The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
Record fires in Brazil’s Amazon this year marked a political protest led by ranchers who, already empowered under Bolsonaro’s government, are keen to push the government to fully embrace a dictatorship-era extractive doctrine.
Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI)
I will try to describe what Africa is in my view today and how it came to where it stands at present, before addressing its perspectives and closing by a few words on the relationship between Africa and Latin America, and between by own country, Morocco, and the rest of the African continent, as well as Latin America.
Development, Natural Resources, Finance, and Economy
Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI)
1. Is the rise of emerging powers the rise of the "rest" (as Fareed Zakaria has put it) or, the somewhat more intriguing possibility, the rise of the "different"? 2. Is there a chance to build a partnership between the traditional powers - the "western constellation", mainly the G7 countries - and the emerging countries, (the "rest"; the "different"), or can we only hope for a mere "coexistence", as we seem to have today?