581. Female Empowerment: Impact of a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines
- Author:
- Dean Karlan, Wesley Yin, and Nava Ashraf
- Publication Date:
- 01-2007
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Center for Global Development
- Abstract:
- Female “empowerment” has increasingly become a policy goal, both as an end to itself and as a means to achieving other development goals. Microfinance in particular has often been argued, but not without controversy, to be a tool for empowering women. Here, using a randomized controlled trial, we examine whether access to an individually-held commitment savings product leads to an increase in female decision-making power within the household. We find positive impacts, particularly for women who have below median decision-making power in the baseline, and we find this leads to a shift towards female-oriented durables goods purchased in the household.
- Topic:
- Development, Economics, and Gender Issues
- Political Geography:
- Southeast Asia