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1. The Postcolonial Vortex

2. A quarter century of ‘The Proper Scope of Government’: Theory and Applications

3. Frantz Fanon: The Brightness of Metal

4. Civ-mil in Danger? Blame the pundits, not the academies.

5. Structure, Agents and Discourse in Managing Economic Crises: The Case of Greece, 2009-2017

6. Trumps First Year at the Helm

7. Trump Foreign Policy Impact in the Caucasus: Projecting Azerbaijan-USA relations for the next four years and beyond

8. More and Better: Resources Defined Through Property and Exchange

9. Rebelocracy: A Theory of Social Order in Civil War

10. How Policy Legitimacy affects Policy Support Throughout the Policy Cycle

11. Does Party Politicization of Corruption Affect Voter Turnout

12. Making Sense of Corruption Perceptions: Who to Ask (and About What?) - Evidence from Iceland

13. Geopolitics: An Overview of Concepts and Empirical Examples from International Relations

14. How best to explain the Russia/Ukraine/EU crisis from different theoretical perspectives of international relations

15. The Complexities of Global Protests

16. Whose Side Are You On? Identifying the Distributive Preferences of Local Politicians in India

17. Political Rhetoric and the Challenges to Diversity in Russia

18. Dissatisfied Voters and No Alternative: The Unchallenged Position of Political Elites in Bosnia and Herzegovina

19. Of Arms, Freedom, and Capitalism What Piers Morgan Does Not Know

20. Problem Discovery as a Collaborative, Creative, and Method-Guided Search for the "Real Problems" as Raw Diamonds of Innovation

21. Strategies and Public Propositions in Games of Institutional Change, Comparative Historical Cases

22. Crisis Management Mechanisms: Pathologies and Pitfalls

23. Does Clientelism Work? A Test os Guessability in India

24. A Soldier’s Morality, Religion, and Our Professional Ethic: Does the Army’s Culture Facilitate Integration, Character Development, and Trust in the Profession?

25. Thomas Kuhn and international relations theory: Realism in 'crisis'

26. Toward the Next Phase of Open Government

27. New Technologies for Constitution Making

28. Varieties of Populism: Literature Review and Research Agenda

29. America's Patriotic Assimilation System Is Broken

30. Estimating Income / Expenditure Differences across Populations: New Fun with Old Engel's Law

31. Corporate Social Responsibility when Ethical Beliefs and State of Public Governance vary

32. Informal Institutions in Autocracies: Analytical Perspectives and the Case of the Chinese Communist Party

33. What Drives Interstate Balancing? Estimations of Domestic and Systemic Factors

34. Power and Change: Locating Institutional Change Theories in a Power Context

35. Frames We Can Believe In: Official Framing and Ideology in the CCP's Quest for Legitimacy

36. The Process of ASEAN's Institutional Consolidation in 1968-1976: Theoretical Implications for Changes of Third-World Security Oriented Institution

37. Is There a "Chinese School" of IR?

38. Climate change and conflict: lessons from natural resource management How development cooperation can address climate change as a conflict multiplier

39. Finding the Cases that Fit: Methodological Challenges in Peace Research

40. Informelle Politik“ und „informelle Institutionen“: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen, analytische Zugänge und Herausforderungen für das Studium autoritärer und anderer politischer Herrschaftssysteme

41. MDGs 2.0: What Goals, Targets, and Timeframe?

42. The Global Puzzle: Order in an Age of Primacy, Power-Shifts and Interdependence

43. How Empires Emerge

44. The Concept of the Common Good in the Iberian Renaissance

45. Designing Cabinets: Presidential Politics and Cabinet Instability in Latin America

46. "Time Sticks": How Islam and Other Cultures Have Measured Time

47. Ethics and the Economist: What Climate Change Demands of Us

48. What Drives States to Support the Development of Productive Sectors? Strategies ruling elites pursue for political survival and their policy implications

49. When Good Metaphors Go Bad: The Metaphoric "Branding" of Cyberspace

50. Community Assets First: The implications of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach for the Coalition agenda

51. Reasoning about a distributed probabilistic system

52. Mechanism-Based Thinking on Policy Diffusion. A Review of Current Approaches in Political Science

53. Would Women Leaders Have Prevented the Global Financial Crisis? Implications for Teaching about Gender and Economics

54. The Academia and Foreign Policy Making: Bridging the Gap

55. Assessing Human Insecurity Worldwide. The Way to a Human (In)Security Index

56. La desobediencia civil: aportes desde Bobbio, Habermas y Arendt.

57. International Relations in Australia: Michael Lindsay, Martin Wight, and the first Department at the Australian National University

58. Harnessing Post-Conflict "Transitions": A Conceptual Primer

59. Die Herausforderung lokaler Vielfalt jenseits der westlichen Welt

60. The Iron Cage of Democracy: Institutional Similarity and Stasis in African Political Party Systems

61. In Search of an "Action Principle"

62. Regionale Ordnungen in politischen Räumen. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie regionaler Ordnungen

63. JOURNEYS BEYOND THE WEST: World Orders and a 7th-Century, Buddhist Monk

64. We the Peoples? The Birth and Death of Self-Determination

65. Governance with/out Government: False Promises or Flawed Premises?

66. The EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Powers, Decisions and Legitimacy

67. Overmanaged Democracy in Russia: Governance Implications of Hybrid Regimes

68. Discurso y narración en las dinámicas de cons-titución identitaria. La experiencia kirchnerista en Argentina

69. The Resource Curse and Rentier States in the Caspian Region: A Need for Context Analysis

70. From Rivalry to Mutual Trust: The Othering Process between Bolivia and Chile

71. Necessary fictions: Indigenous claims and the humanity of rights

72. Exit During Crisis: How Openness, Migration, and Economic Crisis Affect Democratization

73. Les usages pratiques du patriotisme en Russie

74. Marché, bureaucratie, formes de la domination politique: Une économie politique weberienne

75. US Trade and Wages: The Misleading Implications of Conventional Trade Theory

76. Parliamentary War Powers Around the World, 1989-2004. A New Dataset

77. ¿Víctimas o victimarias? Replanteando concepciones sobre mujeres terroristas suicidas

78. The Transformative Power of Europe: The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas

79. Rationality, Institutions and Reflexivity in the EU: Some Ontological and Epistemological Considerations

80. Sociology of a new field of knowledge: gender studies in postcommunist Eastern Europe

81. The Resilience of Authoritarian Rule in Syria under Hafez and Bashar Al-Asad

82. How Are Markets Made?

83. Pragmatismus und wirtschaftliches Handeln

84. Soziologie kapitalistischer Dynamik

85. Staatlichkeit und Governance im Zeitalter der europäischen Expansion. Verwaltungsstrukturen und Herrschaftsinstitutionen in den britischen und französischen Kolonialimperien

86. Are financial markets embedded in economics rather than society? A critical review of the performativity thesis

87. Political Solidarity, Cultural Survival, and the Institutional Design of Autonomy in Nicaragua: From Heterogenous, Multiethnic Spaces to National Homelands

88. The High and the Low in Politics: A Two-Dimensional Political Space for Comparative Analysis and Electoral Studies

89. Wal-Mart: The Panopticon of Time

90. Complex, Historical, Self-reflexive: Expect the Unexpected!

91. How globalization shapes individual risk perceptions and policy preferences

92. The Politics of Globalization Studies: From the problem of sovereignty to a problematics of government

93. Man in his Natural State: The New World and Locke's Second Treatise

94. Culture, Agency and Power: Theoretical Reflections on Informal Economic Networks and Political Process

95. From Network to Class? Towards a more complex Conception of Connection and Sociability

96. Sun Zi's Art of War and U.S. Joint Professional Military Education

97. Man weiß es nicht genau: Vom Nutzen de Sozialwissenschaften für die Politik

98. Die Anspruchsinflation des Wirtschaftssystems

99. Empirische Deliberationsforschung

100. Historical and political sociology of the EU: What's new in France?