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101. Despliegue del poder blando chino en América Latina y recepción en los países de la región

102. Entre la pradera, la frontera y el puerto. Cambios y continuidades de la política exterior uruguaya

103. Los retos de Honduras en materia de inseguridad. El dilema de Xiomara Castro ante el populismo punitivo y de la seguridad.

104. ‘Follow the Money’: tracking the diffusion of the American anti-money laundering policy in Latin America (1990s-2000s)

105. Seeing the Forest for More than the Trees: A Policy Strategy to Curb Deforestation and Advance Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon

106. Fighting Gangs Under the State of Exception in Honduras

107. Latin America and China's Belt and Road Initiative: Challenges and Proposals from a Latin American Perspective

108. Monetary policy in Latin America: The easing cycle has begun

109. Rare macroeconomic disasters and lost decades in Latin America: The COVID-19 experience in a historical context

110. Good Practices in the Provision of Global Public Goods: How multilateral development banks build on global public goods in their operations

111. Global Futures Bulletin: The growing threat of disinformation and misinformation in Latin America and how to fight back

112. Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America: The Multiple Facets of Social Status and the Role of Mothers

113. The Last Hurdle? Unyielding Motherhood Effects in the Context of Declining Gender Inequality in Latin America

114. Extended School Day and Teenage Fertility in Dominican Republic

115. Latin America and the New Non-Aligned Movement

116. Disobedient Histories: Descendants of Perpetrators in Argentina Join the Human Rights Movement

117. Integration with the United States or Latin American Independence?

118. For Hemispheric Unity, a Change in U.S. Foreign Policy is Needed

119. Latin American Newsrooms Develop Creative Strategies for Survival

120. The Caribbean in the Crossfire Between Covid-19, Narcotics, China, and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

121. Social Policy Expansion and Retrenchment After Latin America’s Commodity Boom

122. US-China vaccine diplomacy: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean

123. Operationalizing Growth Models

124. El por qué de la guerra en Ucrania y su posible impacto en América Latina

125. Domestic Workers: Postcolonial Inheritance and International Relations

126. A Neoinstitutionalist Proposal to Study the BRICS

127. Ten Theses on Marxism and Decolonisation

128. Religious Fundamentalism and Imperialism in Latin America: Action and Resistance

129. Amérique latine. L’Année politique 2021

130. Byting back: The EU’s digital alliance with Latin America and the Caribbean

131. Global South Perspectives on International Relations: new frameworks for Transboundary Water Analysis

132. Ana María Otero-Cleves and writing about the Global from the Periphery: Interview with the Winner of the Toynbee First Book Manuscript Workshop Competition

133. África y (Sur) América Latina: Un interregionalismo posible, una alianza improbable

134. África: Competencia y sustitución en un entorno estratégico de rivalidad. Introducción al número especial

135. Healthier Firms for a Stronger Recovery: Policies to Support Business and Jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean

136. The European Community's Contradictory External Behaviour: The Promotion of Integration in Latin America in the Late 1980s

137. Discrimination Against Gay and Transgender People in Latin America: A Correspondence Study in the Rental Housing Market

138. Intergenerational Mobility of Economic Well-being in Latin America

139. Does the Minimum Wage Affect Wage Inequality? A Study for the Six Largest Latin American Economies

140. Decolonize! What does it mean?

141. Latin America Reacts to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

142. Mapping the “Women, Peace and Security” agenda in Latin America: a comparison of the UN’s National Action Plans

143. Digital Divide in Latin America and Opportunities for South Korea-Spain Cooperation

144. Income and Consumption Inequality in Latin American Countries

145. The Importance of Democracy Promotion to Great Power Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean

146. Establishing research priorities on violence against women and girls in the Latin American and Caribbean region

147. Artists killed in Latin America for exercising their freedom of artistic expression

148. Untangling Elite Opposition to Indigenous Rights in Chile

149. The Importance of Lula’s Presidency in an Increasingly Multipolar World

150. The Institutionalization of Anti-Haitianism in Dominican History and Education

151. Hurricane Ian Highlights the Devastating Effects of the U.S. Blockade on Cuba

152. How to Destroy an Investigation from the Inside: Ayotzinapa and the Legacies of Impunity

153. El Salvador’s Slide Toward Authoritarianism

154. Cuba’s New Family Code is a Window into the Political Ecosystem

155. In the Dominican Republic, Language Barriers Complicate Life for Haitian Migrants

156. The Old is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born

157. Protesting Against Crime and Insecurity: High-Risk Activism in Mexico's Drug War

158. Democracy and Urban Political Culture in Spanish South America, 1810-1860

159. The future of immunization financing in Latin America and the Caribbean

160. Improving tax policy in Latin America and the Caribbean: A balancing act

161. The Course of Cooperation between Russia and its Latin American Partners

162. When Interventions Fail: Lessons from the U.S. Experience in Latin America

163. Lucky Women in Unlucky Cohorts: Gender Differences in the Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions in Latin America

164. The COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin American and Caribbean countries: The Labor Supply Impact by Gender

165. Organizational Hierarchies and Export Destinations

166. Corruption, FDI, and Trade Freedom Relationship Between Turkey and Latin American Countries

167. Policy Journal by Women of Color: WCAPS Pipeline Fellows Publication

168. Beyond Border Security, Keeping Pace with Migrants, Refugees, and Climate Change

169. Policy Papers by Women of Color: Young Ambassadors Journal of Global Affairs

170. Lula’s Victory, the New Left and the Future of Latin America

171. Inflation Targeting in Open Economies: The Contradictions of Determinacy and Stability

172. Building Bridges between Dependency Theory and Neo-Gramscian Critical Theory: The Agency-Structure Relation as a Starting Point

173. How Does Gramsci Travel in Latin America? Before and After Critical International Relations Theory

174. Land Grabbing and International Political Economy: Towards a Critical Neo-Gramscian Theoretical Model of Land Governance in Latin America

175. Nela Martínez Espinosa (1912–2004) Women of Struggle, Women in Struggle

176. A Map of Latin America’s Present: An Interview with Héctor Béjar

177. China’s increased presence in Latin America: Win-win relations or a new dependency? A state of the art

178. Looking Ahead: Trends and Solutions for 2022

179. Emerging Powers and Peacebuilding Financing: Recommendations for Finding Common Ground

180. Divergencias chino-estadounidenses y reconfiguración de la política exterior latinoamericana. Introducción al número especial

181. An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of COVID-19 NPIs in Argentina

182. An Overlooked Source of Chinese Influence in Latin America

183. The art of making friends. How the Chinese Communist Party seduces political parties in Latin America

184. Impact of COVID-19 in Peru: Unpredictability, inefficiency and institutional crisis/Impacto del COVID-19 en Perú: Imprevisión, ineficiencia y crisis institucional

185. COVID-19 and the security sector in Ecuador: A case of strategic surprise/El COVID-19 y el sector securitario en Ecuador: Un caso de sorpresa estratégica

186. COVID-19 and its impact on Chile security and defense scenario/El COVID-19 y su impacto en el escenario de seguridad y defensa de Chile: Impacto nacional y regional

187. Bolivia and COVID-19, a story of two pandemics/Bolivia y COVID-19: Una historia de dos pandemias

188. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina and in the regional security scenario/Impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en Argentina y en el escenario regional

189. COVID-19 and the militarization of the State in Brazil/COVID-19 y la militarización del Estado en Brasil

190. Lights and Shadows in the Professionalization of the National Civil Police of El Salvador after the Peace Agreement of Chapultepec (1992-2017)/Luces y sombras en la profesionalización de la policía nacional civil de El Salvador tras los acuerdos de paz de Chapultepec (1992-2017)

191. Economic Crisis and Elections: A Recipe for Turbulence in Latin America

192. Fall 2020 edition of Strategic Visions

193. Implementing the Peace Agreement in Colombia: Challenges for peacebuilding and reconciliation

194. Digital Equity as an Enabling Platform for Equality and Inclusion

195. Inclusive COVID-19 Relief Finance

196. Social Contracts: A Pathway for More Inclusive Societies

197. Mexico 2018-2021: Pandemic, Crisis, Security and Geopolitics/México 2018-2021: Pandemia, Crisis, Seguridad y Geopolítica

198. The "Venezuela Factor": COVID-19 in times of Bolivarian Revolution/El “factor Venezuela”: Covid-19 En Tiempos De Revolución Bolivariana

199. The Risks of a Rigged Election in Nicaragua

200. Spring 2021 edition of Strategic Visions