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1. Domestic regimes and national preferences as factors of regionalism’s crisis. The case of Guatemala’s regional integration policy

2. Government, State, and National Wars in Africa

3. Political and Economic Dimensions of the Dominance of Selected Asian Recycling Yards in the World

4. Political Instability In Pakistan: Challenges and Remedies

5. The Governments of Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro: Ideology, Pragmatism and Foreign Policy

6. You May not be Interested in COVID, but COVID is Interested in You

7. The Indonesian Government´S Intervention in the Management Of Indonesian Migrant Workers´ Remittances: Natural, Technical and Ultimate Restrictions

8. Markets, Governments, and Crises in the Past and Future of the EU

9. Governments as Regulators and Consumers of Ethical AI

10. Meloni at the Helm: What Does Italy’s New Government Mean for Sino-Italian Relations?

11. Local Self-0Government in a Crisis Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Serbia

12. Why Military Coups Are Back in Africa

13. Saudi Arabia: A Colossus with Clay Feets/Arabia Saudí: Un coloso con los pies de barro

14. A Government Devoid of Strong Leadership: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation of Turkey’s Iraq War Decision in 2003

15. Rethinking South Sudan’s Path to Democracy

16. State of the Nation Address by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (September 1, 2021)

17. Speech of H.E. Mr. Nguyen Hung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Republic of Poland on the occasion of 76th anniversary of the National Independence Day

18. How Misaligned Incentives Hinder Foster Care Adoption

19. A Reckoning Looms for America’s 50‐​Year Financial Surveillance System

20. The Potential for Constitutional Devolution in South Africa

21. The curbing of the collective voices of workers in Ethiopia’s state-led industrialisation: The case of the garment sector

22. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in Mozambique: The First Post-Independence Government – Samora Machel (1975–1986)

23. Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) – Volume 12 Issue 03: COVID-19 and Terrorism

24. Elections and Democratic Deficits in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic: A Commentary

25. Trust in Political Power and Government Institutions in Mozambique: 2014-2018

26. Making Sure the Lebanese Revolution Does Not Devour Its Own Children

27. The U.S. Government Was Not Adequately Prepared for Coronavirus at Home or Abroad

28. It Is Up to the State Department to Reimagine a Better Institution

29. Paradoxes of Professionalism: Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in the United States

30. Migration trends and challenges in the Visegrad countries

31. Development of Local Governance and Decentralization to empower Citizens in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis

32. The Interplay of Incumbency, Political Dynasty and Corruption in Indonesia: Are Political Dynasties the Cause of Corruption in Indonesia?

33. Erratic Behaviour of the United Nations and Global Governance in. Africa: The State as a Smokescreen for World Security

34. An analysis of optimal devolved government size for growth: Armey curve in Kenya

35. Limits of the Conservative Revolution in the States

36. Do Global Publics View Human Rights Organizations as Handmaidens of the United States?

37. Toppling Foreign Governments: The Logic of Regime Change, Melissa Willard-Foster

38. Changing Cultures in Congress: From Fair Play to Power Plays, Donald R. Wolfensberger

39. Başkanlık Sistemi Üzerine: Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sisteminin Zayıf Halkası Parlamento

40. Service Delivery with Wanton Protests in Megalopolises, South Africa

41. Geopolitics and the Constitution in Light of the Democratic Constitutional State

42. Contested Issues Surrounding Populism in Public and Academic Debates

43. The Structure of Government Elites within the Regime of Alaksandar Lukashenka

44. South Africa: A New Dawn?

45. Financial Central and Regional Relations Within the Government Enforcement in Indonesia

46. Leaders, Managers or Administrators – Mayors in Central and Eastern European Countries

47. Implementation of Child Right to Participation under UN Convention: Myth and Reality

48. ICT and E-government as the Sources of Economic Growth in Information Age: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Economies

49. The politics of hope: a nation’s patience tested

50. Current law constraining the President: a series on Congress’s options to limit arms sales and aid to Saudi Arabia, part 2

51. Constraining U.S. foreign policy by enforcing current law: a series on Congress’s options to limit arms sales and aid to Saudi Arabia, part 3

52. Facing a President’s veto: a series on Congress’s options to limit arms sales and aid to Saudi Arabia, part 1

53. America’s Unipolar Moment of Renewal or Collapse?

54. Insufficient Energy Technology in Pakistan: A Conversation with Michael Kugelman

55. An Analysis of the PBOC’s New Mobile Payment Regulation

56. The Results of 2019 Parliamentary Elections in the Perspective of 2018 Local Government Elections

57. The Government-Citizen Disconnect, Suzanne Mettler

58. Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy after Reconstruction, David Bateman, Ira Katznelson and John S. Lapinski

59. Forecasting Models and the Presidential Vote

60. Assessing Capacity of Urban Climate Governance: A Case from Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities

61. South Korean Defense Budgets 2017-2019: Paying More Despite a Reduced Threat?

62. Hebrew and Polish: Mutual Influences and Their Contribution in Creating a Polish Criminals’ Jargon

63. The Narrative of Political Islam: Constitutionalism and Human Rights

64. Militarization and Marginalization of American Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

65. Abraham Lincoln, Hillary Clinton, and Liu Xiaobo

66. Historical Trajectory of the U.S.-Russia Relationship: Perception and Misperception: A Conversation with Professor Tatiana Shakleina

67. Looking Inward to Improve National Security: A Conversation with Former Congressman Christopher Gibson

68. The California Voting Rights Act and Local Governments

69. The Role of Official News Releases of the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in the Success of the Korean Wave

70. Transforming Turkey? Putting the Turkey-European Union Relations into a Historical Perspective

71. The negotiating process around ‘homeland level status’ reversion between Japan and Okinawa

72. Japan’s new assertiveness: institutional change and Japan’s securitization of China

73. Ukraine on the Eve of Election Year: Public Demand, Positions of Political Actors, Outline of the New Government

74. Open source intelligence (OSINT) as an element of military recon

75. Cambodia and the Asian Values Debate

76. The Challenge of the South China Sea: Congressional Engagement and the U.S. Policy Response

77. Americans are morally responsible for America’s war on Yemen a series on Yemen, part 1

78. The Future of U.S. Partnerships: A Conversation with Hans Binnendijk

79. The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas, by Dan Drezner

80. Human Rights, Democracy, and Ethics at the Forefront of Education of Public Security Forces in the Western Hemisphere: The WHINSEC Experience​

81. Re-embracing the Wartime Detention Mission

82. The United Nations Development Programme and the Two Koreas

83. The Hegemony of Governmentality: Towards a Research Agenda

84. Journal of Advanced Military Studies: Lessons Learned

85. Türkiye Ekonomisi: Bardağın Dolu Tarafına Bakmak

86. Russian direction in the paradiplomacy of Polish local governments

87. Journal of Public and International Affairs 2016

88. Pushing Cookies at the Coal Face

89. SITREP: What We Talk About When We Talk About Brazil

90. In Defense of The “Obama Doctrine”

91. Subnational Economic Freedom and Performance in the United States and Canada

92. Journal of Advanced Military Studies: Climate Change & Policy

93. Report X Marks the Spot: The British Government's Deceptive Dossier on Iraq and WMD

94. Clientelism with Chinese Characteristics: Local Patronage Networks in Post-Reform China

95. Financing Medicaid: Federalism and the Growth of America's Health Care Safety Net, Shanna Rose

96. America Inc? Innovation and Enterprise in the National Security State, Linda Weiss

97. Old Habits, New Consequences: Pakistan's Posture toward Afghanistan since 2001

98. British Public Opinion and Mass-Elite Relations on EU Enlargement: Implications on the Democratic Deficit Debate

99. Political Parties in Multi-Level Polities: The Nordic countries compared

100. Thomas Piketty's Capital and the Developing World