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201. Reimagining Regional Governance in Latin America

202. Non-binary TikTokers in Latin America: Sharing Debates and Circumventing Censorship

203. A Zone of Twilight? Peace and Conflict in Latin America and the United Nations

204. Toxic Conflict: Understanding Venezuela's Economic Collapse

205. Paraguay's Compliance With The Inter-American Human Rights System

206. The Space of Utopia: Christians for Socialism in Chile

207. Addressing instability in Central America: Restrictions on civil liberties, violence, and climate change

208. Generational Dynamics of Economic Crisis and Recovery: Prospects for Younger and Older Persons

209. Both hard and soft corporate practices construct and secure industrial mining operations: The case of Colombia

210. Accountability social y democracia: El caso de la red de ciudades justas, democráticas y sustentables

211. Starr Forum: The Haitian Constitutional Crisis and the International Community

212. Vaccine Diplomacy: A Tool in the Rivalry for Influence in Latin America

213. The Course of the Energy Transition in Latin America

214. Reforming Patent Law: The Case of Covid‐​19

215. The Risk of Automation in Latin America

216. Poverty in Latin America

217. Social Mobility and Economic Development: Evidence from a Panel of Latin American Regions

218. Reasons for Russia’s War on Ukraine and its foreseeable consequences on Latin America

219. New Avenues for Colombia’s Internationalization: Trade in Tasks

220. Approaches for Supporting Smallholders in the Global South: Contentious Issues, Experiences, Syntheses

221. The Effects of US-China Rivalry on Latin America and Their Implications

222. How concerning is Bolsonaro’s recent political and military shakeup?

223. Europe’s last chance: How the EU can (and should) become the indispensable actor in Venezuela’s democratic restoration

224. Financialization, Deindustrialization, and Instability in Latin America

225. Quantifying Investment Facilitation at Country Level: Introducing a New Index

226. Building an Energy and Climate Coalition with Latin America and the Caribbean: An Agenda for the Biden Administration

227. National Oil Companies and the Energy Transition: Ecopetrol's Acquisition of an Electric Transmission Company

228. Routinization and Employment: Evidence for Latin America

229. US Foreign Policy to South America since 9/11: Neglect or Militarisation?

230. Cybersecurity in Brazil: an analysis of the national strategy

231. Illegal Gold That Undermines Forests and Lives in the Amazon: An Overview of Irregular Mining and its Impacts on Indigenous Populations

232. The Civic Space GPS

233. Climate change and security in West Africa

234. The Prospects for Changes in U.S. Policy towards Latin America

235. Operation Condor, The War on Drugs, and Counterinsurgency in the Golden Triangle (1977-1983)

236. Violence in Post-Revolutionary Mexico

237. Entrenching the Problem? International Organizations and Their Engagement in Latin America to Address Violence: The Case of the European Union in the Northern Triangle

238. New Clothes, Old Threads: The Dangerous Right-Wing Offensive in Latin America

239. Pity the Nation: Honduras Is Being Eaten from within and without

240. Dawn: Marxism and National Liberation

241. Linkages between Inequality, Exclusion, and the Occurrence of Elections with Protest Activity Against Governments

242. Missing Calvo? Latin America’s love-hate relationship with the Investment Treaty Regime


244. The Gender of Work

245. Confettis d’empire ou points d’appui? L’avenir de la stratégie française de présence et de souveraineté

246. Panel on Presidential Candidates on Latin America

247. Brazil's Vulnerable Left Behind in the Pandemic

248. A Peoples' Policy for the Americas

249. Chile's Struggle to Democratize the State

250. Argentina: A Tentative Case for Democratic Populism

251. The Inversion of Human Rights in Brazil

252. Coronavirus, Mining and Latin America: A Baseless “Race to the Bottom”

253. COVID-19 and the battle against poverty in the Southern Cone

254. Russia: an increasingly repressive autocracy seeking a place on the UN Human Rights Council

255. BTI and Cuba: the State of democratic denial

256. Wage effects of employer-mediated transfers

257. It takes two to tango: Labour responses to an income tax holiday in Argentina

258. Is the Future of Central America’s Growth Sustainable?

259. High Expectations: Chile’s Path Toward a New Constitution

260. “Not One Women Less, Not One More Death:” Feminist Activism and Policy Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Latin America

261. Beyond a Single Model: Explaining Differences in Inequality within Latin America

262. Doing Business in Bolivia: a case study in the Andean regulatory framework

263. COVID-19’s reality shock for external-funding dependent emerging economies

264. Elite Political Cues and Attitude Formation in Post-Conflict Contexts

265. COVID-19 and External Shock: Economic Impacts and Policy Options

266. A new energy strategy for the Western Hemisphere

267. PeaceGame Venezuela: Pathways to Peace

268. COVID-19 Impact on the Policy Brief Value Chain in Latin America

269. No Land in Paraguay

270. Truth and justice initiatives in non-transitional contexts: experiences from Latin America

271. The Role of the Army in Politics in Latin America and Turkey during the Cold War | Soğuk Savaş Döneminde Latin Amerika ve Türkiye’de Ordunun Siyasetteki Rolü

272. La brecha de ciberseguridad en América Latina frente al contexto global de ciberamenazas (The Cyber Security Gap in Latin America Against the Global Context of Cyber Threats)

273. The Just Transition in Energy

274. Starting Young to Prevent Violence Against Women

275. Colombia’s shale resource potential

276. Reflections On The U.S.–Mexico Relationship

277. Las mujeres y la construcción de paz: recomendaciones para la Comisión de Esclarecimiento de la Verdad en el proceso de inclusión de la perspectiva de género en el Caribe colombiano

278. ¿Cómo identificar hechos metropolitanos? Una aproximación para Bogotá y Medellín

279. COVID-19 in Latin America: Challenges, responses, and consequences

280. The coronavirus pandemic and its challenges to women’s work in Latin America

281. La transición hacia energía renovables en México: Oportunidades y desafíos respecto a las empresas y derechos humanos

282. Latin America and the New Global Order

283. Fighting Against Imperialism: The Latin American Approach to International Sanctions

284. Planning a Sustainable Post-Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean

285. Latin America Is Avoiding the Obvious Need for Reform. Why?

286. The LFDD – Human Mobility Nexus in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review of National Policy and Legal Frameworks

287. Could a Bridge between the EU and Latin America Boost Innovation “Sovereignty” in a Multipolar World?

288. An Uneven Welcome: Latin American and Caribbean Responses to Venezuelan and Nicaraguan Migration

289. Special Commentary: COVID-19: Shaping a Sicker, Poorer, More Violent, and Unstable Western Hemisphere

290. Global giants and local stars: How changes in brand ownership affect competition

291. Currency Misalignments and Exchange Rate Regimes in Latin American countries: A Trade-Off issue

292. Citizen Participation in Latin America’s Supreme Audit Institutions: Progress or Impasse?

293. Latin American Brotherhood? Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution

294. The Impossibility of a Defence Policy in the Americas? Comparing Hemispheric and South American Security Concepts and Military Roles

295. The Relation Among Regional Organisations, the Consolidation of Democracy and Citizen Security: The Cases of SICA and UNASUR

296. Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon: Opportunities for the Financial Sector

297. Environmental Crime in the Amazon Basin: A Typology for Research, Policy and Action

298. The rise and fall of import substitution

299. Unsettlements: The Potential Termination of Temporary Protected Status and the Threat of Displacement Among Salvadorans in the United States

300. Shoutings, Scoldings, Talkings, and Whispers: Mothers’ Reponses to Armed Actors and Militarization in Two Caracas Barrios