The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
For a small farmer in Rio de Janeiro state, a private port catering to the fossil fuel industry has brought a decade-long struggle to remain on the land.
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
A relationship between a U.S. and a Mexican union, forged in the face of NAFTA, has borne fruit over decades of struggle. Two leaders reflect on the importance of international solidarity.
Labor Issues, Solidarity, Alliance, NAFTA, and Unions
Political Geography:
Latin America, North America, Mexico, and United States of America
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
The country’s current economic and democratic crisis should not be used to erase Chávez’s impressive accomplishments in working to build 21st-century socialism.
Socialism, Economic Crisis, Hugo Chavez, and Democratic Crisis
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
A new radical right with links to the dictatorship has made unprecedented gains. So far, the country’s strong democracy has tempered its worst impacts.
Democracy, Domestic Politics, Ideology, and Far Right
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
As the world of “politically incorrect” books moves from niche to mainstream, the radicalized right’s culture war attracts a new generation of followers.
Culture, Ideology, Radical Right, Culture War, and Books
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
New expressions of ultranationalist violence censoring Black women and migrants harken back to the Trujillo dictatorship. Anyone deemed a threat to Dominican values is a potential target.
Migration, Race, Violence, Radical Right, Paramilitary, Neofascism, and Ultranationalism
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
More than 1 million Colombians have been forced to flee their territories since the 2016 peace accords. As extractive industries and armed groups capitalize on displacement, biodiversity suffers.
Treaties and Agreements, Armed Forces, Displacement, Biodiversity, and Extractive Industries
The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
Yo No Fui is a feminist and anti-prison artistic collective that supports and advocates for women and LGBTQ+ people inside and outside penitentiary complexes in Buenos Aires.
Arts, Prisons/Penal Systems, Women, LGBT+, and Activism