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1. Towards Meaningful Human Rights Impact Assessments: From supermarket commitments to best practice action

2. Turn on the Light: Why tackling energy-related challenges in the nexus of water and food in Syria cannot wait

3. Emergent Agency in a Time of COVID-19: Research report

4. Price Interventions as a Part of Living Income Strategies: Lessons learned from piloting a price premium mechanism for basmati rice farmers in Pakistan

5. Women, Voice and Power: How transformative feminist leadership is challenging inequalities and the root causes of extreme vulnerability

6. Centring Gender and Power in Evaluation and Research: Sharing experiences from Oxfam GB’s quantitative impact evaluations

7. A People’s Vaccine For Refugees: Ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines for refugees and other displaced people

8. Making Aid Work in Lebanon: Promoting aid effectiveness and respect for Rights in Middle-Income Countries Affected by Mass Displacement

9. Biometrics in the Humanitarian Sector

10. Women’s empowerment in Tunisia: Impact Evaluation of the Project ‘AMAL: Supporting Women’s Transformative Leadership’ in Tunisia

11. Resilience in Burkina Faso: Impact evaluation of the ‘Resilience, Food security and Nutrition’ project

12. Oxfam Cymru and South Riverside Community Development Centre Skills for Life Project: Final Evaluation Report

13. Introducing Information Communication Technologies into Humanitarian Programming

14. The Future of Business: Shaping Inclusive Growth in South-East Asia

15. Civil society-led Emergency Preparedness for Women with Disabilities in Gaza

16. Partnerships in Conflict: How Violent Conflict Impacts Local Civil Society and how International Partners Respond

17. Resilience in Nepal: Impact evaluation of the Joint Programme on Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Preparedness

18. Why is Women’s Work Low-Paid? Establishing a framework for understanding the causes of low pay among professions traditionally dominated by women

19. Cash Cropping and Care: How Cash Crop Development is Changing Gender Relations and Unpaid Care Work in Oromia, Ethiopia

20. ‘I Still Don’t Feel Safe to Go Home’: Voices of Rohingya Refugees

21. Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Case Study of Pakistan

22. Accountability Review in Yemen: Humanitarian assistance and resilience building

23. An Economy that Works for Women: Achieving Women's Economic Empowerment in an Increasingly Unequal World

24. The Impact of Protection Interventions on Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Humanitarian Crises

25. outh Sudan Gender Analysis: A snapshot situation analysis of the differential impact of the humanitarian crisis on women, girls, men and boys in South Sudan

26. Legislative Wins, Broken Promises: Gaps in implementation of laws on violence against women and girls

27. The Human Cost of Uncontrolled Arms in Africa: Cross-national research on seven African countries

28. Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Case study of Dominican Republic

29. From Aspiration to Reality: Unpacking the Africa Mining Vision

30. Consolidated Gender Analysis for Disaster Response in Pakistan

31. Training Manual: Gender leadership in humanitarian action

32. Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Case study of Ethiopia

33. The Impact of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Interventions on People Affected by Humanitarian Emergencies: A systematic review

34. Women’s Empowerment in Armenia: Impact Evaluation of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Project in Rural Communities in Vayots Dzor region

35. The Reality of the EU-Turkey Statement: How Greece has Become a Testing Ground for Policies that Erode Protection for Refugees

36. One Year Stranded and What’s Changed? An Update to the October 2016 Joint NGO Policy Brief on the Situation for Displaced Persons in Greece

37. Joint NGO Briefing: Brussels Syria Conference

38. Social Accountability in Tajikistan: Enchancing Trust Between Communities and Water Service Providers

39. Social Accountability in Sierra Leone: Influencing for pro-poor WASH investment in the 24-month post-Ebola recovery planning

40. Social Accountability in Lebanon: Promoting Dialogue in Humanitarian and Development WASH Programmes

41. Opening the Vaults: The Use of Tax Havens by Europe’s Biggest Banks

42. Good Jobs in Greater Manchester: The Role of Employment Charters

43. Towards Sustainable Food Security in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Strengthening rangeland governance

44. A Resilient Present and Future are Possible

45. ‘We’re Here For an Indefinite Period’ Prospects for local integration of internally displaced people in North Kivu, DRC

46. Building a More Equal Scotland: Designing Scotland’s Poverty and Inequality Commission

47. Women’s Empowerment in South Africa: Evaluation of the Raising Her Voice project

48. Governance in Tajikistan: Evaluation of the Women Smallholder Farmer Advocacy Campaign

49. Finance for a Fruitful Future: Dutch Aid for Agriculture 2005-2015

50. Adapting Programming to an Urban Environment in Pakistan

51. Sustainable Solutions to Water Supply in Kenya

52. Working in Partnership With Others: Facilitating Changes in Livelihoods in Rwanda

53. Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Development: For Sustainable Alliances in the South Caucasus

54. DRR and CCA in the Philippines: Promoting Women’s Participation and Leadership

55. Community Protection Structures: Influencing for Local-Level Change in Conflict Settings in the DRC

56. The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index: A New Global Ranking of Governments Based on What They are Doing to Tackle the Gap Between Rich and Poor

57. Oxfam’s Future of Business Initiative: Promoting Equitable Businesses and Fourth Sector Development

58. Tourism’s Dirty Secret: The exploitation of hotel housekeepers

59. Empowering Grassroots Women Through Transformational Partnerships in Agricultural Value Chains

60. Towards a Fair and Just Fiscal Policy in Pakistan

61. Europe, Don't Let Us Down: Voices of refugees and migrants in Greece

62. The Impact of Food Assistance on Pastoralist Livelihoods in Humanitarian Crises: An evidence synthesis protocol

63. Hotspots, Rights Denied: The lack of a legal framework is threatening the rights of migrants reaching Italy

64. Feeding Climate Change: What the Paris Agreement means for food and beverage companies

65. Preventing Cattle Raiding Violence in South Sudan: Local level peace building focusing on young people

66. From the Ground Up: Gender and conflict analysis in Yemen

67. The M-Score: Mobile phone scorecards improve public service quality and control corruption in Quang Tri province, Vietnam

68. Pop culture with a purpose: Violence against women in Bangladesh

69. Humanitarian capacity-building in Mozambique: Improving living and health conditions in Zambézia

70. Closed Borders: The impact of border closures on people on the move, with a focus on women and children in Serbia and Macedonia

71. Where There's a Will, There's a Way: Safe havens needed for refugees from Syria

72. Researching the Killer Fact That Highlighted Global Economic Inequality

73. Trash Talk: Turning Waste into Work in Jordan’s Za’atari Refugee Camp

74. The UK Doughnut: A framework for environmental sustainability and social justice

75. Wealth: Having it all and wanting more

76. A Fresh Analysis of the Humanitarian System in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia: Somali state agencies and local organisations' capacities to manage humanitarian action

77. Harmless Harvest: How sustainable agriculture can help ASEAN countries adapt to a changing climate

78. Let Them Eat Coal: Why the G7 must stop burning coal to tackle climate change and fight hunger

79. For Human Dignity: The World Humanitarian Summit and the challenge to deliver

80. Somali Solutions: Creating conditions for a gender-just peace

81. A Europe For the Many, Not the Few: Time to reverse the course of inequality and poverty in Europe

82. For Richer or Poorer: The capture of growth and politics in emerging economies

83. Implementing the PWDVA: Safeguarding women from domestic violence

84. Right to a Future: Empowering refugees from Syria and host governments to face a long-term crisis

85. Made in Myanmar: Entrenched poverty or decent jobs for garment workers?

86. The Indian Ocean Tsunami, 10 Years On: Lessons from the response and ongoing humanitarian funding challenges

87. How Effective are Benefits Sanctions? An investigation into the effectiveness of the post-2012 sanctions regime for Jobseeker's Allowance claimants

88. Missed Again: Making space for partnership in the typhoon Haiyan response

89. From Words to Facts: Acting on climate change in Central America

90. Emergency Use Only: Understanding and reducing the use of food banks in the UK

91. Meaningful Action: Effective approaches to women's economic empowerment in agriculture

92. Hidden Hunger in South Africa: The faces of hunger and malnutrition in a food-secure nation

93. A Sign of Things to Come? Examining four major climate-related disasters, 2010-2013, and their impacts on food security

94. The UN Climate Summit's Public–Private Action Announcements: Sorting the promising from the greenwash

95. Climate Change Resilience: The case of Haiti

96. Effective Public Policies and Active Citizenship: Brazil's experience of building a food and nutrition security system

97. Review of Myanmar's Disaster Management Law from the Angle of Inclusivity

98. Who Wants to Farm? Youth Aspirations, Opportunities and Rising Food Prices

99. Is There a Role for Mobiles to Support Sustainable Agriculture in Africa?

100. Climate Shocks, Food and Nutrition Security: Evidence from the Young Lives cohort study