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501. SPECIAL FEATURE: The Fall of Haifa Revisited

502. INTERVIEW (PART I): Khalid Mishal: The Making of a Palestinian Islamic Leader

503. D6. Pres. George W. Bush, Address to the World Economic Forum, Sharm al-Shaykh, Egypt, 18 May 2008 (excerpts)

504. This section is part of a chronology begun in JPS 13, no. 3 (Spring 1984). Chronology dates reflect Eastern Standard Time (EST). For a more comprehensive overview of events related to the al-Aqsa intifada and of regional and international developments related to the peace process, see the Quarterly Update on Conflict and Diplomacy in this issue.

505. This section lists articles and reviews of books relevant to Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Entries are classified under the following headings: Reference and General; History (to 1948) and Geography; Palestinian Politics and Society; Jerusalem; Israeli Politics, Society, and Zionism; Arab and Middle Eastern Politics; International Relations; Law; Military; Economy, Society, and Education; Literature and Art; Book Reviews; and Reports Received.

506. Palestinian Refugee Compensation and Israeli Counterclaims for Jewish Property in Arab Countries

507. Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part 2)

508. Postscript to Oslo: The Mystery of Norway's Missing Files

509. Recollections of the Nakba through a Teenager's Eyes

510. Remembering Mahmud Darwish

511. Echoes of the Present: S. Yizhar's Khirbet Khizeh and Israel Today

512. Darwish: Athar al-farasha: Yawmiyyat [The Butterfly Effect: A Diary]

513. Shehadeh: Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape

514. Doumani: Academic Freedom after September 11; and Hagopian: Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims

515. Khalidi: The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood

516. Hochberg: In Spite of Partition: Jews, Arabs, and the Limits of Separatist Imagination

517. Cook: Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State

518. Bennis: Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer

519. 16 May - 15 August 2008 Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 38, no. 1, p. 190 Michele K. Esposito

520. Autumn 2008 Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 38, no. 1, p. 211

521. Enclave Micropolis: The Paradoxical Case of Ramallah/al-Bireh

522. Palestinian Weddings: Inventing Palestine in New Jersey

523. Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part I)

524. A Hamas Perspective on the Movement's Evolving Role: An Interview with Khalid Mishal, Part II

525. Review: Sa'di and Abu-Lughod: Nakba, 1948, and the Claims of Memory

526. Review: Falk and Friel: Israel Palestine on Record and Dunsky: Pens and Swords

527. Review: Khalifeh: The Image, the Icon, and the Covenant

528. Review: Masalha: The Bible and Zionism

529. Review: Parsons: The Politics of the Palestinian Authority

530. Review: Honig-Parnass and Haddad: Between the Lines

531. Review: Auerbach and Sharkansky: Politics and Planning in the Holy City

532. Review: Brecher: A Stranger in the Land: Jewish Identity Beyond Nationalism

533. Review: Sufian and LeVine: Reapproaching Borders: New Perspectives on the Study of Israel-Palestine

534. Review: Efrat: The West Bank and Gaza Strip

535. Arab Views

536. From the Hebrew Press

537. Photos from the Quarter

538. Quarterly Update on Conflict and Diplomacy

539. Settlement Monitor

540. International A1. John Holmes, UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Briefing to the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East, Geneva, 26 February 2008 (excerpts)

541. A2. British MP Michael Ancram, Essay Comparing the Northern Ireland and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts, March 2008 (excerpts)

542. Arab B1. Abbas Zaki, PLO Executive Committee Representative to Lebanon, Apology to Lebanon on Behalf of the Palestinian People, 7 January 2008

543. B2. Mahmud al-Zahar, Hamas Foreign Minister, "No Peace without Hamas," Washington Post, 17 April 2008 (excerpts)

544. Israel C1. Vice PM and FM Tzipi Livni, Address to the International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, Jerusalem, 24 February 2008 (excerpts)

545. C2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Responding to Hamas Attacks from Gaza—Issues of Proportionality," March 2008 (excerpts)

546. C3. Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), "'Family Matters': Using Family Members to Pressure Detainees under GSS Interrogation," Jerusalem, 13 April 2008 (excerpts)

547. D3. U.S. Department of State, "Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism," Washington, DC, March 2008 (excerpts)

548. D4. Former Pres. Jimmy Carter, Notes on Meetings with Hamas Leaders and Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Asad, and Observations Regarding the Peace Process, Atlanta, GA, 22 April 2008 (excerpts)

549. D5. Pres. George W. Bush, Address to Members of the Knesset, Jerusalem, 15 May 2008 (excerpts)

550. Conceived in Law: The Legal Foundations of Resolution 242