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1. Two-pronged approaches: considerations in the US-Iran showdown

2. Trump Isn’t Really Trying to End America’s Wars

3. A new Direction in U.S- Russia Relations?

4. Proposed Public Charge Rule Would Significantly Reduce Legal Admissions and Adjustment to Lawful Permanent Resident Status of Working Class Persons

5. U.S. Leverage in South Asia: Enough to Meet Policy Goals?

6. Reinvigorating U.S. Economic Strategy in the Asia Pacific

7. Making the 'Special Relationship' Great Again?

8. The US’ special relationships in Europe

9. Combating Terrorism and Alleviating Human Suffering in Syria

10. Rebuilding Alliances and Countering Threats in the Gulf

11. General Principles to Guide U.S. Middle East Policy

12. President Trump and the Middle East: Views from Israel

13. Making America 1920 Again? Nativism and US Immigration, Past and Present

14. Renegotiating NAFTA: Options for investment protection

15. American Global Primacy and the Rise of India

16. The Trump Presidency and the Future of Indo-US Relations

17. Mar-a-Lago: The Summit that Wasn’t

18. Staying Ahead of Trump on Security Requires a Holistic Review of Canadian National Security

19. Politics & Polls #51: The Trump-Russia Story with Benjamin Wittes

20. A New Deal for the Twenty-First Century

21. India and the United States in the Trump era: Re-evaluating bilateral and global relations

22. New Russia Sanctions from Congress

23. A View from China on Triangular Relations

24. Homeland Security Recommendations

25. Financing the Reagan 600-ship Naval Modernization Program, 1981-89

26. U.S.-Ghana Relations Are Strong Following December 2016 Elections

27. A Framework for U.S. Policy toward China

28. Nuclear Arms Control Choices for the Next Administration

29. Back from the Brink Toward Restraint and Dialogue between Russia and the West

30. Survival of the fittest: Trump’s not-so-simple nationalism

31. A Renewed Commitment to American Commercial Diplomacy

32. The United States and Estonia: Partners for Peace and Prosperity

33. Celebrating Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy

34. Election Hacking in Democracies: The example of the U.S. 2016 elections

35. A Measured US Strategy for the New Africa

36. US And Russia: Insecurity and Mistrust Shape Mutual Perceptions

37. European defence core groups

38. Major developments in the US and China and US-China Relations Amidst Turmoil in the International Order (US-China Project)

39. Sub-project I. Domestic factors influencing US foreign policy (US Study Group)

40. 2016 Presidential Race Reveals the Systemic Crisis in American Society

41. Beyond the confrontation. Interview with Edward Luttwak

42. Less is Better in US-Russian Relations Today

43. Comments Following Hot on the Heels of Donald Trump’s Triumph

44. Moldova to choose between East and West

45. The Trump Presidency Will Force Defining Choices On Europe

46. Could the Trump Administration Mean a New Beginning for the Kurds?

47. Implications of US Disengagement from the Middle East

48. Aligning Unevenly: India and the United States

49. A Canadian Agenda for the USA: Obama and Beyond

50. A Primer to the North American Leaders’ Summit (NALS)

51. Clinton or Trump: Canada’s Energy Relations with the US

52. The United States and Ukraine—A Long, Hard Slog

53. U.S.-China 21 The Future of U.S.-China Relations Under Xi Jinping

54. The Changing Nature of Anglo-American Special Relationship and Iran

55. A Storm over This Court: Law, Politics, and Supreme Court Decision Making in Brown v. Board of Education, Jeffrey D. Hockett

56. David Martin Jones, Nicholas Khoo and MLR Smith, Asian Security and the Rise of China: International Relations in an Age of Volatility

57. U.S. Policy in a Changing World


59. Anglo-Saxon Axis in 2003: Blair's Doctrine and Bush Invasion of Iraq

60. China Goes Global: The Partial Power

61. America in Southeast Asia before the 'Pivot': The 'Battle of Quallah Battoo' in 1832

62. The Economy-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia

63. Constituting China: the role of metaphor in the discourses of early Sino-American relations

64. The United States, Russia, and Europe: Trilateral Security Dialogue in the Absence of Strategic Partnership

65. Introduction to the sociology/ies of international relations

66. Romney vs. Obama: what the Atlantic Alliance can expect from the next U.S. President

67. International Relations studies in Asia: distinctive trajectories

68. Development of International Relations theory in China: progress through debates

69. Something old, something new, something borrowed: rerepresentations of anarchy in International Relations theory

70. The development of International Relations theory in the UK: traditions, contemporary perspectives, and trajectories

71. Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia the Middle East

72. How Did the 2008 Economic Crisis Affect: Social and Political Solidarity in Europe?

73. Overpowered?

74. Amin Rihani, 1876-1940: The Apostle of the Arab-American Relationship

75. Peter J. Katzenstein (ed.), Civilizations in World Politics: Plural and Pluralist Perspectives

76. The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism

77. Ambiguous universalism: theorising race/nation/class in international relations

78. Russia's Policy in the Middle East: Prospects for Consensus and Conflict with the United States

79. China's Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile: Drivers and Policy Implications

80. Passing a Flaming Torch: The Middle Eastern Issues Confronting the Obama Administration

81. Crisis and Consensus; America and ASEAN in a New Global Context

82. U.S. Foreign Assistance to Africa: Securing America's Investment for Lasting Development

83. Challenges for the next U.S. president: Hopes and Realities

84. Pragmatismus und wirtschaftliches Handeln

85. Difference within Similarity: Transatlantic Relations as a 'Community of Neighbours'

86. Freedom Fighters and Zealots: Al Qaeda in Historical Perspective

87. America's Role in the World: Foreign Policy Choices for the Next President

88. Are American Civil-Military Relations Still A Problem?

89. Iraq, the U.S., and the Region after an American Withdrawal

90. The Individual Sources of Economic Nationalism: Evidence from Survey Data

91. Sunni and Shi'a Terrorism: Differences that Matter

92. Russian–American Security Relations After Georgia

93. Barack Obama's foreign policy what can NATO expect from the next U.S. President?

94. Solidarism or Pluralism? Political Ideas of the American Union and the European Union

95. "Transnations" Among "Transnations"? The Debate on Transnational History in the United States and Germany

96. Markets, Rights and Power: The Rise (and Fall?) of the Anglo-American Vision of World Order, 1975-2005

97. US Policy towards the Islamic World

98. Key Points from "Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America's Reputation and Leadership"

99. Parting with Illusions: Developing a Realistic Approach to Relations with Russia

100. Fragility, Instability, and the Failure of States: Assessing Sources of Systemic Risk