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14572. 17 octobre 1961 - 17 octobre 2001: une commémoration ambiguë
- Author:
- Brigitte Jelen
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- A few months ago, the massacre of Algerian civilians by the French police on October 17, 1961 was finally officially recognized, as the new socialist mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë, placed a commemorative plaque on the Pont Saint-Michel. In his declaration to the press, Delanoë was careful to focus on the "Parisian" character of this ceremony, although the 1961 massacre was committed by the French national police. Perhaps Delanoë's noble and courageous gesture hides an ambiguity, an injustice to the victims? In order to understand the symbolic importance of this plaque in the construction of France's official memory of the Algerian war, this essay analyzes how the French government since 1962 has attempted to "forget" the conflict in the name of "national unity," in particular through the use of amnesty laws. In a discussion on forgiveness inspired by J. Derrida, the possibility of a French national memory of the Algerian war (and of the October 17, 1961 event) that would include the voices of the victims is considered.
- Topic:
- Government
- Political Geography:
- Paris and France
14573. Des élections municipales sous le signe de la parité
- Author:
- Françoise Gaspard
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- The March 2001 municipal elections in France constituted a political litmus test, done one year before the presidential and parliamentary elections. They were also the first to fall under the new parity law enacted in June 2000. For the first time, there had to be an equal number of men and women on candidate lists for cities of more than 3,500 inhabitants. While the debate over parity had been intense, the first application of the parity law went more smoothly than expected. The most surprising feature of the election results is that the Right, which had shown little enthusiasm for parity, seems to have been the primary beneficiary of the new system. The question is now whether a larger presence of women in local politics will lead to a real change in public policy, and if it will have an impact on the national level, where the law is a lot less constraining than at city level.
- Political Geography:
- France
14574. La construction européenne confrontée aux attentes des Françaises
- Author:
- Jacques Capdevielle
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- Les Françaises comme les Français manifestent un mécontentement croissant quand à la façon dont l'Europe se construits. Les premières particulièrement attachées au maintien des acquis du Welfare et à une relance keynésienne de l'économie. Ces attentes vis-à-vis d'une régulation européenne n'émanent pas seulement de femmes dont la situation économique et sociale serait fragilisée par la conjoncture. Elles sont même d'autant plus fortes que leur niveau d'études est élevé et qu'elles occupent une position socioprofessionnelle favorisée.
14575. Canonization of Norbert Élias in France: A Critical Perspective
- Author:
- Daniel Gordon
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- In his article, "The Canonization of Norbert Elias in France: A Critical Perspective," Daniel Gordon argues that important scholars in France have regarded Norbert Elias, the German-born sociologist, with such unqualified admiration that they have failed to examine his life and thought with sufficient scrutiny. Gordon explores several aspects of Elias's intellectual development: his volkisch Zionism and germanophilia during his twenties, his flight from neo-Kantian philosophy to Karl Mannheim's sociology during his thirties, and his abortive efforts to make a new life for himself in France after leaving Germany in 1933 and before eventually settling in Britain. All these experiences, Gordon argues, colored the way Elias drew the comparisons between Germany and France that lay at the center of so much of his thought, comparisons that betrayed a certain kinship to the prejudices German nationalists in the 1920s held about German Kultur and French civilisation. Gordon concludes by suggesting that many French scholars on the left took to Elias's work during the 1980s because it offered them a framework, after the decline of Marxism, for sustaining a critical analysis of hierarchy in French society.
- Political Geography:
- France
14576. The Oldest Hath Borne Most: Response to Daniel Gordon
- Author:
- Roger Chartier
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- In "'The Oldest Hath Borne Most': Response to Daniel Gordon," Roger Chartier rejects the idea that he has made Elias the object of sectarian devotion, and he refutes several misrepresentations that he believes Gordon makes of his own writing about Elias. He goes on to criticize Gordon's claim that Elias clung to a narrowly linear view of historical change. Most of all, Chartier takes issue with the notion that a conservative German nationalism or "germanophilia" informed Elias's sociological thought in the way Gordon describes. This line of argument, in Chartier's view, rests on a form of a priori ideological reductionism that is as misleading as the sociological reductionism that too often prevailed in the 1970s.
- Political Geography:
- Germany
14577. A Reply
- Author:
- Daniel Gordon
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- Intellectual life is a kind of combat," wrote Fernand Braudel. I see no reason why historians, who happen to study early-modern civility, should behave like courtiers toward each other. But in point of fact, I do not describe Professor Chartier as a member of a terrible "sect." The term "sect" appears only in a quotation from Zygmunt Bauman. And readers will observe that what Bauman and I are both getting at is the need to be critical of the process of canonization that has been at work in Elias's case.
14578. Connaissez-vous Jacques Nantet?
- Author:
- Goulven Boudic
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- Reconnu, célébré et toujours abondamment cité pour son étude sur Le Pouvoir périphérique qui l'amenait, au plus fort de la vogue décentralisatrice et girondine, à nuancer la réputation jacobine du système politico-administratif français au regard du quotidien des pratiques d'échange et de transaction entre «centre» et «périphérie », le sociologue Pierre Grémion poursuit depuis une vingtaine d'années—et la publication de Paris-Prague—une «reconversion» particulièrement réussie sur le terrain de l'histoire intellectuelle. Son précédent ouvrage, Intelligence de l'anticommunisme, consacré à l'anticommunisme d'inspiration libérale et sociale-démocrate, l'avait amené à revisiter l'histoire de la création et du développement du Congrès pour la liberté de la culture, réseau intellectuel jusqu'alors trop vite confondu avec la figure de Raymond Aron et par ailleurs largement disqualifié comme objet légitime d'études par les révélations de son financement via la C.I.A.
14579. Les Guerres Froides intellectuelles: une lecture française
- Author:
- Pierre Grémion
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- Six mois après la chute du mur de Berlin, dans les premiers jours de mai 1990, Shepard Stone, qui se rendait à une conférence traitant de l'impact de l'Amérique sur l'Allemagne dans l'après-guerre, mourrait dans un accident d'automobile sur une route de la Nouvelle Angleterre, frappé par une crise cardiaque à son volant. Il avait 82 ans. Ainsi disparaissait, alors que la guerre froide prenait fin, un «cold warrior liberal» qui avait joué un rôle de premier plan à la Fondation Ford tout au long des décennies 1950 et 1960.
14580. Film Review
- Author:
- Sylvie Waskiewicz
- Publication Date:
- 03-2002
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- French Politics, Culture Society
- Institution:
- Conference Group on French Politics Society
- Abstract:
- For years the French film industry has fought to remain healthy in the face of overwhelming competition from American films. France has maintained its position of relative strength through a complex system of legal, political, and economic support: defending artistic creativity via the droit d'auteur, participating actively in international trade negotiations, and, perhaps most important, generously subsidizing the production, distribution, and exhibition of French films. This achievement is also made possible by those filmmakers able to produce the occasional "blockbuster": films able to compete with Hollywood on its own terms.
- Topic:
- Economics
- Political Geography:
- America