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2. Climate Shocks, Food and Nutrition Security: Evidence from the Young Lives cohort study
- Author:
- Dornan Paul, Ogando Portela, Maria Jose, and Pells Kirrily
- Publication Date:
- 09-2014
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- Drawing on survey data from Young Lives, an international study of childhood poverty involving 12,000 children in four countries, this paper examines the effects of environmental shocks on food insecurity and children‟s development. The data, from children and their families living in rural and urban locations in Ethiopia, the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, Peru , and Vietnam , provide information on the same individuals over time, allowing consideration of how earlier incidences of food insecurity and exposures to environmental shocks shape later outcomes. Regression analysis is used to estimate the relationships between these and other relevant factors.
- Topic:
- Security, Climate Change, Human Welfare, and Food
- Political Geography:
- India, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh, and Peru
3. Food Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Progress Report, July 2011 - July 2012
- Author:
- Sophie Mack Smith
- Publication Date:
- 07-2012
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- The 2011 drought across the Horn of Africa was, in some places, the worst to hit the region for 60 years. It was first predicted about a year beforehand, when sophisticated regional early warning systems began to alert the world to the possibility of drier-than-normal conditions in key pastoral areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and Northern Kenya, linked to the effects of the climatic phenomenon La Niña.
- Topic:
- Security, Development, Humanitarian Aid, Food, and Famine
- Political Geography:
- Kenya, Africa, Ethiopia, and Somalia
4. Ethiopia's Sesame Sector: The contribution of different farming models to poverty alleviation, climate resilience and women's empowerment
- Author:
- Genia Kostka and Jenny Scharrer
- Publication Date:
- 07-2011
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- The key findings of this report are that sesame is a suitable crop for poverty alleviation for smallholders in Benishangul Gumuz and that the smallholder model is competitive versus the large-scale investor model in terms of productivity. Farmers can achieve high profits without significant up-front investments. With minimal expenditure for sesame seeds and some simple equipment for ploughing, weeding and harvesting, farmers can cultivate sesame on a family labor basis. Potential income is higher in the smallholder model than from either communal land management, or from the salaries from large-scale investors (see Figure 1) However, this potential is mirrored by the highest risk for farmers to receive the lowest income. Smallholders can mitigate this risk as well as increase their income further through membership of primary production co-operatives that offer higher sales prices and paid-out dividends.
- Topic:
- Agriculture, Gender Issues, Poverty, and Food
- Political Geography:
- Ethiopia
5. Rethinking Support for Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change
- Author:
- Simon Levine, Eva Ludi, and Lindsey Jones
- Publication Date:
- 12-2011
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- The Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) was established in 2009 with the aim of understanding how development interventions can contribute to adaptive capacity at the community and household level, and to inform the design and implementation of development planning by governments and non-governmental development partners to support adaptive capacity for climate change and other development pressures. This paper is based on an analysis of three country studies conducted by national research teams in eight research sites in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Mozambique for ACCRA. It describes the Local Adaptive Capacity framework developed for this project, its application during the research, and the evidence found about the impact of development interventions on the adaptive capacity of people and communities.
- Topic:
- Environment
- Political Geography:
- Uganda, Africa, and Ethiopia
6. Preparing for the Future? Understanding the influence of development interventions on adaptive capacity at local level in Ethiopia
- Author:
- Simon Levine, Eva Ludi, and Kindie Tesfaye
- Publication Date:
- 10-2011
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- Ethiopia is currently ranked 11th of 233 countries and other political jurisdictions in terms of its vulnerability to physical climate impacts, and 9th in terms of overall vulnerability, which is physical impacts adjusted for coping ability (CGD, 2011). Yet little is known about its people's adaptive capacity at individual and community level, or how existing interventions influence a community's ability to adapt.
- Topic:
- Agriculture, Climate Change, Development, and Governance
- Political Geography:
- Africa and Ethiopia
7. The rain doesn't come on time anymore: Poverty, vulnerability, and climate variability in Ethiopia
- Author:
- Senait Regassa, Christina Givey, and Gina E. Castillo
- Publication Date:
- 04-2010
- Content Type:
- Working Paper
- Institution:
- Oxfam Publishing
- Abstract:
- Climate variability in Ethiopia is not new—its diverse agro-ecological zones have brought a dazzling variety of micro-climates, and corresponding weather patterns, and people have developed ways to respond successfully to these challenges. But now, in addition to the usual struggles, Ethiopians living in poverty are additionally suffering the effects of climate change—both more variable climate and more extreme weather events. Women, men, families, and whole communities are struggling with how to understand this new variability, identify new patterns, and establish what resources they need to be able to move beyond reacting and coping to adapting to the new realities and being resilient. Policy makers, likewise, face the daunting challenge of how to refine policies, especially investments in and related to agriculture, to focus on poverty and vulnerability reduction in context of the new realities of climate change.
- Topic:
- Climate Change, Environment, and Poverty
- Political Geography:
- Africa and Ethiopia