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1. Table of Contents

2. Sovereignty at sea: the law and politics of saving lives in mare liberum

3. When 'blurring' becomes the norm and secession is justified as the exception: revisiting EU and Russian discourses in the common neighbourhood

4. Foreign policy analysis, globalisation and non-state actors: state-centric after all?

5. Regional integration and the challenge of overlapping memberships on trade

6. Practicality by judgement: transnational interpreters of local ownership in the Polish-Ukrainian border reform encounter

7. Neoclassical realism and international climate change politics: moral imperative and political constraint in international climate finance

8. European integration and the problem of the state: universality, particularity, and exemplarity in the crafting of the European Union

9. The West: a securitising community?

10. 'Moral power' as objectification of the 'civilian'/'normative' 'EUlogy': the European Union as a conflict-dealer in the South Caucasus

11. Looking back: communist melancholia and post-socialist pains

12. Invisible legacies: Brazil's and South Korea's shift from ISI towards export strategies under authoritarian rule

13. The developmental state is dead, long live the developmental regime! Interpreting Néstor Kirchner's Argentina 2003–2007

14. Local orders in international organisations: the World Health Organization's global programme on AIDS

15. Democracy, social welfare and political violence: the case of Latin America

16. Imperialism or globalisation? ... Or imperialism and globalisation: Theorising the international after Rosenberg's 'post-mortem'

17. Russia's energy relations in Europe and the Far East: towards a social structurationist approach to energy policy formation

18. Defending state-centric regionalism through mimicry and localisation: regional parliamentary bodies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Mercosur

19. Actor-networking the 'failed state' - an enquiry into the life of concepts

20. Expanding the Expansion of International Society: a new approach with empirical illustrations from West African and European interaction, 1400-1883

21. Theorising the use of private military and security companies: a synthetic perspective

22. Replies to Chris Brown's '"Human Nature", science and international political theory'

23. Why metaphor and other tropes? Linguistic approaches to analysing policies and the political

24. Constituting China: the role of metaphor in the discourses of early Sino-American relations

25. People out of place: allochthony and autochthony in the Netherlands' identity discourse - metaphors and categories in action

26. How are language constructions constitutive? Strategic uses of conventional discourses about immigration

27. Bringing concepts from cognitive linguistics into the analysis of policies and the political

28. The importance of the Eurasian steppe to the study of international relations

29. Decaf empowerment? Post-Washington Consensus development policy, fair trade and Kenya's coffee industry

30. Securing energy or energising security: the impact of Russia's energy policy on Turkey's accession to the European Union

31. Designing the Financial Stability Board: a theoretical investigation of mandate, discretion, and membership

32. (Babylonian) Lions, (Asian) Tigers, and (Russian) Bears: a statistical test of three rivalrous paths to conflict

33. 'Human nature', science and international political theory

34. International relations in the making of political Islam: interrogating Khomeini's 'Islamic government'

35. From fratricide to security community: re-theorising difference in the constitution of Nordic peace

36. One state-one nation: the naturalisation of nation-state congruency in IR theory

37. Imagining ourselves then and now: nostalgia and Canadian multiculturalism

38. Politics, law, and the sacred: a conceptual analysis

39. Governmentality's (missing) international dimension and the promiscuity of German neoliberalism

40. Locating the normative within economic science: towards the analysis of hidden discourses of democracy in international politics

41. Caribbean development alternatives and the CARIFORUM–European Union economic partnership agreement

42. The Common Agricultural Policy Health Check: time to check the health of the theory of the reform?

43. The feasibility of an expanded regime on the use of force: the case of the responsibility to protect

44. A call for hermeneutical perspectives on climate change and conflict: the case of Ethiopia and Eritrea

45. International organisations and policy diffusion: the global norm of lifelong learning

46. Aid allocation of the emerging Central and Eastern European donors

47. Introduction to the sociology/ies of international relations

48. From epistemology to practice: a sociology of science for international relations

49. Everyday practices of international relations: people in organizations

50. Accounting for the politics of language in the sociology of IR

51. Beyond geography and social structure: disciplinary sociologies of power in international relations

52. Critique in a time of liberal world order

53. The liberal renaissance and the end(s) of history

54. Geniuses, exiles and (liberal) postmodern subjectivities

55. Liberal internationalism and the law vs liberty paradox

56. Missing the target: NGOs, global civil society and the arms trade

57. Eternal peace, perpetual war? A critical investigation into Kant's conceptualisations of war

58. Islam, nihilism and liberal secularity

59. Liberal fundamentals: invisible, invasive, artful, and bloody hands

60. A global journal with Central European roots: a vision for the JIRD

61. Into the 'Heart of Darkness' — EU's civilising mission in the DR Congo

62. Complexity theory and the War on Terror: understanding the self-organising dynamics of leaderless jihad

63. The roles states play: a Meadian interactionist approach

64. The social construction of terrorism: media, metaphors and policy implications

65. Parliamentary peace or partisan politics? Democracies' participation in the Iraq War

66. Hierarchy in World Politics

67. Empire, imperialism and conceptual history

68. Eco-imperialism: governance, resistance, hierarchy

69. The Middle East in the world hierarchy: imperialism and resistance

70. Hegemony, not empire

71. The state as citizen: state personhood and ideology

72. Gender and race in the European security strategy: Europe as a 'force for good'

73. Race for the money: international financial centres in Asia

74. Development issues in Africa: challenges, concepts, opportunities

75. The state of development in Africa: concepts, challenges and opportunities

76. Empowering tomorrow's African entrepreneurs and managers: the Global Business School Network

77. Youth unemployment in South Africa: challenges, concepts and opportunities

78. Corporate social responsibility: an oversocialised view of multinational corporations in Africa?

79. Sexual and gender-based violence in Liberia and the case for a comprehensive approach to the rule of law

80. Negotiating regions=fostering welfare: the Economic Partnership Agreements as new model of development?

81. Re-presenting Ireland: tourism, branding and national identity in Ireland

82. Civilianising warfare: ways of war and peace in modern counterinsurgency

83. Civil–military cooperation in crisis management in Africa: American and European Union policies compared

84. What is critical IPE?

85. Where did the critical go?

86. 'What's "critical" about critical theory': capturing the social totality (das Gesellschaftliche Ganze)

87. Finding space in critical IPE: a scalar-relational approach

88. Facing up to financialisation and the aesthetic economy: high time for aesthetics in international political economy!

89. The case for a foundational materialism: going beyond historical materialist IPE in order to strengthen it

90. 'Getting things right?': a reconsideration of critical realism as a metatheory for IR

91. Power beyond conditionality: European organisations and the Hungarian minorities in Romania and Slovakia

92. The social construction of European solidarity: Germany and France in the EU policy towards the states of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP) and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)

93. Ali A. Mazrui, postcolonialism and the study of international relations

95. Whither Deleuze and Guattari: a critical introduction

96. The European rescue, recommodification, and/or reterritorialisation of the (becoming-capitalist) state? Marx, Deleuze, Guattari, and the European Union

97. Oedipal authority and capitalist sovereignty: a Deleuzoguattarian reading of IR theory

98. From The Twenty Years' Crisis to Theory of International Politics: a rhizomatic reading of realism

99. Of nomadic unities: Gilles Deleuze on the nature of sovereignty

100. Alongside global political economy — a rhizome of informal finance