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52521. Globalization as the End and the Beginning of History: The Contradictory Implications of a New Paradigm

52522. Information Management in the Field of Security Policy in SEE -- 1st Workshop of the Study Group: "Crisis Management in South East Europe"

52523. What kind of Democracy, Whose Integration? Construction of democracy and integration into the EU of Estonia

52524. The Evolution of Russian Grand Strategy -- Implications for Europe's North

52525. A friend in need or a friend indeed: Finnish perceptions of Germany's role in the EU and Europe

52526. A Security and Stability in Northern Europe – A Threat Assesment

52527. POST-NEUTRAL OR PRE-ALLIED? Finnish and Swedish Policies on the EU and NATO as Security Organisations

52528. Histoire Vs Mémoire En France Aujourd'hui

52529. Women In The French Resistance: Revisiting the Historical Record

52530. Abdelmalek Sayad And The Double Absence: Toward a Total Sociology of Immigration