policy debates. The authors of these articles, together with the 45 editors from 13 graduate programs around the world who selected and reviewed them, will shape the future of economic, international, domestic, and development policy in the decades to come. We strive continually, especially at this moment, to amplify their voices.
- Topic:
- Development, International Cooperation, Nuclear Weapons, Treaties and Agreements, International Affairs, Bilateral Relations, Labor Issues, Business, Mental Health, Accountability, Public Sector, Hezbollah, Services, Electricity, Pollution, and Waste
- Political Geography:
- Pakistan, Africa, South Asia, Middle East, Canada, Brazil, South America, Central America, Lebanon, Mozambique, North America, Mexico, Jordan, Southeast Asia, Myanmar, and United States of America
5. The Future of Mexico, Part II: As Mexico City Turns
- Author:
- David Danelo
- Publication Date:
- 05-2017
- Content Type:
- Commentary and Analysis
- Institution:
- Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)
- Abstract:
- On January 29, 2016, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a law changing the official name of Mexico’s capital region from Distrito Federal, or D.F., to Ciudad de Mexico. Beyond altering nearly two centuries of dialectical urban description—the region had been called D.F. since 1824 when Mexico’s first constitution was written—the adjustment grants Ciudad de Mexico a level of autonomous governance similar to the country’s other 31 states. The name change devolved power from Mexico’s federal government “to the citizens of Mexico City” and was presented with great public fanfare. Much of Ciudad de Mexico’s new constitution, which was signed in February 2017 and will become law in September 2018, was crowd-sourced from online petitions and community advocates. With articles enshrining green space and LGBT protections, the document has been hailed by liberal advocates as the most progressive in the Western Hemisphere.
- Topic:
- International Relations and International Affairs
- Political Geography:
- Mexico
6. The Future of Mexico, Part I: The Other Mexican Border
- Author:
- David Danelo
- Publication Date:
- 04-2017
- Content Type:
- Commentary and Analysis
- Institution:
- Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)
- Abstract:
- “You should have said something,” a perturbed Chilean university professor tells me in Spanish, soon after we disembarked from a bus in Córdoba, Mexico. Wearing combat boots, fatigues, and a shaved head with scrubby facial hair, the short, slender, middle-aged man had watched me get inspected three times by Mexican migration and military personnel while traveling north from the Mexico-Guatemala border. At each checkpoint, I was the only passenger who drew attention; my passport and documents permitting me to travel through Mexico were scrutinized, and each compartment in my backpack was unzipped. The Chilean, who looked like he could have been in the military himself, claimed he was an advisor to Mexican border forces. “They were profiling you. They are not supposed to do that.” I laughed. Of course, they were profiling me. I look exactly like what I am: a gringo; a güero; an American. Given the attitude the United States government has directed recently towards Mexico, why wouldn’t I be a primary target for extra security screenings? I considered myself fortunate that Mexican authorities were content with seeing my passport and searching my backpack. All things considered, it was a courteous reprieve
- Topic:
- International Cooperation and International Affairs
- Political Geography:
- Mexico
7. Mexico in a Mirror: International Lessons for the Consolidation of the New Mexican Energy Model/México ante el espejo: Lecciones internacionales para la consolidación del nuevo Modelo Energético Mexicano
- Author:
- Publication Date:
- 01-2017
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI)
- Abstract:
- The Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI), through its Energy Work Group, presents an analysis and a set of recommendations to guarantee the continuity of the Energy Reform, implemented in 2013. The Energy Work Group (GTE in Spanish) is a COMEXI-driven initiative that emerged in response to the need of addressing the challenges the energy sector has brought about for Mexico in the last years; it seeks to seize the chance to turn the country into a driver of development for all Mexicans. To this end, several experts, key players and leaders of energy companies in our country have joined forces to compile the best international practices in the field to have a positive impact on the strengthening of the energy market. Throughout its existence, the GTE has issued several recommendations concerning the instrumentation, implementation and effective date of the Energy Reform. These recommendations can be consulted on COMEXI’s official website. Also, many of them have been encompassed in the laws passed for the energy-market opening in Mexico. Hence, in this new release, we wish to contribute to guaranteeing the permanence of the Reform in the light of the unforeseeable circumstances we are currently undergoing, from the political ups and downs in Mexico to the renegotiation and future of NAFTA. This proposal summarizes some of the different alternatives Mexico could adopt to achieve this objective. Furthermore, it compares success stories in other regions of the world to shed light on the ups and downs of other country’s experiences and traces clear routes towards implementation. GTE will continue combining forces to contribute to the sector’s development and to consolidate our country as a competitive and relevant energy player. / El Consejo Mexicano deAsuntos Internacionales (COMEXI), a través de su Grupo de Trabajo de Energía, presenta un análisis y serie de recomendaciones para garantizar la continuidad de la Reforma Energética, implementada en el 2013. El Grupo de Trabajo de Energía (GTE) es una iniciativa de COMEXI que surgió ante la necesidad de atender los retos que el sector energético ha representado para México en los últimos años, así como para aprovecharla oportunidad de convertirlo en un motor de desarrollo para los mexicanos. Para ello, diversos expertos, actores clave y directivos de empresas energéticas en nuestro país han sumado esfuerzos para recopilar mejores prácticas internacionales en el tema, con el fin de influir positivamente en el fortalecimiento del mercado energético
- Topic:
- Energy Policy, Markets, International Affairs, Reform, and NAFTA
- Political Geography:
- North America and Mexico
8. Redefining the Relationship for Prosperity in North America/Redefiniendo la relación para la prosperidad de Norteamérica
- Author:
- Publication Date:
- 12-2017
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI)
- Abstract:
- T he Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI, for its acronym in Spanish) submits for the consideration of political and business leaders, as well as of public opinion, ideas to help guide the U.S.-Mexico relationship in the new binational context. The initiative is made up of general guidelines, as well as a series of specific recommendations for each of the main components of the relationship: NAFTA, Security, Migration, Border, Consulates and Communications. Because of the impending NAFTA re-negotiations, the chapter related to trade is much more detailed, and much longer, than the other position papers. For this reason, we have chosen to keep the recommendations and quotes from the text of the agreement within the main body of the text. The issues are, by nature, technical and detail-driven. The upshot is one of the most complete papers that has been published on the topic in recent times. We are confident that it will become required reading during the long negotiation process that is just beginning. This English-language compendium contains a complete translation of the original text in Spanish. Our guiding principle is that what is good for Mexico is good for the rest of North America, and vice versa. For this reason, we are fostering this dialogue in both languages, confident that a mutually beneficial, “win-win” view of the relationship will ultimately prevail for the benefit of the 475 million inhabitants of our region. // E l Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales presenta su propuesta para conducir la relación bilateral México-Estados Unidos en el nuevo contexto. El proyecto está integrado por un planteamiento global y una serie de recomendaciones específicas para cada uno de los principales componentes de la relación: TLCAN, Seguridad, Migración, Frontera, Consulados y Comunicación. En virtud de la necesidad inmediata de implementar estrategias relativas al inminente proceso de renegociación del TLCAN, el documento en esta materia es mucho más amplio, detallado y específico. Por esa razón, decidimos mantener el cúmulo de observaciones y citas en el cuerpo del texto, ya que el tema es, por naturaleza, técnico y minucioso. Este es uno de los documentos más completos que se han publicado recientemente sobre el TLCAN y confiamos en que se convertirá en un referente obligado durante el largo proceso de negociación que se avecina. Este conjunto de ensayos representa la culminación del trabajo de COMEXI, liderado por su presidente, Luis Rubio. Surge gracias a la amplia participación de los miembros del Consejo y reconocidos expertos, quienes se organizaron por tema para dar a luz los trabajos aquí integrados. Es menester, también, reconocer el trabajo coadyuvante de la directora del COMEXI, Mariana Campero y de Miguel Toro, cuyos esfuerzos para editar y homologar los trabajos fueron fundamentales.
- Topic:
- Security, Migration, International Affairs, Communications, NAFTA, and Borders
- Political Geography:
- North America and Mexico
9. A Bond Worth Strengthening Understanding the Mexican Military and U.S.-Mexican Military Cooperation
- Author:
- Iñigo Guevara Moyano
- Publication Date:
- 10-2016
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- The Wilson Center
- Abstract:
- Over the past decade, the Mexican military has been crafted into hardened and more professional military, skilled in fourth generation warfare, operating across the spectrum of conflict from surgical small-unit Special Forces missions to division-level stability operations in areas comparable in size to Belgium. As new—state and non-state—threats loom on the horizon, the U.S. and Mexican militaries will need to rely on deepening their connection and increasing bilateral trust to build a stronger and interdependent defense relationship. The increase in dialogue and cooperation builds trust and promotes mutual understanding between Mexico and the United States, crafting deep ties between both militaries during a time when the radicalization of political ideas threatens to transcend electoral campaign rhetoric and affect the economic and social fields of North America. For two neighbors that share an annual trade worth USD 534 billion along a 2,000-mile border, understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses should be a priority. This paper is meant to provide a deeper understanding of the Mexican military and its contribution to the defense and security of North America. It does so by analyzing the evolution of Mexico’s armed forces, and the past and present cooperation between the Mexican and the U.S. militaries.
- Topic:
- International Cooperation, International Affairs, Armed Forces, and Military Affairs
- Political Geography:
- America and Mexico
10. Shared Border, Shared Future: A Blueprint to Regulate US-Mexico Labor Mobility
- Author:
- Carlos Gutierrez, Ernesto Zedillo, and Michael Clemens
- Publication Date:
- 09-2016
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Center for Global Development
- Abstract:
- Mexico and the United States have lacked a bilateral agreement to regulate cross-border labor mobility since 1965. Since that time, unlawful migration from Mexico to the US has exploded. Almost half of the 11.7 million Mexican-born individuals living in the U.S. do not have legal authorization. This vast black market in labor has harmed both countries. These two neighboring countries, with an indisputably shared destiny, can come together to work out a better way. The time has come for a lasting, innovative, and cooperative solution. To address this challenge, the Center for Global Development assembled a group of leaders from both countries and with diverse political affiliations—from backgrounds in national security, labor unions, law, economics, business, and diplomacy—to recommend how to move forward. The result is a new blueprint for a bilateral agreement that is designed to end unlawful migration, promote the interests of U.S. and Mexican workers, and uphold the rule of law.
- Topic:
- International Political Economy, International Affairs, Labor Issues, and Border Control
- Political Geography:
- America and Mexico