41. Perspectives from Pakistan on Afghan Peace and Reconciliation 8
- Author:
- Safdar Sial
- Publication Date:
- 06-2023
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS)
- Abstract:
- Given the fast-evolving situation in Afghanistan and its multifaceted impact on Pakistan, Pak Institute of Peace Studies (PIPS) has taken an initiative of monitoring, documenting, and analysing the opinions of different segments of Pakistani society and state institutions on the emerging Afghan situation. Under the Initiative, the institute has planned to prepare and publish quarterly reports, and the present one is the eighth of the series, covering the period from April to May 2023. This series of 'monitoring and analysis reports' constitutes one of the key components of a PIPS programme that aims at strengthening Pakistan's support for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. The reports are expected to improve knowledge-base and awareness of key stakeholders on Pakistan's Afghan perspective by demonstrating an overall understanding and critical review of a variety of viewpoints and positions, mainly around emerging events and developments in Afghanistan and their implications for Pakistan and the region.
- Topic:
- Human Rights, Bilateral Relations, Taliban, Social Media, Peace, Trade, and Reconciliation
- Political Geography:
- Pakistan, Afghanistan, and South Asia